Making Donuts

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Hello there! 💖 This is my first one-shot for this book, I hope you like it! By the way, you're as gorgeous as ever, dear! 👀💕✨❤                                                                                                                              ________________________________________________________________________________

"I'm TIRED!" whined Yashiro, mopping the floor of the girls' washroom. "Oh? Already?" asked Hanako, tilting his head. "I can help you with it, senpai!" offered Kou, taking the mop from his senpai. Yashiro gladly let him do it as she took a quick break, leaning on the sink. "Aoi and I had to do a lot of errands today, so I'm pretty exhausted," explained Yashiro, remembering how many errands she did. "So, I really appreciate your help, Kou!"

Kou blushed from flattery, and replied, "O-Oh! It's nothing, senpai! I can help you anytime!" Yashiro brightly smiled, making Kou blush harder and quickly mop the floor. "You're missing a spot, boy," smirked Hanako, pointing at the open stall, with a stinky toilet full of dung. "Eh?! Are they really that lazy to flush the toilet or what?!" exclaimed Kou, pinching his nose. He looked over to Yashiro, then remembered that he wanted to help her. Taking a deep breath, Kou entered the stall, ready to clean it. "Remember to breathe, alright, boy?" joked Hanako, smirking. "Oh shut up, Hanako!" fumed Kou, as he bravely flushed the toilet, watching all the poop go down. His face scrunched up just from the sight of the stall, toilet paper was EVERYWHERE, not only that but it STANK LIKE HIS BROTHER'S SOCKS! "Good luck cleaning it, Kou!" Yashiro called out, making Kou more determined to clean the stall. After a few minutes, it was good as new! "Not bad, boy," Hanako nodded, impressed by how quickly he cleaned it. 

"Ha! See? I told you I would clean it quickly!" triumphed Kou, feeling proud of himself. "Did I clean it well, senpai?"

Yashiro nodded, smiling widely. She was about to say something else, until she remembered something. "Ah! I was supposed to meet Aoi in the garden right now! I'm sorry, but I'll have to leave, goodbye Hanako and Kou!" waved Yashiro, exiting the washroom as fast as her little daikon legs can carry her. Now it was just Hanako and Kou, alone in the girls' washroom. "Looked like she was in a hurry, hm?" Hanako observed, putting a finger under his chin. "Yeah, you're right," agreed Kou, disappointed to see her leave.

Hanako walked up to Kou, and smiled, "The washroom's clean enough. Want to do something fun? I'm quite bored at the moment, boy." Kou was a bit surprised, but smiled back and replied, "You know how you like to eat homemade donuts, Hanako?" The ghost nodded, while Kou grinned. "Maybe we should make some plain homemade donuts together, Hanako! It's a good idea, right?" offered Kou, secretly hoping Hanako would accept. Hanako's eyes widened, and asked, "Really? Is it really alright with you?" Laughing, Kou replied, "Of course! I know a room in the school where we can make some! I remember making some with sen- I mean, I made some food there before! Let's go!" Kou immediately ran to the room, looking back a few times to make sure Hanako was following him. "Andddd we're here!" announced Kou, shutting the door behind them. "But I forgot how to make donuts..." Hanako blurted out, sighing. "Don't worry, I'll help you with the steps, there's a cookbook here too! So it'll be fine!" reassured Kou, preparing the tools they need for it. "Who knew that someone like you would know how to cook," Hanako analyzed, secretly impressed by it.

"I guess it's because I do most of the house chores at my home, my brother's not really good at that kind of stuff nor is he really motivated to do it," sighed Kou, looking up the ceiling. He then looked back to the ghost, who continued to stare at him with amazed eyes. "Do you want to start now, Hanako?" asked Kou, snapping Hanako out of his trance. "Huh? Oh, yeah, sure," nodded Hanako, walking to the counter with Kou beside him.

"So first, let's make the dough," Kou reported, looking at Hanako. "This will be pretty simple!"

After making the dough, they started to shape it. "Hey, boy. This donut I made looks exactly like you!" laughed Hanako, showing his donut to Kou. "EH?!?! THAT'S A PIG!" exclaimed Kou in disbelief, now fuming. "EXACTLY!" cackled Hanako, but he wasn't cackling for long when Kou immediately tackled him, getting both of them covered in flour, and dough. They both continued to fight and insult each other for a while, but they finally stopped. Kou stood up while Hanako remained sitting on the floor, and began to laugh. Somehow, Kou began to laugh as well. The two laughed their hearts out, until Kou asked, "Are you ready to continue to shape the dough, Hanako?" Hanako nodded and immediately got up, shaping the dough with Kou. Most of them weren't even shaped like ordinary donuts, since Kou said that it was alright to shape them in different shapes as well.

Once the donuts were all baked and cooled, Hanako helped Kou put them on a plate. The blond took a heart shaped donut and offered it to the ghost, blushing. "H-Hanako, do you want one...?" stuttered Kou, blushing from embarrassment. Hanako blinked, and his ears turned red. He smiled, and took the donut from Kou. The ghost cut the heart donut in half, while Kou watched him cluelessly. Hanako offered the other half to Kou, and genuinely smiled, "Thanks for making plain homemade donuts with me, Kou." The blond's heart thumped, hearing Hanako call him by his actual name surprised him... and also made him feel delighted. Kou took the halved donut and chuckled. "It was no problem, Hanako. Let's do this again sometime!" Kou grinned widely and took a bite of the donut. "IT'S SO GOOD!"

Hanako turned a bit red and took a bite of the donut too, as he whispered to himself,

"I hope we do something like this again soon too...."


So, uh, how was it? 😅✨ I hope it wasn't too bad for your taste! I'm going to be uploading another one-shot tomorrow, so don't worry!💖 Anyways, how's your day going so far?  👀💖✨💕

So, uh, how was it? 😅✨ I hope it wasn't too bad for your taste! I'm going to be uploading another one-shot tomorrow, so don't worry!💖 Anyways, how's your day going so far?  👀💖✨💕

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