Bouquet Of Flowers

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Oh, hello there once again!💖 I took a quick break from this book, but then I got an idea, which is why I'm here! That cookie I ate earlier was delicious, do you want one too? If you do, I'll be back!


I'm back! The cookie was pretty expensive, but it was worth buying it for you, since I want you to taste how delicious it is! Here you go: 🍪


"Senpai! Good morning!" waved Kou, running over to Yashiro. The daikon turned around, glad to see one of her friends. "Good morning, Kou!" smiled Yashiro, happy to talk with someone she knew in the hallway since Aoi was not there. The exorcist grinned, and they both had a merry conversation. "Are you still planning on visiting Hanako, Senpai?" asked the blond, smiling widely. "Of course! He IS lonely without us after all!" giggled the daikon, walking in the hallway with Kou beside her. Those two continued to chat, until it was time to go back to their classrooms. "See you at the girls' washroom, Senpai!" chirped Kou, waving as he went into his classroom. Yashiro waved back, now walking back to her classroom as well.

'This lesson is so boring,' thought Kou, tapping his desk quietly with his index finger. "Kou, answer this question," demanded the teacher, smirking deviously. 'I bet that kid doesn't know how to think of an answer for this one since he wasn't paying attention,' thought the teacher, happy to see his student get humiliated soon. Sighing, Kou got up from his desk and walked to the chalkboard. He slowly took a chalk piece, and wrote the answer quickly, then of course went back to his seat.

Shocked, the teacher dropped his ruler. Kou's classmates were quite surprised as well, they were expecting him to be clueless but he knew the answer right away.

The teacher furiously stomped over to the chalkboard to check if the answer was wrong, and it turned out, it was correct. Furious, the teacher glared at the exorcist, who sat relaxed at his seat. "YOU, YOUR NAME IS MINACOTI KOU, RIGHT?!" pointed the teacher, fuming at Kou. "It's Minamoto Kou, sir," corrected the blond. "SHUT UP! DON'T TALK BACK!" shouted the teacher, turning red. "YOU HAVE DETENTION!"

Kou's eyes slowly widened in shock, while his older brother, Teru, stood up from his chair. "That's pretty unfair, sir. He got the question right, didn't he? Giving him detention for that is stupid. Besides, if you DID give him detention," Teru gave the teacher a death glare, "I'll be telling the principal. He DOES adore me, after all. He trusts me as well and won't hesitate to give you a punishment for getting my brother in trouble for something like this."

The teacher was speechless, and got even angrier. He stormed out of the classroom, leaving the students by themselves. "Are you alright, Kou?" smiled Teru, walking over to his little brother's desk. Kou's eyes lit up in admiration, lucky to have such a cool older brother. "That was so COOL! Thank you for that, brother!" Kou grinned widely, making Teru smile even more from how cute he is. "No problem, Kou! Anything for my little brother," chuckled Teru, ruffling Kou's hair gently. "We won't be having a teacher for now, so we can do what we want until the bell rings," Teru winked at Kou, while the girls watching from behind squealed. "Wow, that was so brave of you, Teru! I didn't expect for you to yell at the teacher. That's the School Prince for you," giggled a student, looking at Teru. "It was nothing, thanks for the compliment though," smiled Teru, making the student faint from Teru's looks. Kou just playfully rolled his eyes, used to having students surrounding his brother a lot. After a while, the bell rang, which meant they were free to leave their classrooms. "You're all dismissed!" announced Teru, playing the role of the teacher. All the students, including Kou, shouted, "OKAY!"

Kou quickly left the classroom, and saw Yashiro waiting for him in the hallway. Smiling, Kou walked over to her. Yashiro looked at the blond, beaming. "Are you ready?" asked Yashiro, raising an eyebrow with a smile. "I was born ready," Kou replied with a brave face. "Alright, then!" grinned the daikon, taking Kou's wrist and ran off to the girls' washroom, dragging a dizzy Kou along with her. Once they arrived, they looked inside the washroom. "Hanako-kun! We-" began Yashiro, but then realized there was no one there. "Did we go into the wrong washroom?" asked Kou nervously. The daikon shook her head, and they both entered the washroom, looking everywhere for Hanako. "S-Senpai! I found a note here!" exclaimed Kou, opening up the piece of folded paper. "Really? Where?!" asked Yashiro, walking over quickly to the exorcist.

"Over here," Kou replied, patting the spot near the window to show that's where he found, showing the piece of paper to Yashiro. This is what the piece of paper read:

'Dear Kou and Yashiro,

I'm just going to be gone for a while to get something outside of school. Wait for me in the girls' washroom, alright you two? Don't get captured while I'm gone!

From Hanako

P.S. Getting captured is not an option, I don't want both of you to die yet. Who would clean the girls' washroom then?'

"Are you kidding me, Hanako?" sighed Kou, but smiled. "He only wants us to stay so that we can clean this place!" whined Yashiro, annoyed by Hanako's last message. "I guess all we'll have to do is wait," Kou shrugged, sitting down by the window, where Hanako usually sits. "Hmm, okay," sighed Yashiro, sitting down on a sink.

After a few minutes of waiting, Hanako came back, floating to the washroom. Yashiro's eyes lit up, running to Hanako as fast as her little daikon legs can take her. Kou ran to meet Hanako as well. "HANAKO-KUN!!!" yelled Yashiro in relief, wrapping her arms around the apparition. "You scared us for a moment there, Hanako!" laughed Kou, hugging the ghost from behind. "K-Kou! Y-Yashiro! Hehe, I missed both of you," chuckled Hanako, not knowing what to do as the two hugged him both from in front and behind. "Uhm, could you let go now?"

Giggling, Yashiro and Kou let go of Hanako. "What did you even get from outside?" Yashiro asked curiously, tilting her head. "That's a secret," smirked the apparition, putting his index finger on his lips. "EH?!" whined Yashiro in disappointment. "Sorry~!" giggled Hanako, amused by the daikon's reaction. The bell rang, meaning they can leave the school now. "You're so mean, Hanako-kun. I'll have to leave now, though. Goodbye, Kou and Hanako!" waved Yashiro, running out of the washroom. Kou was about to leave too, until Hanako grabbed his hand. "Wait for a second with me, boy," winked Hanako, gripping tightly onto Kou's hand. Confused, the blond just nodded and stopped. The apparition let go of the other's hand, and took out a bouquet of flowers. Kou's eyes widened out of surprise, not expecting Hanako to give him flowers. "These... are for you," Hanako shyly chuckled, his bangs getting in the way of his eyes. Blushing, the blond quietly took them. Both of them didn't know what to say, until Kou embraced the ghost, with the bouquet of flowers in hand. "Thank you... Hanako. Who knew that you can be even a little romantic?" joked Kou softly, giggling. "Pfft, as if you can do any better," laughed Hanako, hugging back the exorcist. "And by the way, you're welcome~"

Chuckling, the two pulled away. "I love you, boy~" cooed Hanako, his arms slowly wrapping around the blonde's waist. "Whatever," Kou shrugged, looking away. Hanako pulled Kou closer to him, making their chests touch. "Come on, boy, say it," pleaded the apparition. "Only if you call me by my name," huffed the exorcist. The apparition sighed while smiling. "Fine then. Could you please say it, Kou~?" Hanako whispered into Kou's ear, making the blond shiver and blush. Kou looked away and quietly chuckled,

"You win then. I love you too, you dork."


The ending was pretty boring. I don't like it, but I hope that it should be okay for now. Sorry that the 'I love you' thing is a bit repetitive. But hey! How's your day going? 👀💕✨💖

 But hey! How's your day going? 👀💕✨💖

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