Tell me who the hell that guy was, NOW

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Haha, hello there! 💖 I just took a quick break, since something happened. But I'm fine now! I hope you're all doing fine as well! If you ever feel like you need someone to talk to, talk to someone close to you, or me, I don't mind! 😊💞✨💓


'Man, I failed 2 of my exams today,' thought Kou sadly, rubbing the back of his head. He continued to walk through the hallway, looking down at his shoes. The blond kept walking, until someone bumped into him. Kou tilted his head up to apologize, but the student slapped him before he could say anything. "WHAT THE HELL?! LOOK AT WHERE YOU'RE GOING, IDIOT!" yelled the student, huffing as he did so. "You're probably too damn stupid to even understand what I just said."

The guy walked away, leaving Kou, confused, angry, but most of all, guilty. "Why do I always have to be such a clutz?" Kou whispered to himself, looking down at his shoes. He decided to go to the girls' washroom to give Hanako a quick visit. "KOU!!!" called Yashiro, running up to him. Kou turned around, just to see his adorable little senpai. "S-Senpai!" stuttered the blond, smiling goofily. "You're planning on going to visit Hanako-kun, right?" asked Yashiro, looking at Kou. "Of course! How did you know?" Kou blurted out. "Just a hunch," chuckled the daikon-legged girl. She gently took the exorcist's hand and ran to the girls' washroom, dragging Kou with him. 'S-Senpai's holding m-my hand!' thought Kou, grinning goofily once again. "Hey! No running in the halls!" bellowed a teacher, waving a ruler as they ran. The students in the hallway just giggled at the teacher, which made the teacher even more annoyed. "I swear, if I got to be a principal, I would give these darn students detention," the teacher silently growled. It took a while for Kou and Yashiro to reach the girls' washroom where Hanako was, since they were in a different floor of the school. 

"Senpai, c-can we take a b-break?" panted the blond, still getting dragged by Yashiro. Also panting, Yashiro agreed, "Yeah, we r-really should..."

She let go of Kou's hand and they both sat down on top of some stairs beside them. "I wonder what Hanako's doing right now," mumbled Kou, looking at the ceiling. "Probably just sitting beside the window," shrugged Yashiro, then turned to look at the exorcist. "Remember when that guy who bumped into you slapped you? It was so rude of him!" blurted Yashiro, surprised that she said that out loud. "Wait, Senpai, how did you know about that that?!" exclaimed Kou, eyes widened. "Aoi told me about it, that was one of the reasons I came to see you," chuckled Yashiro nervously. "I was wondering if you were okay."

Touched, Kou began smiling widely like an idiot. "Thank you for worrying about me, Senpai! But I'm fine, thanks to you! Seeing you cheered me up a bit!" smiled the exorcist. Yashiro smiled back, and they both started a long conversation, forgetting to visit Hanako. After their conversation was done, that was when Kou realized that they were going to visit Hanako. "HANAKO! I FORGOT ABOUT HIM! SENPAI, WE FORGOT TO VISIT HANAKO!" Kou immediately shouted in realization. As soon as Yashiro heard this, she exclaimed, "OH NO! HANAKO-KUN MIGHT BE MAD AT US FOR NOT VISITING HIM!" The daikon thought about how Hanako might pull out his knife and stab both of them with it. She then grabbed Kou's hand before he could react and dragged him to the girls' washroom as quickly as possible. Once they arrived, they were panting so hard that they both collapsed at the entrance of the washroom. Hanako turned around to see them, with a frown on his face. He stayed silent, staring at them until Yashiro finally stood up, giggling nervously as she saw Hanako's frown. "W-We were planning on visiting you, Hanako-kun! We didn't mean to be this late," fake laughed Yashiro, hoping he doesn't kill her. 

"That's not what I'm mad about, Yashiro," muttered Hanako, glaring at Kou. "Get up, boy."

Trembling with fear, the blond awkwardly stood up, smiling out of nervousness. Confused, Yashiro stayed silent as Hanako slowly walked towards Kou. The exorcist just intensely sweated, scared of what might happen to him. The apparition just grabbed Kou by the collar and put their faces close together, making some weird tension between them. "Y-You're too close, Hanako," stuttered Kou quietly, looking away. "Tell me who the hell that guy was, NOW," growled the ghost, using his other hand to tilt Kou's head to face him directly. "W-What guy..?" asked Kou, confused. "The one who slapped you today," muttered Hanako, rubbing the cheek where the blond got slapped. 

"How'd you know-?" asked Kou once again, terrified from Hanako's intense eyes. "From the Hakujoudai I got to follow Yashiro, that's how I knew," answered the ghost firmly. "Now tell me where he is or what's his name so I can make sure he doesn't touch you again," demanded Hanako. Kou darted his eyes over to a wall, and replied, "Hanako, I didn't know who he was."

Sighing, Hanako let go of Kou. Relieved, Kou took a deep breath. Suddenly, Hanako embraced him tightly in his arms. The blond gasped out of surprise, not expecting his friend to do that. 

"Please... just be safe for me. I can't handle seeing you get hurt by a bunch of idiots. Try to stay away from them, please, boy. I... love you, so you can tell me anything, alright?" Hanako mumbled, with small tears in his eyes. 'Wait... he has been worried about me all this time?' thought Kou, surprised. "Alright, Hanako. Just for you, since I love you too," chuckled Kou, hugging back the other. Hanako made a small smile, embracing him even tighter. Yashiro watched, tearing up happily from how cute they are. Once they pulled away, the ghost looked over to the daikon. "Yashiro, stay close to Kou to protect him from those idiots. He'll do the same for you, I'm sure," smiled Hanako. Yashiro quickly bowed and stuttered, "O-Of course, Hanako-kun!"

Then Hanako turned back to face Kou. He cupped the blonde's face, while Kou just tilted his head in confusion. The ghost genuinely smiled at him, making Kou blush quite hard. "Cute," whispered Hanako, as he pulled Kou closer into a kiss. Kou widened his eyes, but didn't hesitate to kiss back, his arms wrapped around Hanako's neck. Yashiro just began to nosebleed as she put a thumbs up at them. They continued their make-out session, but Kou pulled away first, gasping for air. Hanako smiled at him, and whispered in Kou's ear,

"You're adorable, let's do this again sometime, alright boy?"


This one was quite fun to type! It's my first time making Yashiro and Kou scared of Hanako, which probably made them act out of character, so I apologize for that. 😅💓 Anyways, how are you all doing today? 🥺💕✨💖

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