Kou Gets Sick

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Ah, hello there! 💖 How are you all doing lately~? Good? Bad? Well, I hope you're at least having a decent life so far! I suddenly got this one-shot idea and I've got to say... I should've thought about this earlier. Sorry for uh, not updating for a while. 😅✨ I was losing motivation on doing anything but watch anime. I apologize for being a lazy author, and I'm also sorry you have to waste your precious time to read this.

Did you know that you have a secret fan somewhere? Hint: That secret fan is the one wrote this. 😉💞✨💖


"A-Achoo!" sneezed Kou, rubbing his nose vigorously. "Kou! Are you sure you're not sick? You've been sneezing and coughing a lot lately," worried Yashiro, patting the blonde's shoulder. Kou let out a small chuckle, and replied, "Of course I'm fine, Senpai! It's just allergies!" Unconvinced, Yashiro sighed. "You should go home for now, Kou. It's obvious you have a fever! And I'm extremely worried about you, so please, go home," pleaded the daikon, putting her lost puppy dog eyes on. Kou took a step back, not knowing what to do now. 'Senpai's so CUTE! Maybe I SHOULD go home... wait no! I still have tons of studying to do! I don't want homework,' thought Kou, sighing. "I'm sorry, Senpai. But I've decided already to stay here at school. Please do accept my decision," Kou chuckled softly, rubbing the back of his neck. Yashiro sighed out of irritation, but nodded, accepting his decision. "Fine then. But you better stay at home tomorrow or else you won't get any better," huffed the daikon, crossing her arms. Kou nodded, "I will, Senpai. I promise."

They both continued to walk through the hallways together, talking as they did so. "Here's my classroom, Kou. Let's meet up at where Hanako-kun is, alright?" smiled Yashiro, waving a small good bye to the blond. "Okay!" grinned Kou, waving back. Once the daikon disappeared into her classroom, Kou began to sneeze a lot once again. 'Seriously?! NOW I start sneezing?! I'm literally heading to my classroom,' thought Kou, irritated at himself as he walked to his classroom quickly.

He was able to get to his classroom without being late, and entered it, still sneezing. Kou sat at his desk, sighing. Someone tapped him on the shoulder. The blond turned around, just to see his older brother, Teru. "B-Brother!" gasped Kou out of surprise. "You have a fever, don't you? And yet, you sneaked into the school without telling me," sighed Teru, glaring at his little brother. Kou giggled nervously, rubbing the back of his head. "Here's some medicine, and of course a handkerchief. I had a feeling you would still go to school with that stubborn head of yours," chuckled Teru, giving Kou a small bag. The small blonde's eyes lit up and took the bag eagerly, thanking his brother repeatedly. "Just make sure you keep the handkerchief in your pocket, I don't want you to get the other students sick," smiled Teru, while his little brother nodded, smiling back.

The teacher entered the classroom, making the entire class quiet down and face him. "Today you're going to need these tools, so come here to get one," announced the strict teacher. Everyone went up to get one, bumping into each other in the process.

Once class was finished and they get to have a break, the students left the classroom like a stampede of bulls, with Kou stuck in the stampede. The poor blonde's bag of medicine fell onto the floor and got crushed by the feet of the students. When there weren't much students left in the classroom, Kou picked up the bag sadly, sighing. 'The medicine my brother got me is now crushed, and has dust in it too. This is terrible,' thought Kou, throwing away the bag in the garbage can. "Oh well, at least I have the handkerchief in my pocket!" smiled Kou, taking out the floral printed handkerchief. "K-KOU!" called Yashiro, panting as she ran up to him. "Senpai!" beamed the exorcist, smiling widely. "I thought we were supposed to meet in the girls' washroom," Kou pondered, looking at Yashiro. "Ah! I was just worried about you, so I came here instead," giggled Yashiro nervously. "You might collapse from that fever you have..."

Smiling genuinely, Kou chirped, "Thank you for worrying about me, Senpai!" Yashiro smiled back, putting her hands on her hips. "You're welcome, Kou! Let's go to Hanako-kun now!" winked the daikon, grabbing the blonde's hand again, dragging him along. The duo arrived at the entrance of the washroom, with a grinning Hanako to greet them. "Welcome back, my fellow cleaners! Clean this place up for me, would you?" smirked the apparition, floating over to the window he usually sits at. "WHY CAN'T YOU LET US HAVE A BREAK FROM CLEANING, HANAKO-KUN?!" whined Yashiro, but grabbed the mop anyway. Kou just shrugged, smiling. The blond took a piece of cloth to wipe the mirrors. "If you're not here to clean, then why come here?" Hanako responded, putting his arms behind his head. "We're also here to come SEE YOU!" huffed the daikon, mopping the floor aggressively. Yashiro and Hanako had a quarrel for a bit, while Kou got a bit dizzier from his fever. 'I... feel so dizzy. I feel like I'm going to pass out,' thought Kou, his eyes closing slowly. The cloth dropped from his hand as he slowly lost consciousness and began falling. Hanako quickly ran to the rescue, grabbing the blond by the waist, saving him from falling onto the floor. "OH NO! KOU!" yelled Yashiro, dropping the mop and running to his side.

The apparition put his hand onto Kou's forehead, then pulling it away quickly. "He has a serious fever!" muttered Hanako, his eyes widening a little.

Hanako looked over to Yashiro. "We have to bring him back to his house," announced the ghost, picking up the blond in bridal style. Yashiro nodded, determined to help her friend. They ran out of the washroom, looking for Teru.

Soon enough, they found him. "OI, TERU GUY!" yelled Hanako, running up to him quickly with Yashiro following him from behind. Teru turned around, and his eyes widened. The girls surrounding Teru screamed out of fear and ran away. Seeing an unconscious Kou floating in the air must've scared them, I guess. "KOU!" cried Teru, grabbing his little brother from Hanako's arms. "What happened?!" demanded Teru, glaring at the apparition. "He had a serious fever, making him pass out immediately. Luckily, his head didn't hit the floor or else this would've been more serious," explained Hanako, sighing. "What happened to his medicine?! Never mind that, I have to take him home!" exclaimed Teru, running through the hallways with Kou in his arms. "I hope Kou's going to be okay," mumbled Yashiro, still worrying. Hanako patted her head softly and smiled, "Don't worry, he will be okay. He IS an exorcist, after all."

A few days passed by without Kou, making Hanako miss his company even more. Finally, the day when Kou comes back to school came. Yashiro and Hanako waited impatiently at the girls' washroom. The blond ran to the entrance of the washroom as quickly as possible. He panted while smiling widely. Yashiro's eyes widened and immediately ran up to him, embracing him tightly. "WELCOME BACK!" cried the daikon happily. "Hehe! Glad to be back!" grinned Kou softly, hugging back. Once they pulled away, they both looked at Hanako. The apparition was looking down on his shoes, his bangs covering his face.

Yashiro and Kou looked at each other with confused and worried faces. Kou turned to look at Hanako with worry. "Hey, Hanako. Are you o-" began Kou, but got cut off as Hanako jumped on him and hugged him tighter than Yashiro did. The blond gasped out of surprise, but smiled, hugging back. Hanako pulled away from him, with tears in his eyes. "You worried me so much, boy," chuckled the apparition. Kou's eyes widened, surprised to see Hanako cry over something like this. He gently wiped away the ghost's tears and smiled, "Sorry for worrying you, Hanako." They both laughed softly, while Hanako wrapped his arms around the blonde's waist. Kou put his hands on Hanako's cheeks, squeezing them a little playfully. They slowly put their faces closer, and was about to kiss until Yashiro yelled,



Haha, this one had a ton of sighing for some reason. I guess my emotions really do show in my work, huh? ANYWAYS! How's your day going so far~? 👀💞✨💓

 I guess my emotions really do show in my work, huh? ANYWAYS! How's your day going so far~? 👀💞✨💓

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