Watching Movies (Modern High School AU)

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Hello there, my dear! 💖 How are you all doing~? OH! Did you know that a cat can heal themselves by PURRING? I definitely didn't know that until now! Just thought it might be an interesting fact to share with you! 😊✨

(In this AU, Hanako and Mitsuba (including the other apparitions) are not ghosts, they're alive and well! Also, there will be no such things as apparitions in this universe so Kou's not an exorcist.)


"Hey, Kou! Want to go to my house and play video games tonight after school?" asked a student. "Erm, sorry, but I'm going to a friend's house today, again, I'm sorry!" Kou apologized, while the student just looked genuinely disappointed. Someone slapped the blond's shoulder and smiled, "Boy, we have to go to class." Kou got a bit startled, but relaxed after he realized it was none other than Amane. "Ah, alright!" chirped the blond, while Amane just glared at the other student. The student teared up a little, and before Kou got to ask why they were crying, Amane just grabbed his hand and pulled him into the classroom. "Wait, Amane! Why were they crying-?" asked Kou as he sat down at his desk beside Amane. "Eh, I don't know," shrugged Amane. "Just don't mind them."

The classroom was as lively as ever, with people throwing paper airplanes everywhere and somehow someone got their head stuck in a window. This went on for a while, until they heard the footsteps of their teacher and suddenly sat neatly at their desk, like nothing happened. The teacher walked in, and looked at his class. 'Why is this class always so suspicious?' thought the man as he narrowed his eyes at his students. They stood perfectly still in their seats, a little uncomfortable from the gaze the teacher is giving them. With a sigh, the teacher muttered, "We're going to start talking about how we multiply fractions. Get your notebooks out." They all groaned in unison, while Kou didn't seem to mind, as he wanted to get good grades. Mitsuba from behind tapped the blond's shoulder. Knowing what to do, Kou ripped a page from his notebook and gave it to his friend from behind. Mitsuba mouthed a 'thank you' to Kou, while Kou just smiled. Class continued, with tons of yawning and the sounds of pencils scratching a piece of paper. The teacher didn't exactly mind the noise too much since he despised his job, especially his class. But he minded the fact that some of them would leave their seats, so he gave the ones who did that, well, DETENTION.

Once school was over, the students flooded out of the classroom, leaving the school like they finally broke out of jail. 

"SENPAI! OVER HERE!" called Kou, with Amane beside him. Amane was able to convince Tsukasa to go home without him so that he could hang out with his friends, it took a few hours though. Yashiro was able to hear Kou's yelling and ran over to her two best friends. "We ARE going to your house, right Senpai?" asked Kou, to make sure. Yashiro nodded, smiling. She grabbed both of their hands and ran, exclaiming, "COME ON, LET'S GO!" 

After a few minutes of running, they got to front of her house, panting miserably. "WHY DID YOU WE HAVE TO RUN WHILE YOU'RE DRAGGING US?!" complained Amane, glaring at Yashiro. "WELL, IT'S BECAUSE I WANTED TO GET HERE QUICKLY SO WE HAVE ENOUGH TIME!" yelled back Yashiro, fuming. They both huffed as they looked away from each other, while Kou tried to calm them down. "Anyways! Let's both enter, my mom's still there while my dad's at work, so you don't have to worry much about being loud!" reassured Yashiro, giggling. "Thank goodness!" Kou exclaimed in relief. They went in, with Yashiro's mom greeting them. "Would you like some of the cookies I baked, boys?" Mrs. Yashiro offered, holding a tray of burnt cookies to them. Shocked, Yashiro cried, "MOM!!! I told you NOT to bake cookies when I'm not here!" Mrs. Yashiro apologized to her daughter, and was about to put away the tray of cookies when Amane stopped her. "I'll take one, I'm hungry anyway. Thank you, Mrs. Yashiro," smiled Amane as he took a cookie. "T-Thank you for appreciating my baking! You're so very kind! Unlike a certain someone," Mrs. Yashiro frowned, looking at her daughter. Yashiro just huffed, and plopped down on the couch. Kou sat down beside Yashiro and turned on the TV, while Amane stuffed his face with burnt cookies in the kitchen with Mrs. Yashiro. 

"So, what do you want to watch, Senpai?" asked Kou, scrolling through a ton of movies with the remote. "Hmm... let's try the new animated movie we saw on the wall of our school!" suggested Yashiro. "Oh! That one? I think it should be around here somewhere..." muttered Kou, searching for it. Amane came back from the kitchen and sat beside Kou. "Soooo! What are you both up to?" the messy haired boy asked, raising an eyebrow. "We're looking for the movie we saw a poster of on the wall of our school!" answered Yashiro, looking at Amane. "It looked interesting!"

"It looked pretty boring for me," mumbled Amane. "Don't judge a movie by how it looks! I'm pretty sure it should be cool. At least it's something we've never seen before," smiled Kou, "Oh! I found it!" 

Amane looked at the screen and sighed, "I guess it shouldn't be too bad."

"I've got some popcorn for you three!" giggled Mrs. Yashiro, giving Kou a bowl of popcorn since he's in the middle. "Thank you so much, mam!" thanked Kou, grinning widely. "You're absolutely welcome!" beamed Mrs. Yashiro, walking back to the kitchen. "Your mother's really nice, Senpai!" approved Kou, eating some of the popcorn. "Yeah, she really is! Also, STOP EATING ALL THE POPCORN!" whined Yashiro taking the bowl away from the blond. "H-Hey!" cried Kou, wishing he could have some more. "No eating until the movie starts, Kou!" huffed Yashiro, hugging the bowl. "Fine then, I'll play the movie now," hummed Amane, taking the remote from Kou. 

The movie began. Yashiro gave back the bowl to Kou, who was happily eating popcorn again. They shared the popcorn while the movie played, making crunching noises. Scary music began to play, as the main character in the movie entered the basement. "N-NO! NOT THE BASEMENT!" cried Yashiro, holding onto a pillow tightly. Kou was just showing a brave face, but on the inside, he was purely TERRIFIED. While Amane just casually continued to eat popcorn, licking his fingers in the process. The main character heard whispering of scary messages, making Yashiro even more scared than she already was. "SHE'S GOING TO DIE!!!" screeched Yashiro, hugging the pillow even tighter. "Calm down, Senpai! I assure you, she's not-" began Kou, but got cut off by the main character's scream, her head getting bitten off by a monster as blood got spread everywhere. Then the movie ended.

Yashiro was silent, then she began to cry. "S-Senpai! It's okay! Maybe in the sequel she will uhm... get revived by a prince!" Kou smiled nervously, trying to calm her down. "That movie ending was horrible," judged Amane, sticking his tongue out. Yashiro continued to bawl her eyes out, while Kou tried to comfort her. Once Yashiro was done crying, Kou took the remote from Amane and offered, "Let's watch your favourite love story show to calm you down so you don't get nightmares, okay Senpai?" Yashiro nodded in approval as Kou pressed play. The bowl of popcorn was already quite empty, so Yashiro got up to go ask her mom to make some more. Amane and Kou watched in silence, not that interested in the show. Kou's been trying his best not to fall asleep, but failed miserably as he closed his eyes, unaware of the fact that his head fell on Amane's shoulder. (I wonder how Tsukasa's going to react to that-) Amane's eyes widened and stayed still, not knowing what to do. 'Did he really just fell asleep on my shoulder?' wondered the brown-haired boy, smiling. 'Why is he even more adorable while he's sleeping?!'

Amane tried his best not to move, while he smiled goofily with blush on his cheeks. Yashiro came back to the living room with a bowl of popcorn in her hands. "Luckily we still have more popcorn! What did I miss n-" started Yashiro, but stopped as she saw Kou sleeping on Amane's shoulder, while Amane's arm was wrapped around the blond. Sighing, Yashiro whispered to herself,

"I knew they liked each other! Aoi better give me my well deserved 5 dollars."


Ah, this took a while! My laptop's about to die from typing this up, but it's all worth it! 💖 Anyways, how are you all doing today? 🥺💓✨💞

Ah, this took a while! My laptop's about to die from typing this up, but it's all worth it! 💖 Anyways, how are you all doing today? 🥺💓✨💞

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