Are you really that jealous... Hanako?

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Hello there, again! 💖 I may not always post one-shots here, same with my other book. BUT, I'll try to post as much parts as possible! ✨ You know how the sun is bright and warm, every time it appears in the sky? Well, it can't compare to how beautiful and bright you are~! Not even a little! 🥺💕✨💖


Kou and Mitsuba were busy talking to each other in Mitsuba's boundary, while Hanako just watched Yashiro, making sure she doesn't get into much trouble. "Here! I... made you a letter, with some pictures I drew," Kou chuckled nervously, "I-I know it's not much, but I thought that you might like it."

Mitsuba got surprised for a moment, but took the letter and smiled warmly, glad to have a nice friend. "Thank you, Kou!" beamed the pink-haired apparition. Ever since they reunited, Kou told Mitsuba to call him by his name and not some stupid insult. It took a while, but Mitsuba got the hang of it. Hanako secretly watched from the corner of his eye, while also keeping track of Yashiro. 'What's this feeling..?' thought Hanako, confused from his emotions. "Hanako-kun, are you alright?" asked Yashiro, clearly worried about him. Hanako jumped and silently squeaked. 'How did I not notice she was right in front of me?!' wondered Hanako, feeling a bit embarrassed from getting scared. "Yeah, I'm alright," replied Hanako, smiling, "Why? Were you worried?"

Yashiro stuttered a little, but yelled, "OF COURSE I WAS WORRIED! You are my friend after all! Also, why were you watching Kou and Mitsuba with that weird look on your face?" Hanako got stunned by the question, and didn't know how to answer it. "What do you mean by 'weird look'? I didn't have a weird look on my face," Hanako claimed, even though he was sure he probably did. "You did! There's no point in arguing, Hanako-kun. You looked like you were... jealous. I don't know why you would be feeling jealous, but you were. It's fine if you don't want to tell me, but you should know it's okay to tell me anything, okay, Hanako-kun?" reassured Yashiro, patting Hanako on the shoulder. The apparition smiled happily, knowing that he can trust her. "I might tell you someday, but for now, I'll just figure something out for myself," grinned Hanako, looking over to Kou and Mitsuba. 'So, that feeling of anger I was feeling wasn't just any type of anger, it was jealousy,' thought Hanako, looking at the two with dull eyes. 'That's interesting.'

Hanako quickly walked over to them, dragging a whining Yashiro with him. He took Kou's arm and smirked. "Are you done with your little chit-chat? We really have to go back to the school~" Hanako stated, giving Mitsuba a glare while doing so. Mitsuba got scared, trembling a little from fear. "Oh come on, Hanako! Just a few more minutes! We were in the middle of talking about something important here! Right, Mitsuba?" Kou asked, looking back at the terrified Mitsuba. "Uh, Mitsuba? Is there something wrong?"

Mitsuba just continued to tremble, stuttering words, but no one understood what he said. "Mitsuba! Are you okay?!" Kou asked worriedly, not knowing what scared his friend. "Hanako, senpai, do you know what scared him?" asked Kou, looking over to his two other friends. Hanako finally stopped glaring at the poor apparition and stared at Kou. "Can you say what you said once again, but a little louder?" questioned Hanako. Kou got annoyed by this, and shouted, "DO YOU KNOW WHAT SCARED MITSUBA OR NOT?!" The calm apparition thought for a bit, then answered, "I have no clue." Kou grabbed Hanako by the collar and began shaking him, insulting the dizzy apparition while doing so. Sighing, Kou let go of him. "What about you, senpai?" asked Kou, wishing she would know. "I'm sorry, Kou, but I don't know what scared him," apologized Yashiro, secretly thinking that it might be Hanako who scared him. The exorcist looked back at his trembling friend. He walked up to him, and comforted him with a hug. "Shh, it's okay, Mitsuba. I may not know what scared you, but you'll be okay," assured Kou, making Mitsuba smile, nuzzling Kou's neck cutely. Hanako silently hissed, but kept a straight face to not scare Mitsuba again.

"BOY~! We have to go now!" yelled Hanako, waiting for Kou to stop hugging the other apparition. "FINE, FINE! I'M COMING!" Kou yelled back, saying a quick goodbye before leaving Mitsuba's boundary, with Mitsuba helping them go through the mirrors quickly. 

Once they got back to the girls' washroom, Yashiro asked Hanako, "Why did we have to leave so early?" Hanako just shrugged and replied, "We've been in there too long." Yashiro pouted and argued with how that's not even a good reason to leave, soon even Kou started arguing with Hanako, backing up Yashiro. "I never knew it would be this big of a deal," Hanako sighed, stopping the argument. "We already left, so what's the point of arguing?" asked Hanako. Yashiro and Kou stood there, speechless. Kou was the first one to make the move, grabbing the apparition's collar, and stared deep into the other's eyes. Hanako stared back, confused. "I... honestly just wanted to have more time with Mitsuba. There was so much we had to talk about, but you made us leave early just for one stupid reason like THAT?!" yelled Kou, he was about to say something else, but stopped as soon as he saw Hanako's guilty face. 

"Sorry..." mumbled Hanako, looking down. Kou was taken back from that, he's never seen Hanako look that guilty before, it even made him guilty himself. He gently let go of the other's collar, and bowed. Hanako got startled by that, confused once again on what in the world Kou was doing.

Yashiro just watched from the background, tilting her head. 

"I'm so sorry, Hanako! I didn't mean to be that rude, I-" Kou began, but Hanako put a finger on his lips to stop him. "It's alright, but I'm the one who's supposed to apologize, boy," chuckled Hanako, trying not to smile too widely from how cute Kou was. Embarrassed, Kou turned red. He was about to open his mouth again to apologize, but Hanako put his entire hand on Kou's mouth to stop him once again. "Geez, can you be quiet for a moment? I did say I'm the one who was supposed to be apologizing, right? So, don't apologize again," Hanako sighed, blushing a little from how adorable Kou was being at the time. "I'm sorry for making you leave early, you can go back if you'd like, but I want to tell you the real reason why I made you leave so quickly, you can listen in too, Yashiro," Hanako apologized, taking a deep breath, "It was because of... how jealous I was of Mitsuba. He gets to see you with that big grin on your face, receiving presents from you, and of course, chatting with you almost everyday. You look happier with him than you do with me and I wanted you to pay more attention to me than him so... never mind, I'm just being selfish again, huh? Just forget what I told you," Hanako chuckled sadly, embarrassed from saying it out loud. When he looked back at Kou, all he saw was a red tomato with a big open mouth. Let's just say that Kou's reaction was... priceless. "W-Wait... do you mean... you l-like me... r-romantically...?" stuttered the tomato red Kou, thinking that this might all be a dream. Hanako nodded, blushing a little.

'Hanako-kun's into guys-?' Yashiro thought, shocked from what she's seeing. 'Maybe Kou does too?!'

The blond immediately hugged the apparition, wrapping his arms around the other's neck with care. Hanako hugged him back, his heart thumping even faster. Chuckling softly with tears in his eyes, Kou whispered, "I like you too, Hanako." And those words made Hanako feel happier than he ever had, glad to meet a brave and caring person, who is Kou. The blond pulled away from the hug and said the words that Hanako's never heard anyone say to him before, making him impossibly happier than earlier,

"I love you, Hanako."


That took me a while! I was scared that this might turn into angst, but it had a happy ending! 😅✨ And please don't go thinking I don't like Mitsuba! Mitsuba's actually my second favourite character, so yeah. I actually ship Mitsukou too, but this ship captured my heart more. 💖 If this was basically just cringe, I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND WHY! But, I at least tried, so it's okay, I guess. ANYWAYS~! How are you all doing today? 🥺💖✨

 ANYWAYS~! How are you all doing today? 🥺💖✨

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