Toilet Problem

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Hello there, my friend! 💖 Sorry for not updating this for a LONG time! My school keeps throwing projects and more work for me to do there's barely any free time for me. 😭😭😭 And I didn't want to present a very forced and lazy story to you guys since you deserve better than that. 😔💖 

I hope you've been doing well! 💞 School can be a BIG pain in the butt sometimes, but once all your work is done, you get to have a reward! Trust me, it'll come, love. Just keep on believing in yourself and supporting others! 😊💞✨💖 You're truly amazing, not just because of how far you've come, but also because of how you tripped and fell many times, but still kept on going! 💖 

I'm proud of you, dear. 💞


It was silent. The girls' bathroom was so quiet, you could hear the air whooshing through the open window. "HANAKOOOOOOOO!!!!!" yelled Kou out of annoyance, breaking the silence immediately. Yashiro jumped while eating a donut, wondering what on earth could Kou be angry at Hanako for. The apparition appeared in less than a second, also eating a donut. "Mmph? What is it, boy? Can't you see I'm busy here?" Hanako replied with food still in his mouth, waving his donut in the blonde's face. Kou's eye twitched, even more annoyed than he was before. He then grabbed the donut out of Hanako's hand and shoved it into his mouth, chewing angrily. 

The apparition yelped, not expecting that to happen. "HEY! I was eating that!" whined the brunette, now grumpy. Once the exorcist gulped down the delicious donut, he took Hanako by the arm. Yashiro watched, amused by what was happening. She sneakily took out more donuts from her bag and ate them while watching the two. Kou dragged Hanako over to the third bathroom stall, pointing at it. "What's so special about that stall?" asked the apparition, tilting his head in confusion. "Open the door!" hissed Kou, pointing at it. "Fine, fine. I will," sighed Hanako, opening the door of the stall. His eyes widened in realization, while Kou just crossed his arms. "The toilet's clogged..." mumbled the brunette, scratching the back of his head. "Not only that, but the top of the toilet's completely crushed, making it completely unusable."

Kou just nodded, a frown plastered onto his face. "If there was a problem with this toilet, why didn't you just call the janitor?" asked Hanako, a blank look on his face as he looked at Kou. "I thought YOU broke the toilet, so I called you. But it looks like you didn't have anything to do with this either..." muttered the blonde, now completely confused. 

"It's possible a girl just lashed out at the toilet out of anger," Yashiro shrugged, joining in now that she finished all the donuts from her bag. "Only a girl? No matter how angry she was, the toilet wouldn't be this crushed that it barely works anymore," mumbled Kou, trying to figure this all out. "Could've been another apparition," suggested Hanako, making the other two nod in agreement. "Yeah, that's the only logical explanation here. Unless the girl who crushed the toilet was SUPERNATURAL!" the brunette joked as he waved his hands while making explosion noises with his mouth. Kou laughed heartily at that, making the daikon laugh too. Kou's laugh was so contagious that even Hanako began laughing. The trio laughed their hearts out until they were finished, grinning at each other. "If that actually was the case, we better prepare ourselves then," hummed Kou, leaning on a sink. Hanako nodded in response, smirking. While Yashiro just puffed out her cheeks while smiling.

The three chuckled a bit, then Hanako sighed, "How are we going to fix this toilet? It just had to be my favourite one too..."

"I could ask the principal to fix it," suggested Kou, shrugging a bit. The apparition's eyes lit up as soon as he heard that. "Really? Are you best friends with the principal or something?" asked Yashiro, raising an eyebrow. The blonde just laughed softly, then replied, "No, I'm not. But since my brother is a big favourite of the principal, he treats me in a special way too. So he should be able to fix the toilet soon if I ask."

Hanako liked the idea, but then realized something. "But isn't this the girls' bathroom, boy? That principal of yours might as well think you're creepy for walking in the girls' bathroom," snickered the apparition, annoying Kou. "I guess you're right about that..." admitted Kou, looking away in defeat. "Oh! So it should be ME coming to the principal for help," mumbled the daikon nervously, scratching the back of her head. The exorcist raised an eyebrow at Yashiro and asked, "Why do you look nervous, Yashiro?"

"You see... I had a little accident with the principal that I REALLY don't want to talk about right now," laughed Yashiro nervously. "So he probably he hates me too much right now to talk to me..."

The two boys looked at each other in confusion but just shrugged, looking back at Yashiro. "Maybe we can fix it tomorrow, school is about to end anyway," announced the exorcist, looking at his watch. Hanako sighed, looking bummed that they had to leave so early. "Mm, fine," mumbled the apparition, disappointed. The two humans left the school, while waving goodbye to Hanako. Yashiro and Kou separated to go to their own house, leaving Kou alone with his brother. The young exorcist hummed happily while walking home, but then noticed that something was in his pocket. He slowly took out a folded piece of paper, then tilted his head. 'What in the world is this doing here?' thought the blonde, unfolding the piece of paper in curiosity. He read what was inside the paper carefully, which said:


"Boy, meet me in the room where we made donuts together tomorrow. I have something to show you. And only you, alright?

From, Hanako"


'What would Hanako want to show me?' thought the blonde, while Teru looked at his brother in curiosity. "What are you reading, Kou?" asked Teru, smiling curiously. The smaller exorcist immediately shoved the paper back into his pocket and put on a nervous smile on his face. "I-It's nothing, brother! Nothing at all," lied Kou, sweating intensely. His older brother already knew he was lying but let it go for now. Kou then thought to himself,

'I wonder why Hanako wants to meet up with me alone...'


Oh gosh, that was so crappy I swear. 😭 I'll try to make it better next time, I promise! 💖 Also, this one might have a part 2, but if you don't want it, that's fine too! :D 💖 How are you all doing today? 👀💞✨💓

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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