Holding Hands (Modern High School AU)

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Ah, hello there! 💖 School is pretty near for me, so if I don't upload a one-shot for more than a week, it means I'm way too busy with school. 😅 I'm really sorry about that! But hey, at least I have someone bright and beautiful with me! Guess who it is? Well, it's no other than you! Who else would it be, you adorable dummy? ✨


"Halloween is near! What are you planning on doing for Halloween, Amane?" asked Yashiro, walking beside the messy haired boy in the hallway. "Eh, nothing much. Halloween is just another boring holiday. The only good thing about it is scaring children and getting free candy," shrugged Amane, sticking his tongue out in boredom. Yashiro pouted from the reply and huffed, "Halloween is NOT boring, Amane! How could you even say that?!"

The two quarreled for a bit, until they saw a certain bright blond on the right side of the hallway. "KOU!" exclaimed the daikon in joy, running up to him in an instant, leaving Amane in the dust. "Ah, Senpai!" smiled Kou, turning around to face Yashiro. "How come you left Amane all the way over there?" asked the blond, looking at the messy haired boy in the distance. "Hmph! He was being mean about Halloween! Amane hates it for some reason!" fumed Yashiro, crossing her arms. "I'm pretty sure he has a good reason for hating it," chuckled Kou, then smiled at Amane. "HEY AMANE! COME HERE!!!" called out the blond, grinning. Not having a choice because everyone in the hallway heard him, Amane sighed and walked over to his two best friends. "What do you want?" groaned the messy haired boy. "Nothing! Just wanted you to come here!" giggled Kou, smiling dearly at Amane. 

Amane blushed deeply from Kou's smile, hiding his face in his hands so no one would notice how red he is. "Anyways~! We'd like to know why you hate Halloween!" grinned the blond, making Amane understand why he was brought there. "Yeah, Amane! Tell us why!" huffed Yashiro desperately. "Like I said before, it's a boring holiday of costumes and candy. There's no meaning in it," sighed the messy haired boy, rolling his eyes. Yashiro and Kou looked at each other for a few seconds, then grinned. "We have an idea to make you LOVE Halloween!" triumphed Yashiro, smirking. Amane felt nervous about this 'idea', since every time Yashiro smirks, something bad is going to happen to him. "Are you sure you're not just going to kill me or something?" asked Amane, secretly terrified of his friends' idea. "Huh? Of course not! We're not going to kill you!" replied Kou, with a raised eyebrow on why Amane asked that. 'They're probably going to torture me,' thought Amane, panicking on the inside. 

A few days passed, and then it was finally HALLOWEEN!

"Amaneee~!" smirked Yashiro and Kou, making Amane more terrified of them. He has been trying to avoid them lately to make them change their minds on doing this 'idea' of theirs, but instead it just made them more determined to do it. Kou and Yashiro even had their secret meetings, without Amane of course. But every time Amane tried to sneak up on them, they always found out, which creeped him out even more. 

"Y-You don't have t-to do this, y-you know!" giggled Amane nervously, looking for an escape. "Oh please, Amane! You HAVE to go with us! We're going to show you the highlight of Halloween!" smiled Yashiro mischievously. "I think I already know the highlight of Halloween thank you, now please let me go," Amane forced a smile as he said it. "Please go with us, Amane! For me...?" pleaded Kou, using his puppy dog eyes on Amane. Not being able to resist how cute his crush is, Amane gave in and ended up going with them after all. 'At least he's smiling happily again,' thought Amane, smiling a little to himself. "We're here~!" chirped Yashiro, standing beside the haunted house the school made. Amane stood there, shocked. 'Wait, so this "idea" they were planning... was just putting me into a stupid haunted house? Honestly, I'm relieved it's nothing like I thought it was going to be,' thought the messy haired boy, relaxing a bit as he exhaled. 

Hanako X Kou Oneshots! ✨Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora