Soulmate Detector (Modern High School AU)

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Hello there, again! 💖 I suddenly got this idea out of no where and then I immediately opened my Wattpad account just to write a one-shot about this idea. Hey, you DO know you're beautiful, right? You really should, but if you don't, then I guess I'll have to remind you. 

You're absolutely beautiful, dear~ 💕✨

(This is in the same AU that I did for my fourth one-shot, so if you'd like to learn more about the AU, go to the 'Watching Movies' one-shot I did. 😊💖)


'This is so cool!' thought Kou, curling up on the couch, with his phone in hand. School was over and he's in his house right now, relaxing comfortably. His older brother was outside hanging out with his friends, so he was alone in the house for now. "I didn't know there was an app for finding your soulmates!" Kou's eyes widened in excitement at the sight of the app. It was interesting for sure, but he doesn't know if it's the real deal or not, since he has only been on his phone for a few times, not using it much due to homework and chores. 'I wonder who my soulmate is,' thought the blond in wonder, looking up at the ceiling. 'I'm definitely downloading this app.'

The next day, Kou secretly brought his phone to school, to see how the app works. "HEY KOU!!! WAIT FOR US!!!!" called Yashiro, panting while dragging an unamused Amane with her. "Ah! Senpai! Amane!" beamed Kou, stopping to look at his friends. 

"We've been calling your name so many times! Is something on your mind?" asked Yashiro curiously, while Amane just whispered, "I didn't even call his name once..." Kou chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "I just found an app yesterday that can track where your soulmate is!" marveled the blond in excitement. Yashiro and Amane just stayed silent for a few seconds while Kou just kept thinking of how cool the app is. "Sorry to break it to you, boy, but it probably doesn't work," sighed Amane, shaking his head. The blonde's smile immediately dropped as soon as he heard that, then looked down in embarrassment and disappointment. "Look at what you did, Amane! You hurt his feelings!" huffed the daikon, looking at Amane. "What are you being angry at me for? He has to know," the messy haired boy rolled his eyes. But once he looked at Kou, he felt guilty all of a sudden. Sighing, Amane put his hand on the blonde's shoulder and smiled. "I was just kidding, boy. It works," Amane chuckled softly, glad to see Kou's face perk up a little. "Sorry for tricking you."

The blond smiled, looking at Amane. "It's alright, Amane! I knew you didn't mean any harm," grinned Kou, putting an arm around the messy haired boy's neck. Yashiro was a bit surprised from the fact that Amane lied to Kou, but she was glad he did that to make the blond feel better. "Well? What are we waiting for? Let's go to class!" smiled the daikon. The two boys nodded, and they both began to walk to their classrooms. Before going to his classroom, Amane whispered into Kou's ear, "Let's check out that app after school, okay?" Kou nodded in agreement with a big grin. 

Their classes were over, and they got some free time for a while. The trio met up in a certain spot outside the school building. "Do you want to do anything fun?" asked Yashiro, walking in between the two. "Obviously, or else we'll be bored to death," Amane replied, sticking his tongue out. Yashiro got annoyed by the answer and immediately started an argument with Amane, while Kou tried to stop them. Once they were calmed down, Yashiro looked at Kou. "Oh right! The app you were talking about! Can we check it out now?" pleaded the daikon, looking around to make sure there weren't any teachers. "Ah, yes! Amane and I decided to look at it after school! Sorry, Senpai!" giggled the blond apologetically. "Oh really? Okay then! Let's check it out after school!" beamed Yashiro, but glared at Amane for a split second. The bell rang, telling the kids to go back to their classrooms. "Let's go back to class now, then!" Kou grinned. The three students went inside, talking with each other on the way there. 

Once school ended, the trio met up under a tree outside of the building. "You want to walk home together?" asked Yashiro hopefully. Kou nodded, while Amane shook his head. "Hmm? Why can't you come, Amane?" pouted a disappointed Kou. "Because I need to-" began Amane, but when he saw the disappointed face of the blond, he stopped. With a sigh, the messy haired boy mumbled, "Fine, I'll go."

Kou and Yashiro cheered, happy to know that their friend's walking with them. They began to walk home together, when Kou suddenly remembered something. "The app! I forgot to show you guys about it!" the blond realized, reaching into his back pocket to get his phone. "I forgot about it too for a second!" exclaimed Yashiro, mentally slapping herself for forgetting about it. "Actually, you forgot about it for MORE than a second, Yashiro," corrected Amane, smirking. "Oh shut up, Amane!" huffed Yashiro, crossing her arms. "Here's the app!" grinned Kou, showing the app on his phone to the two of them. "Yep, it does look fake," whispered Amane, while Yashiro slapped him on the back of his head. "I'll just have to press this button and I'll find my soulmate!" beamed Kou. "I'm kind of nervous, though..."

The daikon put her hand on the blonde's shoulder and reassured him, "Don't worry, Kou. I'm pretty sure that your soulmate is a wonderful and attractive person!" Kou smiled genuinely, and took a deep breath. "Thanks Senpai, I'll press it now," the blond bravely announced, pressing the button slowly. 

It was detecting Kou's soulmate for a few minutes, while the trio waited for it to load fully. "See? It doesn't work," sighed Amane, but as soon as he said that, the app said that it detected Kou's soulmate. "Ha! See, Amane? It works!" Yashiro triumphantly smirked. "The app says that my soulmate is in front of me. Who is it n-" began Kou, but once he looked in front of him, he saw Amane. "Huh? What is it?" asked Amane curiously. "A-Amane... y-you're my s-soulmate," stuttered Kou, flustered. The messy haired boy's eyes widened, while Yashiro exclaimed, "WAIT REALLY?! LET ME DOUBLE CHECK!"

"Amane, move over there," Yashiro demanded, pointing at a tree beside her. Amane had no choice but to move. The arrow in the app still pointed at Amane. "SO YOU REALLY ARE HIS SOULMATE! THIS IS... VERY UNEXPECTED!" gasped Yashiro, while Kou just spaced out with the phone in his hands. Amane blushed at the thought of being Kou's soulmate, even though the app was probably lying, he smiled genuinely from the thought. "So I really am your soulmate, huh, boy?" chuckled Amane softly, while Kou just stood there, speechless with his mouth open. Smiling, the messy haired boy whispered in the blonde's ear,

"You're so cute, Kou."


Another short one! Sorry for not making it longer, but I do hope it's alright! Anyways, how are you all doing today? 🥺💞✨💓

Another short one! Sorry for not making it longer, but I do hope it's alright! Anyways, how are you all doing today? 🥺💞✨💓

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