Chapter 13

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We went to the hospital, where Spencer's body was being held. I held onto Chris, bawling until I couldn't anymore. He held onto me, tears streaming down his face as well. Our eyes both bloodshot from the strain of trying to function while crying.

"Ma'am?" A nurse questions me.
"I am so sorry for your loss, but I wanted to let you know, these were in his pockets." She held a baggy with his phone, a note, and a rectangular box. She handed it to me, as I thanked her and we left; they would donate all of his organs, cremating the rest for me.

When Chris and I got back to the hotel, I sat down and opened the bag. Inside of it, Spencer's phone, which nothing was left of, a box that was perfectly fine, and a note. I read the note:

"This necklace was for our anniversary this year, but if you're reading this, something happened to me, and I am sorry my love. You were my world Addison."

Tears streaming down my face, I opened the box, revealing a necklace with my name on it. I loved it.

As the months passed, Chris and I mourned the loss of Spencer, as well as all the Ice Nine fans, and his family. But, we all moved on, no matter how hard it was. There were good days, there were bad days. There were days that I felt numb; but I still lived on.

An/ Im sorry this one is short, but I have big plans for the rest ;)

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