Chapter 4

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"Hey, look at this hottie," I hear Spencer say. Just then, he taps my shoulder. "Hey, you, turn around."
Reluctantly, I turn around. When he sees my eyes, his smiles fades and worry washes over his face. Before he could say anything, I turn back around. The rest of the class goes okay, as it's actually quiet for once. I have a free period next, so I planned on going to the library to get a new Stephen King book.
I packed my things up and left for the library. I was one of the first ones out this time because I didnt want to stay behind for Spencer to torment me.
O entered the library and went to where Stephen King was. I went through his books, and stopped when I found one of my favorites, Pet Semetary. I reached up to get it when somebody, clearly taller than me, grabbed it first. I was going to tell until I turned around and saw Spencer.
"Stephen King, huh? Nice.. This is one of my favorites by him, but Misery is my all time favorite."
Are you kidding me? Great. We've got something in common. Just what I want.
Surprisingly, he handed me the book without another word. But before he did, I saw him slip a piece of paper into it. Wonder what that is. The rest of the day went like first period, peaceful. I was relieved when the last bell rang, releasing us.
While on my way home, I thought about what happened this morning. I might want to hurry up the stairs to my room, or go in through the window if he's home. Luckily, when I pull in, his car isn't there. So I easily walk in through the front door, and head up to my room.
I take the book out, finding the piece of paper from Spencer. I completely forgot about that. Time to see what's on it. I unfolded it and read, "We need to talk. Text me: (372)-971-5510- Spencer"
I thought for a few. What does he mean by "we need to talk?" Should I text him? I'll text him to come over so we can talk, I guess.
So I texted him.

   Hey Spencer, it's Addison. You said we need to talk, so come over if we really need to talk. Here's my address: 547 East 21st Street. Be best to come over ASAP.

   Hey, Addie.. yeah, we need to talk. I'm on my way. See you in about 15 minutes.

15 minutes later, I hear a knock on my door. I walk downstairs and open the door, seeing Spencer.
"Come in. We can go to my room."
He gave the living room one glance and looked at me, worry and sorrow in his eyes. My one question is why is he not being an asshole to me anymore?
We get up to my room, and we go sit on my bed. We sit there in silence for a while, until he breaks the silence.
"Why what?"
He looked at me, "Why did you change so much about yourself, Addie?"
I looked at him with tears in my eyes, then looked away.

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