Chapter 1

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There it is. Hell. Oops, sorry, I mean Salem High. I stand by my truck, looking at the school and mentally preparing myself. Thank God it's my senior year.
I started walking towards the front doors when he stopped me. Oh God, what does he want from me now?
"Addison! What a surprise that you showed up! You know, I thought you'd have given up a long time ago."
"What do you want from me, Spencer?"
"What do you want from me Spencer?" He repeated in a mocking voice.
"Nothing. I just want to see what classes I get to bug you in."
Next thing I know, he takes my schedule out of my hands and compares it to his.
"See you in first, third, fourth, and sixth, slut." He threw my schedule back at me and walked away with his friends, all of them laughing at me.
I walked to first period, English, and greeted the teacher, Mr. Boris. I walked to the back of the class and sat down, as there was no seating chart. I plugged in my headphones and texted my best friend, knowing they were still asleep because they go to boarding school now.
The bell rang a few minutes later, and the class started filling up. I looked up once I heard some laughing.. of course its them.. who else would it be?
I hoped he wouldn't sit near me, but it was useless because he sat right behind me. Just my luck. The second bell rang, and class started. As usual, I heard Spencer and his friends talking about me. To add onto it, Spencer kept messing with the legs of my chair.
I looked up at the clock. Just a few more minutes. I started packing up, as did everybody else. I stood up, checking my phone, plugging back into my music. Then boom. One of my earbuds is ripped from my ear and I hear him whisper, "Acting like the freak we all know you are."
That one sentence bothered me for the next two months. One day, something within me snapped. I was determined. I was tired of the relentless bullying. It was time to take a stand. The one thing people should learn, is to not judge a book by its cover.

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