Chapter 7: Breaking the news to Kata

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After Kid dropped me off I headed up to my apartment and immediately called Katakuri.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Hey beautiful, what's up?" Katakuri said.

"Well, uh I was hoping we could meet up at the dessert shop around 7. We have to talk." I said.

"Yeah sure, I can meet you there. Is everything okay?" he asked.

"Um, yeah we just really need to talk. See you soon!" I said, then immediately hung up.

My heart was racing. I honestly feel horrible for what I'm about to do. Kata is such a sweet, nice, and caring guy and he doesn't deserve this...but I know I'm making the right decision for me and him both. It wouldn't be fair to string him along for much longer when my feelings for Kid continue to grow at a rapid rate each time I see him.

I ended up walking to the dessert shop since I forgot that I don't have a car at the moment. I arrived a bit late, around 7:15. Fuck, not only am I about to end things with Kata, I'm now 15 minutes late and that makes it even worse.

I walked in and Kata was already seated and had ordered for us. He stood up as soon as he saw me, and walked over to give me a hug.

"Sorry for being late. My car is in the shop right now, so I decided to walk here." I said, mid hug.

"(Y/N), I would've picked you up." Kata released me from the hug and bent down to give me a quick peck.

This is gonna fucking suck...

"Oh, it was no trouble at all. I enjoy walking. I just feel bad for being late." I said, taking a seat at the table.

"So, let's cut to the chase. What did you want to talk about?" Kata said, whilst taking a bite of a donut.

"Well...this is going to sound cliché as hell but Kata, please don't hate me. I don't think we should continue what we are doing. It's seriously not you at all, you're literally perfect and deserve someone way better than me, and I know you will find her one day." I said.

"Well, this sucks for sure, but I can't say that I'm surprised. I could tell that something or someone was on your mind the whole time in Miami. That's why I asked if you saw a future with me, and when you said you weren't sure deep down I knew that this talk would be inevitable." Katakuri said.

"Do you hate me?" I asked, sadly.

Kata then took my hand in his and stared deep into my eyes then said, "(Y/N), I could never hate you. Never in a million years. I still want to be friends, see you, and get to know you all the more."

"Thank god. I really thought you were going to say the opposite of that. And yes, I would like that Kata." I said.

Kata then let go of my hand and sat up then asked, "So what's he like? I need to know that this man is gonna treat you right, and if he doesn't me and him are going to have a problem."

"Thanks Kata, but are you sure you want to hear about him?" I asked.

"Yes, yes I do. I have to know what the competition is like now, don't I?" Kata said with a wink.

I giggled then said, " Yeah, yeah. Fine. Honestly he's kind of still a mystery to me that I seem to be unraveling day by day. He's a little hot head, but I think I know how to put him in his place."

"That's good. If he ever messes up come to me. Whether it's just for advice or other things. Please call or text and I'll come to you." Kata said.

"Thank you. And thank you for being so cool about everything too." I said, with a smile.

"No problem at all. Let's finish these treats and I'll drive you home." Kata said

"Sounds like a plan. I don't know how much more walking I can handle tonight. Thank you." I said.

When Kata dropped me off we said our goodbyes and I went up and took a shower. I heard my phone ding a few times while I was in the shower so I checked it when I got out.

The dings turned out to be texts from Kid.

Kid: Hey claws, I'll be at your apartment at 8:30 tomorrow to bring you to work.

Also, how is it that you managed to stay on my mind this entire time?

Me: Are you sure? I can just uber, it's no big deal. And hm... must be that spell I put on you lol


Kid: You're not ubering. That's final.

Ha! I knew you did some kind of voodoo shit on me you crazy woman

Me: Chilll I was joking firehead


Kid: Firehead? The fuck.

Me: You call me claws, it's only fair I have an equally appropriate nickname for you too


Kid: Yeah. You're getting punished for that one tomorrow.

Me: Oh yeah? And what does this 'punishment' consist of exactly?


Kid: You're just going to have to find out tomorrow claws

Me: Fine you stubborn man. Also, me and Kata are officially done. I'm all yours firehead.

Ding, Ding


And good riddance, now I have you all to myself. Words can't explain how I feel right now.

Me: Never lol. And yeah, it went pretty well honestly. And hmm, well I hope you are feeling very good to say the least...

Anyways I'm about to go to bed though. Night, see you tmrw bright and early firehead.


Kid: What are you an old lady or something? It's not even 11 yet...

Me: Gooodnighttt


Kid: I'll see you tomorrow claws. Goodnight.

I giggled to myself, then set my alarm.

I laid back and relaxed. A huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders since I ended things with Katakuri. I can't wait to see where it's gonna go with me and Kid. 


A/N: ahh so I think I finally figured out how I want this story to end, and I kind of set up how the next chapters are gonna go. I'm excited!!! Hope you guys enjoyed, I'm gonna be trying to update as often as I can until it's finished!!!...xxanna

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