Chapter 20: Sunday, Funday

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I woke up the next morning wrapped tightly in Kids' arms. The strong aroma of coffee and bacon infiltrated my nose causing my stomach to twist in knots and growl.

"Someone's hungry," Kid said, opening his eyes.

"Someone has very good hearing." I said, giggling. "Wait. If you're right next to me...then who's in the kitchen?"

"Don't worry claws. The end of the perfect night had to obviously begin with the perfect morning. The boys are back and making a huge celebratory breakfast! It was their idea." Kid exclaimed.

He sat up and stretched his arms and yawned. The love bites on his neck were very prevalent...oops. I had the feeling they looked the same on mine, maybe even worse. This reminds me of being a high schooler again.

Kid held his hand out after getting up from the bed to help me up as well. I grabbed his hand, and he aggressively pulled me into a tight squeeze. He then placed a kiss on top of my head.

"My fiancé is glowing on this fine morning." Kid said with a huge smile.

"Ah. Fiancé. That will never get old." I said looking up at him and meeting his lips with mine for a gentle kiss.

We made our way to the kitchen to see Wire, Killer, and Heat all dressed in aprons plating an elaborate spread. It sure was a sight to see. I believe there was every breakfast on earth prepared as well. These guys sure went all out.

"Aw, guysss! You didn't have to do all of this!" I said, blushing.

"Yes, we did. Our two favorite people got engaged last night!" Wire exclaimed.

"Yeah. You guys deserve the best!" Heat added.

"(Y/N). Kid was planning that for MONTHS. I wish you could have seen how much of a nervous wreck he was. It was nothing like you'd ever seen. Picking the place, decorations, the ring... You would've thought he was going crazy with the amount of attention to detail he put into everything. He was an absolute mess and nightmare to deal with." Killer said.

"Oh, really now. Wow Kid you did all of that for me?? How sweet. Who knew you were such a softie." I said with a smile, getting up on my tippy toes to place a soft kiss on Kids' cheek.

His cheeks both turned bright red, and he said, "HEY. I'm not a softie. Like I said. I just wanted everything to be perfect for the most perfect girl ever."

Killer handed Kid and I each a plate then said, "Okay lovebirds. Let's eat before everything goes cold."

"You bet. Me and claws sure worked up an appetite throughout the night last night." Kid said with a wink.

I just rolled my eyes in response and started filling my plate up with tons of delicious food. -Kid was not wrong-


Breakfast was wonderful and the guys and I shared many laughs and memories around the table. They were truly like brothers to me -besides Kid obviously- and they all truly cared for me. I'm so happy. I finally feel like I belong somewhere. Like I'm needed, and it feels good. I never want to leave this place.

"So...everybody it's Sunday and we go back to the grind tomorrow morning. You guys know what I think we should do??" I asked, eagerly.

"Hm. Let me guess. Movie day?" Killer asked.

"Bingo! You know me so well. I have an idea though. Let's all write some movies down on small sheets of paper, then mix them up in a bowl and blindly draw which ones we should watch!!" I exclaimed.

"You know, for someone who's been cooped up for months you'd think that they would want to get out of the house, and I don't know, maybe get some fresh air?" Killer said, crossing his arms and sighing.

Kid wrapped his arm around me then said, "Sounds like an excellent idea babe. Why don't you go hop in the shower and we will take care of this mess out here."

"Yayyy. Can't wait!" I said, flashing Killer a devious look before heading off to Kid and I's room.


"Alright now that everyone wrote 3 movies down, let's pick the first one out!" I said, reaching into the bowl and grabbing a folded piece of paper.

I unfolded it and rolled my eyes.

"Saw 3" I said.

"Let me guess. Kid picked that movie." Killer said, rolling his eyes as well.

"Noooo I absolutely hate gory movies." Wire said, sadly.

"Haha. Too bad. You have to watch it, I didn't make the rules. (Y/N) did." Kid said while showing an evil grin.

"Rules are rules Wire. Now let's get started on our movie marathon!" I said, sitting on the couch and motioning everyone over.

Heat and Killer both beat Kid, sitting down next to me on each side. I just know this is going to piss Kid off. How fun.

"Excuse me. But the fuck do you guys think you're doing?" an angry sounding Kid said, crossing his arms.

I giggled then put each of my arms around the guys then said, "You know. Wire over there needs a big strong man to join him on the loveseat so he doesn't get scared. I think it's only fair you join him since it was your choice of movie. Or I can go cuddle up to him if you'd prefer."

"Hell. No. Stay there claws. Next movie you're going to be the one joining me on this love seat, not Wire." Kid said, taking a seat next to his buddy.

"Deal" I said, and everyone burst out laughing.


The movie lineup went as follows: Don't Breathe (Heat's choice), Identity Thief (Wire's choice), Fyre Festival Documentary (Killer's choice), and finally my choice which was Hunger Games. Honestly all of the movies were good picks. Kids' pick was questionable though as I'm not a blood and gore fan either.

After all of the movies were over, everyone simultaneously yawned. Who knew watching movies would be so exhausting. We collectively picked up the empty pizza boxes and snack wrappers before saying our goodnights and heading off to bed.

I plopped down next to Kid and snuggled up to his bare chest. I love that he rarely slept with a shirt on.

"Goodnight claws. Be ready for work tomorrow, we have lots to get done this week. Apparently, everyone's cars decided to take a shit at the same time." Kid said.

"I'll be ready. Don't cha worry babe. Night my love." I said, giving him a quick kiss.

"Goodnight. I love you" Kid said before falling fast asleep. 

He must've been exhausted. Guess I really did wear him out last night. 

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