Chapter 8: This is really the Punishment?

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A/N: warning, there is def a lemon in this chapter hehe..xxanna

P.s. enjoy!!

Surely enough, Kid was at my apartment at exactly 8:30. When I walked out of my apartment doors he was leaning against his bike with the biggest smile on his face. I ran up to him and practically jumped into his arms. I gave him a few quick kisses, then he dropped me down to my feet.

"Someone is eager to see me this morning." Kid said, with a chuckle.

"More like you were eager to see me. You were here at 8:30 on the dot, maybe even 8:29. AND when I walked out here I saw the biggest smile I've ever seen from you plastered all over your face." I said.

"Liar. And so what, maybe I like being punctual." Kid said, crossing his arms.

I giggled then said, "Says the man that was nearly an hour late on my first day of work."

"Well, uh, I was hungover so that doesn't count. Put this on and let's go. We have a lot of work to do today." Kid said, handing me a helmet.

"But wait, I want to know what my punishment is." I said, climbing behind him on the bike.

"You'll have to wait and see. Now hold tight claws, and try not to break my skin with those daggers of yours." Kid said.

I didn't verbally answer, but I answered by wrapping my arms around his back and I dug deep into his chest with my nails.


I started laughing uncontrollably, and I could feel that Kid was laughing as well.

Shortly after he started the bike up, and we were off to work.

"Jesus girl, you're lucky your car didn't explode while you were driving it." Heat said to me.

"Yeah. Seriously not smart of you to be driving it around in the condition that it's in. I'd say just get a new damn car at this point." Killer said.

"Well lets just fix her up to the bare minimum for now. Okay?" I said.

"It might take some time, but if we all work on it we can do it." Wire said.

"Thank you guys so much. I really appreciate it. It's hard not having a car at my disposal." I said.

"Well it seems that Kid has turned into your personal chauffeur eh?" Killer said, teasingly.

"I'm no one's damn chauffeur, Killer. We just need extra hands around here and claws is our best option." Kid chimed in.

Kid saying that, true or not, hit my heart the wrong way. My expression completely turned upside down from happy to sad.

"If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go use the restroom." I said, turning and not looking back.

I got into the hallway, and headed towards the bathroom door. Right when my hand grabbed the doorknob for the bathroom, someone grabbed my other hand stopping me from going any further.

I turned, and was pulled into Kids' chest. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tightly. He placed a few soft kisses on top of my head then said, "(Y/N) you know I didn't mean that right? I'm so stupid. I'm sorry. Trying to hide us from the guys is harder than I thought it would be, and I thought maybe they were getting suspicious or something and that's why I said what I did. You're way more to me than just an extra pair of hands."

"I know you didn't mean it, but when you said that my heart kind of dropped. Maybe we should just tell the guys honestly. That would be easier than putting each other down. Even if Katakuri finds out about us he won't care. I promise." I said.

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