Chapter 15: Emergency

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Hi wonderful readers!!! Long time no see. I really hope you enjoy this chapter :)


"Ahhhhhh," I screamed out of a dead sleep. I instantly shot up shivering yet sweating at the same time.

"Shit (Y/N). You scared the hell out of me. What's wrong???" Kid said, sitting up worriedly.

I don't know what the hell is going on with me. What the hell is up with all of these nightmares I've been having. And shit I really don't feel good, I'm so dizzy...

"I-I don't know what's wrong with me Kid. Somethings not right." I said.

"Maybe you drank too much last night. I'll go get you some water." Kid said, starting to get up.

I pulled on his wrist not wanting him to leave. I really think I'm about to pass out.

"Kiddd I-I really don't feel good." I murmured, now uncontrollably shaking.

"That's it. I'm taking you to the emergency room. C'mon (Y/N) throw some clothes on." Kid said with concern.

"I" was all I managed to say before everything started getting fuzzy, then eventually everything went black.

Kid's POV

I sat there as (Y/N) fell face first into the bed.

I grabbed her and flipped her over. Her complexion was completely green.


The door blasted open, and Killer and Heat rushed in.

"What's going on? What's wrong with (Y/N)? She doesn't look good Kid." Killer said.

Heat rushed over and held his hand just under her neck.

"She has a pulse, but it's weak. We need to take her to the hospital NOW." Heat said.

I couldn't talk. Couldn't speak. I was almost frozen with (Y/N's) cold body in my arms.

"KID" Killer yelled, shaking my shoulders back and forth, "Snap out of it and let's go. She isn't getting better laying there in your arms."

I didn't even say anything. I just shot up and picked (Y/N) up and rushed out of the door and to the truck. The guys followed behind me. I laid (Y/N) across my lap as Killer drove to the hospital. What the hell is going on? She has a similar alcohol tolerance to me, and we drank the same amount. Something isn't right here. There's no way that the alcohol would've done this. Hell, I've seen her drink almost quadruple that amount when we went out with her friends....

The truck came to a halting stop and I jumped out with (Y/N) in my arms and booked it through the emergency room doors. I practically kicked them down while entering.

"HELP. SOMEONE HELP HER" I yelled falling to my knees but making sure (Y/N) was secure in my arms.

A team of nurses and doctors rushed through the back room with a gurney. I carefully lifted (Y/N) onto the gurney and held her hand.

"Come with us and tell us what is going on sir." one of the nurses said.

"I don't know what's wrong. She woke up from her sleep screaming. She had cold sweats, she was shivering. We had a few drinks last night but not enough to do this to her. Please tell me she's going to be okay. She has to be" I begged.

"Okay. We can't guarantee anything right now. We have to run some tests since she is unresponsive. What is your relationship to her? Husband?" the nurse asked.

"No. I-I'm her boyfriend. She doesn't have family." I said.

"Well, I'm sorry but you can't come any further back into the hospital if you aren't family. You will have to take a seat in the waiting room. As soon as we know something I will have the doctor come find you. What is your name?" the nurse said.

"That's fucking bullshit! Didn't you just hear me? I said I'm all she's got. I'm coming with her!" I yelled.

"Sir. I'm going to need you to calm down or else I will have to call security then you won't be able to get ANY updates. Now tell me your name." the nurse said, rather impatient.

I rolled the fuck out of my eyes, "Eustass Kid." There's no chance I was getting kicked out of the hospital. Not when I have no idea what's going on with (Y/N).

"Was that so hard? Now go through those doors back into the waiting room. I can't guarantee how long it will be, so take a seat and get comfortable. The doctor that is on call right now is one of the best. She's in good hands with him." the nurse said walking away.

I walked back into the waiting room to see Killer, Heat, Wire, and Bonney all there. I walked up to them, sat next to Killer and put my head in my hands. I'm so worried its driving me fucking crazy. This is probably the most vulnerable anyone has ever seen me. Ever.

"What the hell is going on man??? What did they say?" Killed asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I sat up then said, "They don't know. They won't let me back there because I'm technically not family. They said the doctor will come out and update us as soon as they know something."

"As soon as Killer called us, we came right away," said Wire.

"Yeah. Oh my gosh. I hope she's okay. I wonder what happened..." Bonney said, "I'm going to text her friends and let them know what's going on too. Knowing them they will probably all show up if they're awake so be prepared."

Sure enough not even 20 minutes later her friends started showing up. I sat there mute. I couldn't even bring myself to talk. Zoro came and sat next to me. He was visibly upset.

"Hey Kid. You know (Y/N) is tough. Whatever is going on, she'll make it through this. I promise you that. Keep your head up. I'm sure we will hear an update soon." Zoro said.

"I appreciate it, Zoro. I've never felt this way for anyone in my life. And even just thinking about how it could be taken away from me is killing me inside. I know she's strong, but I can't stop thinking of the what if. You know?" I said.

"I totally get it. I've never seen her, in all of these years of knowing her, be so happy and herself with someone. Not even me. She's happy with you so don't take it for granted." Zoro said, getting up.

All I did was nod in response. Nami and Robin were close to me and seemed as if they were talking about something they didn't want others to hear. I took a deep breath and leaned in a bit to try to grasp their conversation. Though I couldn't hear it clearly, I picked up a few things.

'He works here', 'Don't tell Kid'...

Woah, woah, woah...

I cleared my throat and stood up behind the two girls who slowly turned to make eye contact with me.

"Don't tell me what if you don't mind me asking" I said, crossing my arms.

"Haha. Well you know. Uh.." Nami said.

"(Y/N)'s ex works at this hospital. We just didn't think it was relevant to tell you, but here we are." Robin said.

Right. I remember (Y/N) telling me about him. What was his name... it's on the tip of my tongue...

"Eh, hem." Someone from behind me was clearing their throat.

I turned around to meet the golden eyes of a doctor.

"My name is Dr. Trafalgar Law. I'm here about (Y/N)-ya." the doctor said. 

OMG haha. I had so much fun writing this. I almost forgot how much I like to write. Thanks for reading!!!! xxanna

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