Chapter 16: Everything will be alright

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Side note: Whoever did this fan art. Chef's kiss. I love it!!! Enjoy this chapter!!

Kid's POV-Continued

Law. That's right. That's her ex. Doesn't compare to me one bit. I can tell by just looking at his scrawny ass.

"After running tests on (Y/N)-ya we found poison in her system. We are conducting a full detox on her stomach and liver as we speak. She's going to be okay. She just won't be feeling that good for a couple of days. Any idea how this could've happened?" Law asked.

Poison? The hell? When would that have been possible? Something isn't adding up...

"I have no idea. We went out last night, but I didn't notice anything suspicious. We all ate and drank the same things for the most part..." I said confused.

"Yeah he's telling the truth. Me and Wire were there too." Bonney said.

"Hm. That's definitely weird. I would keep an eye on what's she's doing, and who she is around from now on. I wouldn't leave her by herself until you know what is going on. I'm going to go back and check on her. She should be awake by now." Law said turning away.

"Wait. Can I come too?" I asked.

"Not right now. I'd say in an hour or so you will be okay to come and see her." Law said, leaving the room.

"Prick" I said, mad that I can't go see (Y/N) now.

"Well, if we have an hour till we can see her I'm going to go raid the cafeteria. Nami come with me?" Luffy said.

Nami rolled her eyes.

"Pleaseeee Nami, being all worried made me rake up a huge appetite!" Luffy begged.

"Fine. Let's go Luffy" Nami said, following next to Luffy.

I sat back down and Killer handed me a coffee.

"Drink up. You will be able to see her soon. See? Everything worked out." Killer said, taking a seat next to me.

I took a sip and sighed in relief.

End Kid's POV


I opened my eyes. Ow. My head is throbbing, and my stomach is killing me. Wait where the fuck am I? I looked around and realized I wasn't in Kids' bed or arms. I was in a hospital room hooked up to an IV.

There was a knock on the door, then it slowly opened. The doctor walking into my room was Law. My ex. Great. I have no idea what's going on AND I have to see Law. Where is Kid?

Law closed the door behind him.

"Hi (Y/N)-ya. How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Um. Like shit. And I'm really confused. Where's Kid?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Kid a worried looking red head?" Law asked.

"Yeah, sounds like it." I said, "where is he?"

"He's in the waiting room. I wanted to talk to you first before I let him or your friends in. (Y/N)-ya, after running tests I found poison throughout your bloodstream. Any idea on how that could've happened?" Law said sitting on the end of the bed. He looked concerned.

Poison? How could that have happened? I remember we were on our double date and having a lot of fun. The only thing that I did differently than everyone else is I ordered a tequila sunrise at the bowling alley. That's all I can think of. Did someone poison my drink? It surely wasn't Kid, Bonney, or Wire... Shit. What if it's the person from the texts? I don't know what I should do.

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