Chapter 3

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Seungmin's POV
I look over at the others and flashed a smile that reached ear to ear as I looked down at the small envelope in my hand, I looked up at Hyunjin's mailbox then looked around to make sure nobody would see me or if he was coming home already. I placed it into the mailbox and quickly ran away to meet up with my friends who had stuck their envelopes in their crush's mailboxes. We quickly ran off into Jisung's house panting heavily as we caught some air after what we just did. We looked at each other a smiled and laughed at our success.


After waiting 30 minutes the mail man came to Jisung's meeting that he was heading to the others boys' houses. Jisung rushed up the stairs and came back with walkie talkies to us. We were going to spy on the boys to make sure they were or got the letters, he quickly passed us to them, and we went outside. "Ready? Set, Go!" He said point forward as we all began running to their houses and finding a hiding spot not too far, so we were able to see that they got our envelopes.

"Squirrel to gay hotties do y'all copy." Jisung said through the walkie talkies. "Chick to Squirrel, I hear you." Felix responded. "Foxy to Squirrel and Chick I hear y'all." Jeongin responded. "PuppyM to Squirrel, Chick, and Foxy I hear y'all." I responded and got quiet once I saw the mail man drop off mail and Hyunjin run outside to get it. He opened the mailbox and looked through the mail until he stopped at my letter. "To Hyunjinnie... From PuppyM" he read aloud slowly and smiled looking at it. Knowing Hyunjin was single and didn't like to talk to many girls at our school it made me very happy to see him open it and read it. He giggled a little hugged it close to his chest. He ran inside with the letter in his hand tightly and closed the door. Man, I really wished I could read his mind. It went from beautiful peaceful thoughts to annoying hurtful thoughts, what if he thought it was from some random girl that liked him that he secretly liked back? "He got it guys." I said through the walkie talkie and quietly got out of the hiding spot to go wait at Sungie's porch for the others. 


Felix's POV 

I hided quietly in the brushes as I saw the mail man place the mail lightly into the mailbox and close it. It was a few minutes later when Changbin came out of the house and checked the mail. He shifted throught the mail then paused when he saw my letter to him. "To Binnie from Yongbokie the chick." He said before grinning as he opened the letter to himself. A large smile flashed as he read the letter in his head. Yongbokie, what a cute name." He said before folding the letter back up and placing it back into the envelop and taking it inside. "Yongbokie if you're out there make sure to send me more of these letters, okay?!" he yelled loud and smiled before turning around and walking inside. "He got it and yelled out for me to write him more letters!" I squealed into the walkie talkie happily. 


Jeongin's POV 

I think Felix damaged my ear when he squealed into the walkie talkie like that. I waited be hide the garden of my house that was across for Chan's house. The mail man walked over to my house then to Chan's to place his mail inside the mailbox. Chan was waiting outside on the porch for the mail so I kind of struggled get my mail in there I had to wait until he walked inside to get a glass of water or something before, I could quickly run over and throw in inside the mailbox. I watched carefully as Chan stand up and thank the mail man for his serve and walked down from the porch to the mailbox. He opened it and looked through the mail, he stopped and squinted his eyes meaning he must have got to mine. His eyes widen after he read the front and opened the letter, smiled ear to ear as he read it. "How cute." he said before neatly folding it and placing it deep into his pants pocket. He walked inside his house and closed to door lightly. I didn't know if he liked it when he placed inside his pocket, I just hoped his liked it. "Guys he got it." I said softly and stood up to walk to Jisung's house. 


Jisung's POV 

I watched anxiously as the mail man shifted through the mail and only placing on thing in the mail. I took a deep breath in and out as I saw Minho come out of his house with headphones on and open the mailbox. He took the mail out and looked at my letter. "Squrriel." he said and opened the envelope, he read it and made a noise that sounded dissatisfied. He walked over to the trash bins outside his house and threw one of the envelops inside. I felt my heart shatter into a million of pieces as he walked back inside with one letter in his hand. As he closed the door and looked to see if anyone was round and ran over to his trash bin to check for me letter, all I saw the letter the mail man gave him. My heart leaped for joy when I realized Minho took my letter inside with him. "Guys, mission complete!" I smiled excitedly and ran home to my friends who were waiting for me. 


♡His Letters♡ ~ Minsung, Changlix, Seungjin, & JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now