chapter 4

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Hyunjin's POV
I was with my cousin most of the day before going home to receive the strange letter from someone called 'PuppyM'. "Jinnie, can we go to the toy store?" My happy baby cousin asked me jumping up and down, dragging my arm lower and lower. How could I possibly say no to this adorable little boy, I smiled sweetly and nodded. "Yayy!" He shouted and pulled my arm in the direction of his favorite store. After we arrived at the store, we looked around for a new toy for him. He picked out something small but kind of expensive and ran to the checkout area quickly. I smiled as I followed him around the store. "So, this what you want?" I asked in soft- spoken voice. He nodded and flashed a cute innocent smile. I paid for the toy and looked at the time, it was almost time for his eomma to come pick him up. So, I quickly walked us home so that I could feed him and sent him home.  "Hyunjin I'm here for my son!" My aunt yelled knocking on the door. "Eomma!" my baby cousin yelled jumping off the chair and ran to his eomma to give her a big hug. She smiled and picked up the little boy. "Was my little boy good?" She asked his as she tickled him. He giggled and laughed at her and gave her another big hug. My aunt hugged me and gave me the money for watching her son. I walked them to the door and waved them goodbye. I walked inside for a few seconds before I heard my mailbox close. I smiled softly as I watched the mail man walk off, I ran outside to the mailbox and opened it. I looked through the mail until I stopped, I looked at one of the pretty decorated letter and read the front of it. "To Hyunjinnie... From PuppyM" I read slowly aloud and smiled. Interesting do I have a cute secret admirer.  I opened the letter and read it, it was so cute, and their hand writing was very neat. I giggled a little at how adorable it was and hugged it close to my chest. I ran inside my house reading it over and over again smiling and blushing. "PuppyM, I hope I meet you one day." I said to myself and laid on my bed holding the letter close to my chest. 


Changbin's POV 

I was up in my room writing music and working on one of my projects I have for school with Minho. "Changbin son can you go get the mail for me I'm looking for something!" my eomma yelled from down stair from the living room. "Sure!" I yelled back and ran down the stairs to the mailbox and opened. I looked through the pile of mail stacked in my hand then paused when I saw a cutely designed letter. "To Binnie from Yongbokie the chick." I read before grinning as I opened the letter to me. A large smile flashed across my face as I read the letter in my head. "Yongbokie, what a cute name." I said before folding the letter back up and placing it back into the envelop and taking it inside. "Yongbokie if you're out there make sure to send me more of these letters, okay?!" I yelled loud so if the person was out there watching me, they could know I wanted more of this sweet letter.  I smiled before turning around and walking inside.


Chan's POV

I sat on the porch rocking back and front in the large rocking chair as I waited quietly for the mail to arrive. For some reason I felt as if someone was watching me from a distance, but I ignored it. I rubbed my throat and stood up, deciding to get some water to drink since my throat was so dry from singing today. When I came back and sat down the mail man appeared. I bowed him and thanked him for his services since he does this every day in the hot sun nonstop to make sure everyone in the neighbor got their mail. I walked down the mailbox and took the mail out. I opened the mailbox and looked through the mail. I stopped and squinted my eyes when I saw a letter with my name on it, my eyes widened as I read the name and quickly opened the letter. Whoever sent this to me has an interesting way of words. I smiled happily as I finished reading it. "How cute." I said aloud before folding it neatly and placing it inside my pants pocket. I turned around grinning as I walked inside my house and closing the door lightly since my grandma was sleeping. 


Minho's POV 

I waited quietly on the couch listening to music and cooking food from myself and my family. As I placed the food into the oven and looked outside to see the mailman was there. I washed my hands and dried them as I took my apron off and walked outside then opened the mailbox. I looked at the two pieces of mail I had. I looked at the little envelop from me and read it. "Squirrel." I said and opened the envelop. I made a sound because of how cheesy it was but then again it was kind of cute. I walked over to the trash bin to throw away the other piece of mail I got, that wasn't as important as this cute letter I got from someone named 'Squirrel'. I walked inside the house to continue cooking. 


♡His Letters♡ ~ Minsung, Changlix, Seungjin, & JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now