Chapter 6

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Jeongin's POV
As I walked with Felix all I could only think of is Chan, how he just came up to me and spoke to me. I was just shocked that someone so popular like him would just do that out of the blue like that.

As Felix gossiped to Jisung and Seungmin about my encounter with Chan, I felt a pair of hands grab my shoulders. I jumped up and looked at the snobby brat standing in front of me. "What do you want know Ricky?" I said rolling my eyes looking at the fat shaming homophobic boy standing there looking at me with a disgusting grin on his face. "It's Niki you nerdy." He said handing me a piece of paper, rolling my eyes again I took a glimpse at the paper. "I'm not doing your homework again, get someone else to do it." I said sitting back down and began to eat again.

(A/N: Don't come for me for using Niki- but only used him for this because I DON'T appreciate the way he fat shames Sunoo. I know people may think it's okay and that enhypen is just joking with him, but fat shaming is no laughing matter. Fat shaming and calling people horrible names like "pig" or telling them "They eat too much" can lead to many serious issues such as anxiety, depression, an eating disorder, and the biggest one suicide.)

He placed his hands again on me making me and all my friends look at him and stand up. "If you don't do my homework tonight..." He trailed off looking down at the ground, thinking of a smug threat. "I'll tell those boys over there that you and your little friends all have crushes on them." He said looking over at Chan's table. I gulped but wasn't going to let he beat me again. I stood up straight making me look taller than him. "I'm not going to do it, either get someone else to do it or you do it yourself." I said in a shakily yet not afraid voice.

"Oh, really fat boy?" He said grabbing me by the collar, making me yelp as the collar of my shirt felt tight around my neck. My friends yelled all together to let me go but he would and started to choke me. "

"Hey! Let him go!" I heard someone yell be hide him. Niki turned around and looked at the four older boys standing around him. I looked over to see Chan looking down at him. He slowly put me down onto the ground and gulped loud enough for everyone in the circle to hear. "You really want to help this fat fag? Chan you're better than that." Niki said looking at Chan in a confused way. Chan growled making the younger boy shrink in a way. "Don't call him that." Chan growled again picking Niki up by the collar of his shirt, lifting him halfway off the ground. The boy wiggled trying to break from Chan's strong grasp on him.

"Chan let him go before you get in trouble." Hyunjin said tapping his shoulder and nodding towards the teachers entering the cafeteria. Chan sighed loudly and dropped Niki to the ground making a loud thump. "Don't you dare come anywhere near Jeongin again." Chan growled at the boy on the ground. The younger boy stood up and wiped his bottom. "Or any of his other friends." Minho included. I knew for a fact Jisung heart skipped a beat at the way Minho said that bully not to come near him or us. "And if you do, I will come find you if you even dare hurting on of them." Changbin also said in a very creepy deep tone making Niki nod fast and get ready to run away.

"Well don't be surprised if one of the ugly fat gay boys tell you they like you." Niki said loud enough for the people who were staring at us to hear."What?" Chan asked in a confused voice. "Yeah, you didn't know. Jeongin here likes you and his friends like your friends. Let me summarize it for you, Felix there likes Changbin, Jisung over there like Minho, and that crybaby oright there named Seungmin likes Hyunjin." he said pointing at each individual one of us. He smirked slyly as he ran off and didn't even turn back to look at us. They four boys in front looked over at us, I gulped loudly and looked down as I felt tears swelling up in my eyes. I quickly bowed to them and stormed out of the cafeteria, I heard loud footsteps behind me indicating they must have been embarrassed and started to cry too.

I ran into the bathroom stall and slammed it shut, sliding down the wall. I could only think of the horrible things Chan and his friends probably thought about us now. I hugged my legs closely to my chest and cried into them.

Chan's POV

I stood there dumb founded at what just happened. Jeongin? Like me? What? I shook my head out of the thoughts and looked to see that Jeongin and his friends were gone. I think the others were probably lost to because they didn't seem to have moved either after what Niki had said. I looked around for them not seeing them in the cafeteria, they probably ran out of embarrassment. The boys shook their heads to snapping out of la la land too. "Let's go find them." Hyunjin insisted. We all nodded and headed to all the places we could think of to hide away of embarrassment.

Jeongin's POV

After a few minutes of crying with Jisung, Felix, and Seungmin I heard multiple footsteps enter the bathroom. We all stopped crying, hoping that whoever entered the bathroom wasn't there to beat us up or make fun of us for like the popular boys. "Jeongin you in there?" I hear the same small, sweet kind voice as the door was knocked on gently. I looked over that all the pairs of red eyes looking at me.

I slowly stood up and cracked the stall door open, peering one of my small swollen red eyes out. "Y-yes?" I asked in a shakily broken voice. Chan's face softened as he looked at me. "Hey, it's okay you can open the door. I'm not going to do anything to you okay?" he said softly as he got closer to the door. I quickly closed and began to cry again as I thought of the moment in the cafeteria. "N- no you are p- probably disgusted w- with me and y- your friends a- are prob- baly disgusted with m- mine." I cried out louder as I covered my face with my arm crying all my wet tears into my long sleeve shirt.

"Jeongin don't cry it's okay, we're not disgusted with you." Said a voice that didn't sound familiar to me. "Changbin is right we aren't disgusted with you." Minho agreed and knocked on the door softly like Chan did. "Hey, is Jisung crying too? Is he okay?" Minho asked concerningly making Jisung head shot up like his eomma screamed at him or something. "Y- yeah his c- crying like m- me." I said looking down. "Jeongin it's okay just open the door. Everything will be okay." Hyunjin said through the crack of the door. I looked at my friends trying to find an answer, I wanted to because I want to see Chan's face but at the same time, I was scared that if I opened it something bad would happen. I slowly opened the stall door looking down at the ground trying to avoid any sort of eye contact with them.

"Jeongin." Chan said before trailing off. I looked up slowly at the older boy in front of me and began to cry again. "Nooooo! Don't cry please!" he said pulling me close and wrapping his large muscular arms around my small slim waist. My eyes widened at the action, and I slowly lifted my arm and wrapped them around his neck. I watched the other three boys walk past me and go to the boys sitting on the floor crying.

As we slowly pulled away from each other we looked into each other's eyes, his eyes were soft and mushy like a warm brownie. We both smiled and looked over at the boys who were sitting next to my friends. Minho was next to Jisung with his hand placed onto his thigh caressing it with my thumb and trying to calm Jisung down. Changbin was next to Felix, Felix had his head on Changbin's chest and the older was rubbing his back. Hyunjin was next to Seungmin petting his hair and actually flirting with him. I felt at peace seeing them all blushing and speaking to all their crushes they have been longing to talk to and for me I'm dying. I got to HUG my crush not just speak to him. I slowly slide back down the wall and at down on the floor. "Hey Chan, why don't we just say here for the rest of the day?" Minho suggested smiling softly at the sleeping boy on his shoulder.

Chan nodded and locked the stall door so nobody could enter it, I sat down beside me and pulled out his phone and air pods. "What to listen to music with me?" he said lifting up one of the air pods to me. I nodded and placed the air pod into my ear, I jumped a little as I felt the same muscular arm go around my waist again and pull me closer. Chan arm was around me and his thumb was slowly rubbing small circle on my hip. I smiled happily as I listen to nice calming music with him.

♡His Letters♡ ~ Minsung, Changlix, Seungjin, & JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now