The Battle of Autobot City

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Perceptor saw Scrapper and the others speed in as they transformed and grabbed their blasters. Starscream and the shuttle team flew on as they transformed and pointed to each other trying to come up with a plan. Perceptor transformed and zoomed in on the incoming Decepticons. Wheeljack, Windcharger and Charlie ran by as Ironhide ran with them, getting his jetpack on. Ultra Magnus, Springer, Impactor, Arcee, and Blurr sped over as Perceptor transformed and turned to the group. "Ultra Magnus!" The group transformed and started running as Perceptor ran next to Magnus, "A cursory evaluation of Decepticon Capability indicates a distinct tactical deficiency!" Magnus stopped as he loaded his blaster, "In other words, Perceptor?"
Springer pointed, "We're Outnumbered!" He aimed his wrist blaster at Acid Storm as he shot him down and out of the sky. Magnus rolled out of the way as he turned, "Springer! You and Arcee transform Autobot City! Perceptor, tell Blaster-!" Starscream flew in and ran to them. "I have already warned Optimus Prime! He should be here soon!" Magus nodded, "Then get to Blaster and radio Teletraan-1 for a separate attack! Starscream, take to the skies and bring that army down!"
Blurr sped over, "What about me Magnus? I can help I wanna help, what about me?!" He asked quickly.
"Blurr you can help me alert the others!" Magnus ordered
"Absolutely possibly nobody can get the job faster than I can! NobodynobodyNOBODY!" Ultra Magnus and Blurr transformed and sped off as Starscream rocketed off to fight his enemies who were once his troopers. Springer turned and motioned for Arcee, "C'mon Arcee let's go!"
"But Hot Rod and Kup are still outside the city!" She folded her sniper visor down as she looked at where Hot Rod and Kup were speeding towards the city. "I'll help them!" Jetfire ran by as he transformed and flew up into the sky. Arcee ran with Springer as they pressed buttons, pulled levers, flipped switches as the city began to transform into a massive warship of a city. Starscream swooped by as he shot down the Decepticon seekers, "LEAVE MY CITY ALONE!" He shouted as he transformed into robot mode and sliced an insecticon in half. He transformed and flew off. Megatron growled as he fired at a blast door before growling, "BREACH THEIR DEFENCES!" Shrapnel and Kickback flew by and started to eat the door open. Jetfire flew down to Hot Rod and Kup but was immediately shot at by cons. "Jetfire get outta here! We'll be fine! Trust me!" Hot Rod shouted as Jetfire pulled out of the fight as he flew off, "Good luck guys! Primus be with you!" Hot Rod and Kup drifted as Carly gasped,  "Oh shit!" Kup sped with Hot Rod, "The Insecticons are in our way!"
"Wrong!" Hot Rod shouted, "They're our way in! YEEEEEEEHAAAWW!" He jumped the bridge to the city as he rammed through both Shrapnel and Kickback. Kup used Kickback as a ramp as he jumped the bridge and sped through Shrapnel. The second blast door shut behind the Autobots. Ironhide flew into the air as he and Starscream brought down various seekers and Decepticons. Magnus transformed and fired at some cons as Wheeljack grabbed a missile and gave it to Windcharger. "C'mon! We gotta help 'em!" Windcharger was about to load the turret but Charlie ran to them, "Get back! Get down!" They ducked as a missile flew right for them. They gasped as Wheeljack went to protect Charlie before Hot Rod grabbed the missile and threw it back at Vortex who fell back and grumbled. Hot Rod loaded the turret and fired at Abominus causing a forced separation. Hot Rod smirked as Buster ran in, "Nice job Bro!" Charlie hugged him and smiled, "You're alive!" Buster hugged her back, "Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?" Kup jogged in and loaded another missile as Wheeljack looked at Windcharger who grabbed his gun and fired at the Decepticons. Hoist was running with Grapple as they slid into the room with the others as everyone was firing at the cons. The Constructobots merged into Devastator as they slammed and shot down any Decepticon seekers in the air. 

Ultra Magnus drove into the main part of the city with Red Alert, Tracks, Drift, and Gigawatt. Inferno transformed and grabbed his rifle as he fired at some cons from behind cover. Ultra Magnus and his troops transformed as they dove for cover and fired at the cons with Inferno. Hauler ran by and fired with them before getting shot down by Ramjet. Magnus shot Ramjet out of the sky as the con fell to his demise. The Battle went on for a while, almost a day. Springer checked his blaster as he panted. Megatron shouted, "THEIR DEFENCES ARE BROKEN! LET THE SLAUGHTER BEGIN!" He was about to fire at a beaten up Hoist before Soundwave shouted, "Megatron! Above us!" An Ark flew in as the Dinobots flew out and headed for the city. Grimlock shouted, "DINOBOTS TRANSFORM!" the team transformed and brought down several big cons as Megatron and the others started running. The Ark landed as Optimus Prime walked out of it and looked at the city on fire, "Megatron must be stopped, No Matter The Cost!" He transformed and sped to the city. Decepticon after Decepticon, he rammed right through them before transforming and flying through the air, firing at more Decepticons. He landed and took more down before charging in at Megatron... History was feeling odd... This day... August 8th 2025 felt familiar... Something about it felt like it was a repeat of an event in history until the leaders were interrupted by Prime being contacted by Jazz. "Roger me! Wilco me! Anything! Hello Hello Earth!" The message played through out the world. "This is Jazz! A ginormous weird lookin' planet just showed up near Cybertron! I can't make it out!" Spike joined the transmission as he showed what a drone was seeing. It flew closer to the planet as the transformed stopped fighting each other. Optimus walked toward a screen as he shook his head, "It cannot be..." Starscream landed and watched with Grimlock. "It's him...." Optimus and Lori looked at the screen in horror. "Optimus... It's..." He nodded as he turned to everyone, "UNICRON IS HERE!" He ran as the Autobots began to prepare for evacuation to face Unicron. Megatron glared at the screen as he shouted, "Astrotrain get us out of here!" He flew off as every Decepticon left. Prime and the Autobots mourned their dead before the great leader looked at his troops, "Autobots, humans, we must leave this world. We will have left a major target on your world and we cannot let ours die. We must go..."

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