Bah Weep Graaaaagnah Wheep Ni Ni Bong

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Hot Rod shook his head as he looked around and jumped down from where he was on the ship. He grunted and saw Kup badly injured. He quickly activated his welder as he rushed to Kup and started to fix him, "Hey bud! I'm here. I got ya big guy." Kup grunted as he sat up while Hot Rod finished his repairs, "That does it. Well, what do ya think?" Kup stood up and walked around as he nodded, "All things considered you did  an amazing job, lad. Amazing!"
"Really?" Hot Rod asked with a spark of joy in his optics.
"Yeah and you even got rid of that nasty burn in my rotator! Now let's go find the Dinobots and get off this planet. I got a bad feeling about this..." Kup said.
Hot Rod looked around, "I guess but... There's something familiar about this place. I can't place it yet but let's roll out." The two bots transformed and rolled out. Little did they know they were being watched... "Hmmm... Report back to the boss. We got company."
"Got it Heaper." A bot ran and transformed as he sped off.

Pipes and Scattershot walked around the planet they crashed on with the humans. Scattershot had Lori and Buster on his shoulders as Pipes was getting repaired by Charlie. "I think we made it to Velocitron but it's hard to tell. Computer's offline and I'm not getting any communications from the area of the galaxy." Charlie kept working, "Okay, let me work. I'll boost the signal as much as you can without the risk of wasting energon." Pipes nodded, "Okay lil' boss bot." Charlie chuckled softly before her smile faded. Buster sighed softly as he kept checking his blasters, "Great. The Autobots might be fighting Unicron right now and we're stuck on a planet without any communications." He grumbled. Lori sighed softly, "Or Unicron already turned Optimus into another Nemesis Prime like the one who shot us down..." Buster snapped his head to her, "Optimus will never be turned to evil! He's like Superman! It can't be done unless you're a hack or just imagining things!" Buster then sighed  softly, "Sorry, he's been my best friend. Forever now." Lori nodded, "I know. I'm sorry for doubting him."

Hot Rod and Kup kept driving before being stopped by a gang of robots. They transformed and held their hands above their heads, "Don't act hostile!" Kup whisper-shouted, "I'll use the universal greeting."
Hot Rod gave him the most confused look he ever had. Which was saying a lot considering what he's seen in his lifetime. "The Universal Greeting?" Kup nodded, "Watch, it'll work. Try it out too." Hot Rod cleared his voice modulator as he smiled, "Bah Weep Graaaagnah Wheep Ni Ni Bong!" The leader of these robots marched forth seemingly in a menacing manner. He glared at the two before smiling softly and saying in a funny voice: "Bah Weep Graaaagnah Wheep Ni Ni Bong?"
Hot Rod nodded and handed him an energon goodie, "Bah Weep Graaaagnah Wheep Ni Ni Bong!" The warrior held it up and shouted with glee, "Bah Weep Graaaagnah Wheep Ni Ni Bong!" The entirety of his people shouted in unison with the same amount of glee, "Bah Weep Graaaagnah Wheep Ni Ni Bong!" They all started dancing and singing as Hot Rod and Kup shrugged and joined in before seeing the Dinobots dancing to them, "Kup! Hot Rod!" Grimlock smiled in his dinosaur mode as he danced to them and gave them a hug, "Me Grimlock explained to leader what going on on Cybertron!" The leader walked over, "He tried his best lads. But perhaps you two can explain." He said in a very friendly tone. Hot Rod wasted no time explaining everything to these Transformers. The leader nodded, "My name is Wreck-Gar. These are my people, the Junkeons. We did not miss the war at all... But we have missed Cybertron. We have soldiers and we have ships. We will fight for our home. Together." He shook hands with Hot Rod as Hot Rod smiled and nodded, "Let us return home then my friend!" Everyone cheered as they got two ships ready, "New Junkeon Planetary ship is a sleek, sexy import! With turbo handling!" Hot Rod smiled and nodded, "I like 'em! Next stop, Velocitron! We have some family there." Wreck-Gar rose a metallic brow, "I have not heard that word said by any Cybertronian besides us. We shall go there together." After a few minutes everyone was loaded up into both ships as they rocketed off to the next planet to get more troops.

Carly waved to the others as she smiled brightly from across the desert, "I got some help guys!" She shouted over the comms as Override, Silverstreak, Tigertrack, Dino, Burnout and many other bots sped over as they transformed and helped the bots and humans into a groundbridge. They gave them energon, food and water even as Override smiled, "We got word from the planet of Junk. Hot Rod is on the way. His whole team is alive. We're gonna rendezvous with Windblade and Ultra Magnus before heading straight for Cybertron. Hopefully we can use the element of surprise."
"You guys have the Planetary Defense System set up for that?" Buster asked as Override nodded, "Hell yeah she does! We got that up a few stellar cycles ago. Works like a charm!" Charlie ate some food, "I hope so. Cuz we were attacked by some weird ass Decepticons like never before but some of them look the same as others we know from here. Our Universe." Override nodded, "I figured the multiverse was true. Don't worry. We will face them together on Cybertron and save our homes together!" She smiled as Charlie returned the smile. Lori was quiet as she ate. She was thinking of what she felt. When they were being hunted in space... She sensed the presence of Nemesis Prime... The very reason her universe was destroyed... Lori was praying and hoping that Optimus had not turned yet... He truly was her last hope...

Transformers: The Fanfiction [2026]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن