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The Arks were far from earth but still within Communication Range with each other. "Congratulations Autobots, we've lost them. Rest while you can!" Ultra Magnus said over the radio. Buster relaxed next to Carly as Grimlock sat next to them on the floor. He handed them some food as Carly smiled, "Aye! Food?"
"We had microwaves installed cuz we knew you'd join us on this mission anyways." Hot Rod said with a smile as he grabbed his beam sword and shield to practice. Buster ate some more popcorn from Carly's bowl, "Yummers, y'all had food here." Snarl smiled, "Yeah. Just for you guys." Swoop looked at everyone, "Aight, story time! What stories do we have to tell each other?" The small group talked with each other as Pipes and Hot Rod practiced against a training drone while Charlie worked on the shields, "So what planet's closer to us? Velocitron or Caminus?" She asked.
Hot Rod dove and slashed at the drone "We're gonna head for Velocitron. Got a lot of friends there. Ultra Magnus is gonna go for Caminus and recruit Windblade. They're both very similar in how they handle things." Pipes fired at the drone as he jumped and rolled under it. "We gotta talk with the leader of Velocitron, Override. She's the fastest racer in the universe. Beat Blurr even." Charlie closed the panel as Pipes checked a tablet panel, "Nice job Charlie, shields are back up and running." Charlie smiled softly as Pipes gave her a wink. Hot Rod beat the drone and sighed, "Man. How much further is Unicron from Cybertron?"
Pipes looked at him, "Who knows? He might've eaten the planet already..."
Hot Rod looked at Pipes, "No because we all would've felt it. We are of Primus, if our world died we would've known by now..." Pipes rose a metal brow as Charlie tilted her head, "How would you know that?"
Hot Rod shrugged, "I read it in the Covenant of Primus."

Kup relaxed, "The dust was real thick on Beta-4. It was so thick ya had to use wind-shield wipers on your Optic Sensors!" He chuckled as Grimlock grumbled, "Me Grimlock know all about wipers! We wanna hear good part of story!" He laughed as Swoop giggled, "Good part! Tell us the good part!" Kup nodded and chuckled, "Okay okay... Well, the dust was really thick. And then this gigantic Ick-Yak! Came trompin' and stompin' down the mountain, flames spewing out of it's nostrils. And I thought for sure that I was doomed."
Hot Rod smiled at them as Pipes checked the radar before looking at the group, "Shouldn't we focus on better things than telling stories?" Hot Rod shook his head, "No... We need the peace for now. The Humans have been through enough." Pipes nodded as he checked the radar and saw nothing.

A few million lightyears ahead of them, Optimus Prime felt something within the Matrix. He rose a brow before shaking it off as he looked out the window and saw the Decepticons that Megatron jettisoned. He pointed, "Prowl, go to them, get the Decepticons there." Everyone rose a brow as Hot Shot flew the ark to the cons. They pulled the cons inside as Ratchet helped Spinister, "You okay soldier?" Spinister looked around and then pointed at his friends, "Save them. I'm fine." He slowly stood up as Ratchet and Hoist went to stabilize the other cons. Optimus walked over to Spinister as he leaned down to him, "Are you okay Spinister?" The Decepticon nodded, "T-Thank you..." Optimus gave him an energon cube as Spinister drank it. Kickback grunted, "Wha-wait, OPTIMUS PRIME?!" Prime looked at him, "You are all safe now. Please, calm down and relax while you can." Starscream helped a former friend of his up as Optimus looked at them all, "What happened?" Crankcase growled, "Megatron kicked us off the ship cuz we were wounded from battle! He betrayed us!" Optimus nodded as he walked to them, "You are safe now. I will not hurt you." Drift walked over, "He means it. Please friends. Join us."
Blitzkrieg grumbled, "I ain't workin' with no traitors of Cy-!" Spinister punched him, "We will gladly join you all... I missed you Starscream... As well as you Drift, though you have changed."
Drift nodded, "For the better." Spinister nodded as he walked with all of the others. Optimus watched the cons relax and get used to the surroundings. Prime nodded to himself. Elita stood with him as she sighed softly, "They spend eons blasting us. You take time out of getting home to save them." Optimus nodded, "If we can help them see the good in the universe, they can begin the path to redemption like Starscream, Thundercracker, the Constructibots, and Drift."

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