Transform and Attack

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Hot Rod looked out into space. He felt uncomfortable as he stared almost blankly into the depths of space. Pipes looked at him and then the radar as he tilted his head. It started beeping. "We got something... I think..." Hot Rod took control of a gun turret as he aimed it away from where Pipes was telling him to aim it. Pipes got a reading, "Oh it's just an asteroid-" Hot Rod fired away as Pipes gasped, "DUDE WHAT THE-!?" Buster almost flipped out before they were fired upon and Hot Rod's missiles hit the target. The Warworld II decloaked as Nemesis growled, "Damn it! Open fire!" The ship chased Hot Rod's shuttle as he sped it up with Kup's help. "They're closing on us! Magnus hit the jets and get to Caminus as fast as you can! We got these guys!" Hot Rod said as he flew the shuttle into an asteroid field. Dirge turned to Nemesis, "We almost got 'em my lord! Shall I pursue them in vehicle mode?" Nemesis looked at him and nodded. Dirge ran and got to the hangar as he transformed and flew into space as he chased after the Ark. "They're closing on us!" Hot Rod shouted as everyone screamed when the ship shook from a missile hit. Buster looked up as Carly grunted and rubbed her head. Lori rubbed her arm and looked at Buster, "Jesus Buster! You look terrible!" Buster panted, "I've had worse! Exo-suits!" The three got up and ran to the suits as they got them on. Kup looked at Hot Rod, "They're closin' in faster than the shrike-bats of Dramudamb!" Hot Rod nodded and turned to him, "How'd you beat them?!"
"I'm trying to remeber! There were an awful lot of casualties that day... WAIT YEAH! We reversed the multi-nodal polarities!" Hot rod smirked at him and pressed a button as he hovered the ship above the missiles and fire the polarity beam. The missiles flew forward but then flew back at the Warworld II. Nemesis and the others ducked as the ship took a bad hit. Nemesis growled, "DIRGE SHOOT THEM DOWN!" The seeker flew at the ship and shot his missiles and Null-Rays at it. Hot Rod and Kup swerved the ship as it made it's way to another planet, "I CAN'T CONTROL IT!" Kup shouted as Pipes grabbed the kids, "Velocitron is the next planet over! I can take the kids into the escape pod!" Grimlock grabbed him and the kids as he ran them to a pod, "GO! NOW! May Primus be with you. Goodbye my friends...." He shut the door on them and sent the pod flying towards Velocitron. Buster and Carly held on to Pipes. Hot Rod grunted, "WE'RE GONNA CRASH!" The Ark fell into the strange planet's orbit as it crashed and exploded.

Springer turned to Magnus, "KUP AND HOT ROD JUST BOUGHT IT!" Ultra Magnus flew the ark as best he could as he turned to Springer, "We can't deal with that now!"
Galvatron pressed a button, "Cyclonus! Transform and attack!" Cyclonus jumped off the flight deck of the revenge as he flew at their ark and kept firing at it, disabling bit by bit of the shuttle. "Face it Magnus! These guys are gonna dog us until they see us dead!" Springer shouted as Ultra Magnus nodded, "The that's exactly what they're gonna see! Prepare for emergency separation, Pyro!" Pyro nodded as he typed away at his controls. Perceptor looked at Ultra Magnus, "That's too dangerous! We won't have enough energon!"
"We don't have a choice Perceptor and we're close enough to Caminus!" Ultra Magnus accepted the code for the separation. The ships began to separate as they reached Caminus' orbit. Cyclonus finished the ship off and flew back to the revenge. Nemesis called Galvatron, "Our work is done. I take it yours too?" Galvatron nodded as Nemesis nodded back, "To Cybertron. I will rendezvous with you near this universes Garrus-9. Make it quick." Nemesis spoke as he flew the Warworld II towards another wormhole as Dirge got on. Galvatron turned to Scourge, "Get us to the location. Now." The ship began to warp after Cyclonus boarded and got seated. The ships warped away.

Ultra Magnus flew the ship as Arcee looked at Springer, "Did we have to detonate three quarters of the ship?" Springer scoffed and looked at Arcee, "Seeing that they coulda detonated four quarters, I think it was a good choice." Pyro grunted, "We're coming into the planet too hot!" Ultra Magnus grunted and shifted the controls, "Brace for impact!" The ship crashed with the rest of the debris outside Caminus City. Everyone screamed as the ship spun and broke apart. It finally came to a stop as everyone panted. "Autobots. Sound off!" Magnus ordered as Springer stood up, "Remind me to give the Autopilot a raise!" The door was cut open as everyone grabbed their guns before Windblade kicked it down and looked around at the team and smiled at Ultra Magnus, "Nice to see you, Ultra Magnus." Ultra Magnus smiled, "Senator Windblade. The honor is mine."

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