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Nemesis Prime flew through space and then teleported to a planet. He hovered in it's orbit as he saw the people point up at him. He chuckled at them as he growled and rose his hands, "HEED MY MESSAGE! Your planet is perfect for the will and insatiable hunger of the great devourer himself!" As he spoke, Unicron arrived in orbit and his fangs dug deep into the planet's surface. His anti-gravity beam began to suck the inhabitants and their buildings into his maw. In just a few minutes, the planet was devoured by Unicron. Nemesis Prime stood by his maw as he knelt down and bowed his head, "Long Live the Might of Unicron..." He said with his mind as Unicron stepped into his head, "Report..." Nemesis looked at the monster planet. "Galvatron fumbled the attack but... This world is not like his or mine... It is like one we lost ages ago... Before I joined your crusade. The changes are that Hot Rod is very much like Optimus Prime already. Capable, Confident, and leading troops. And speaking of which... Optimus Prime and Megatron are both still alive..."
"How is that possible...? In almost every universe I have been to the two have been dead one way or another...." Unicron said as Nemesis stood up, "We shall make the appropriate changes my lord. Galvatron is still in pursuit of Ultra Magnus. I shall go after Hot Rod if you so choose, My Lord." Nemesis finished as Unicron bellowed, "Go... Destroy the future of Primus..."
"I will rip open Hot Rod and every other Transformer until the Matrix has been destroyed my liege!" He teleported away as Unicron bellowed, "Destroy the Matrix..."
Nemesis teleported on to the bridge of the Revenge as Galvatron stood from the pilot's seat, looking at Nemesis. Galvatron knelt down before looking up at Nemesis who pointed at the monitor, "Continue the pursuit. We must stop the future of this world... Unicron demands it. Magnus and Hot Rod have split up. I will take a few of the warriors with me in the Warworld II. Keep me notified of your progress against Ultra Magnus. Unicron wants us to meet up on Cybertron when he gets there. Let's roll." He started walking to the hangar as he nodded at the troops following him. "Move it troops. We have a universe to destroy and reformat..." They got in as Nemesis teleported into his seat, "Dirge, start the darkmatter drives up. Scourge, boost power to the thrusters and find the nearest wormhole to get us through. Jihaxus, connect the drives with the energon to boost the hyper active propulsion technology. Thunderwing, get the coordinates locked on Hot Rod's vessel and prepare to shoot them down. Warworld II, ready to launch." The doors opened as Galvatron spoke, "Warworld II, you may launch for the mustafariana system. Get Hot Rod." Nemesis pointed, "Blast off." The ship fell out of the Revenge and warped through space and time to get to Hot Rod's ship. "Activate the cloak. We shall surprise them..." Nemesis said coldly as he glared out of the main window.

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