"Uncle Ben said it"

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Meanwhile, on top of the school building, Peter was sitting on the ledge, holding back tears, as he looked to the night sky. Looking behind him, he saw Dani, MJ, and Ned walking up to him. When his friends embraced him in a hug, Peter let the tears flow down his face.

"I'm so sorry," whispered Dani. 

After a few more seconds of comforting their friend, MJ spoke up.

"Peter, um... There's- there's some people here."

"What?" asked a now determined, vengeful Peter.

After standing up and getting himself into a defensive stance, Peter could see two silhouettes standing on top of the school's bell. When they jumped down, Peter put his hand out, to stop them from coming any closer.

"Hey, wait! Whoa, whoa!" he shouted.

The two other Peter Parkers looked at him, each putting their hands up.

"Sorry..." apologized the oldest one. "About May."

Slowly putting his hand down, Peter looked down at his boots.

"Yeah..." added on the second oldest. "Sorry... I've got some understanding of what it is-"

"No, no, no," pleaded Peter. "Please don't tell me that you know what I'm going through."

"Ok..." he sighed.

"She's gone... And it's all my fault... she died for nothing..." sniffled Peter, before looking at the box in Dani's hands. "So, I'm gonna do what I should've done in the first place."

As Peter reached for the box, he was stopped by one of his counterpart's voices.

"Peter-" he said, before being cut off.

"Please, don't!... You don't belong here," he said, before looking at the other on. "Neither do you, so I'm sending you home," causing the other Peter to scoff. "Those other guys are from your worlds, right?"

"Yeah..." Peter whispered.

"So, you deal with it... If they die, if you kill them... that's on you. It's not my problem, I don't care anymore... I'm done... I'm really sorry I dragged you into this... but you have to home now... Good luck..."

Peter tried to take the box from Dani, but she pulled it away from him. Before he could ask why, she gave her boyfriend a look, that said "Listen to what they have to say."

"My Uncle Ben was killed..." blurted out Peter, causing the youngest Peter to turn back around and look at him. "...It was my fault."

"I lost..." Peter began, before taking a moment to compose himself to the best of his ability. "I lost Teresa. My, um... She was my sister... I couldn't save her... I'm never gonna be able to forgive myself for that... But I carried on, tried to, um... Tried to keep going, tried to keep being the, uh.... that Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, cause I know that's what she would've wanted, but... At some point, I just... I stopped pulling my punches... I got rageful... I got bitter... I just don't want you... to end up like... like me." 

"The night... Ben died. I hunted down the man who I thought did it... I wanted him dead... I got what I wanted," said Peter, in an embarrassed tone. "It didn't make it better... It took me a long time to... learn to get through that darkness."

Peter looked at the other two versions of him and spoke up.

"I wanna kill him... I wanna tear him apart..." he said, honestly. "...I can still hear her voice in my head..." he said, tearing up, before sniffling and swallowing the lump in his throat. "Even after she was hurt... she told me that we did the right thing... She told me that 'With great power-'"

The eldest Peter Parker looked at his youngest counterpart in shock. His blue eyes going wide.

"...'Comes great responsibility!'" he finished, in amazement.

The older Peter looked to the second oldest Peter, who had still had tears in his eyes and nodded, in confirmation.

"...Wait, what?" asked Peter. "How do you know that?"

"Uncle Ben said it," smiled Peter.

"The day he died..." responded Peter. "Maybe she didn't die for nothing, Peter."

Spider-Man: No Way Home... With CimorelliOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz