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The distant chanting drew Diana like a magnet and stirred her magic essence. The night was eeriely still and chilly, and it felt like she could hear the heart beat of every living thing around them.

"I am not sure I care much for this decision, father," she tried to convince him again. "Realm walking has been unheard of since the time of chaos, what proof do we have that this will succeed without mishaps?"

Reginald grunted in reply. He was tired of trying to convince her otherwise, because the more he did, the more the faith he had in their plan diminished. He admitted that they were treading on dangerous waters, but what other choice did they have? Nowhere in this realm was safe for them, and without the medallion, Diana was no match for Delterzard.

The faint glow in the distance grew brighter, signalling that they were approaching their destination.

The sage garden was more of a glade than a garden, since it was located at the heart of The Living Forest. A forest few venture into, because the paths through the forest, and the positions of the trees change at specific times during the day at unknown frequencies. Only a few select could track their paths using magic - like Diana and her father were doing right now. This acted as a form of protection for the sage garden, as well as the other secrets held in the living forest.

As they reached the stones surrounding the garden, Reginald felt the magic barrier the council had put up and grabbed his daughter's arm to stop her before she walked into it.

He turned her to face him and took a deep breath. "I know the way ahead of us seems uncertain, but I want you to know that I would never have exposed you to such circumstances if I had an alternative." He touched her face tenderly. "We have been through so much, you and I, and we will face this as well as we have always done. Together," he said, squeezing her hands in encouragement.

Diana looked at the father she loved so dearly and gave him a watery smile, squeezing his hand back. He was right. They'd been through much worse and they always made it out somehow. This time would be no different.

I won't allow it to be different, she swore inwardly. She was a warrior after all. "Very well, father. Shall we carry on? I feel another adventure awaits," she teased.

Reginald gave a low chuckle and placed his palm on the barrier in front of them. The ring on his finger glowed brightly for a brief moment, and the once empty glade they'd seen before them, was now filled with ten men wearing dark cloaks. The cloaks were all identical and had the sigil of the council on the back of each.

"Welcome brother," the voice came from no one in particular, causing her to tense up slightly. "The circle is set and the preparations are ready for the ritual to begin. We assume you brought all that we asked you to?"

Reginald nodded and held up the two sacks they had packed. It contained mostly gold and precious stones, as well as a few irreplaceable mementos from their lives before the time of chaos. Diana had wondered why they had packed so little and was told that realm walking required a delicate balance; especially when being done the way they planned to do it tonight.

The brethren nodded in sync, and parted to let them through to the center of the magic circle that had been drawn on the stone platform.

"We have decided to send you to your mate, your majesty," one brethren said, and Diana recognized him as Almethuis by his voice.

She looked at her father and the blatant excitement on his face caused the words spoken to register properly. What?

She didn't have the time to confront her father, however, because the rites began. "Focus on an image of her you both hold dear and do not let yourself get distracted. Hold on to each other as well to avoid separation," a voice called out to them as the wind around them began to pick up speed.

The earth beneath their feet rumbled and seemed to fall away as their surroundings faded to white. "Diana! Focus!" Her father's voice snapped her out of her daze but she could not regain her focus. She was hurt by the fact that her father had hid something so important from her.

He doesn't trust you, the whispers began out of nowhere. Let go...

You are better off without him...

He only sees you as a handicap...

You'll never be good enough...

No. No. She shook her head to rid herself of the evil whispers trying to occupy her thoughts. There was a legend that many who tried to switch realms ended up lost forever. Now Diana could see what birthed that legend.

Even now he cares more for his long lost mate, than he does his own daughter...

She abandoned you both for so long and yet still, he loves her more than he loves you...

Let go... He doesn't deserve you...

"No," she shouted violently, and placed her hands over her ears trying to block them out.

"Diana, no!" Reginald shouted in dread, but it was too late. They were separated the moment she pulled her hand from his.

"Father!" She called out, as searched around frantically. "Father! Where are you?!"

The floating sensation came to an end, and she began to fall. The space around her began to enclose her gradually, until she could touch it if she stretched out her hand. Diana began to panic. She'd lost her father and was now trapped in a magic she had no idea how to free herself from.

She screamed for help but her voice was lost in the silent white void around her. Quiet tears escaped her eyes and she choked back a sob. Oh, Father...


"This is officer Keane, I'm calling in to report the discovery of an unidentified male found lying unconscious at an alley in sector five: Sage alley. Subject appears to be in his thirties and has no physical injuries or means of identification, only a strange looking bag that cannot be opened. Requesting back up and medical assistance."

Keane looked at the man in front of him. Apart from the fact that he seemed to have appeared out of thin air, his outfit and accessories looked like something out of a medieval themed movie. Maybe he was on his way to a carnival or festival of some sort? He scratched his head in thought. Anyway, whatever the case, it was evident that they were getting nothing until he woke up.

He stood up and tsked sympathetically. "Sucks to be you, buddy. I'm sure you have folks out there looking for ya. Maybe we can find a way to get in touch with them."

The sound of sirens getting closer drew him from his one-sided conversation. He picked up the bag beside the man, and walked out of the alley to meet with his colleagues as the paramedics rushed past him towards the unconscious man behind him.

"Keane," Doug greeted. "What's up?"

"It's been a long night," he sighed and proceeded to tell him everything he'd experienced.

*** I don't watch action and thriller movies a lot, so I wasn't sure how to write that last scene. Buh... I think I tried? 😅. Anyway please vote, comment, and share. X.***

ENCHANTED Book 1: Witch's DawnWhere stories live. Discover now