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"Good night Ronnie,"  Helen said and hugged her best friend at the front door of her house."Thanks for everything."

Veronica smiled affectionately. "What are friends for?" She turned and walked to her car. Turning to give one last wave, she got in and zoomed off.

  Helen closed the door and walked to the stairs. She was just about to climb it, when she noticed the light coming from her mother's study.

  I thought she'd be in bed by now since she left immediately I after I met Ron, she wondered as she went towards it.

  "I can't do it Snow. I can't do this to my daughter. She's faced enough growing up, she has enough difficulties of her own to deal with. I can't drop this on her, it may shatter her." Irene said, and Helen listened on in fascination as Snow meowed her response as if she understood everything she was being told.

  She removed her ear from the door and stared at it in amusement. Okay, talking to a cat is definitely something to be worried about. Or maybe not, I think I've had too much to drink. The pounding in her head influencing her last thought, she turned to walk away when a scuffle around her feet stopped her. Oops! Busted. Helen looked down to find Snow white purring and rubbing her soft furry body around her feet.

  "Snow, what is it?" That was the question that preceded Irene as she opened the door. She gasped in surprise when she saw her daughter. "Helen, you're back rather late don't you think? I hope this won't become a habit."

  Helen sighed and bent to pick Snow up, rewarding her snitch by petting her. "I'm sorry Mom. Things got crazy and the time kinda slipped my mind. I promise it won't happen again. I just wanted to check on you, before I go to bed."

"Hmm..." She sighed tiredly and reached out to collect Snow. "It's alright. Get some rest. It's been a long night for us both."

"Mom, are you okay?" She asked worriedly, lingering at the door even as her mother turned to return to her study.

"I will be love. We all will." Irene reassured her turning back to caress  her daughter's hair. "Hope you had a wonderful day sweetheart. I want you to know that no matter what happens in the future I love you and I always want what's best for you."

"I love you too, Mom." She hugged her tightly with the cat between them. "And though I don't know what's going on right now. I promise we'll figure it out together. Like we always do."

Irene smiled wistfully at her daughter's words and bid her good night with a kiss on her forehead. She returned to her study and Helen left for her room.


  He opened his eyes to see the bright fullness of the moon.

 "Finally, a demon of royal blood,"  the deep voice of the shadowed figure said pleased. He passed a red orb over the hatchling and it shone brightly.

"Peculiar though," a velvety voice said from behind him. "The dark orb has never shone this brightly."

  The demon in front of him grinned, his fangs gleaming white against the darkness that overshadowed him. "Those Sorcerers have no inkling of what is coming for them."  He tensed suddenly and sniffed the air. "Speaking of Sorcerers, we have company approaching."

  "How many? " a leaner and more graceful creature came forward asking. He was the one who had spoken earlier. "And how much time do we have before they get here?"

  "Four at least," the larger one growled and drew his weapons. His eagerness for the battle to come showing clearly on his face. " They are very close, your majesty."

  "Very well then." He bent smoothly to lift the hatchling. "I shall ride onward with the Prince. You can follow when you've dispatched of the mortals."

  "Yes, my lord."

  The king carried the Hatchling and put him in the enchanted basket. Immediately, the words DELTERZARD appeared on the basket. Smiling with pride, he climbed on his Dragon's back and flew away with the new demon. As the beast soared, he looked at his successor. "The magic has named you Delterzard. It means my instincts were correct. A mighty name for a conqueror, as you shall be." With that he began to laugh darkly...

  A knock on the door, drew Delterzard from his memories. He ignored it and sighed wistfully instead. The thought that his entire kin had risked thier existence for him, caused a small amount of warmth to flicker in the cold abyss that was his heart.

  The knock sounded again and he frowned. Irritated to be drawn once more away from his thoughts. Breathing deep, he closed his eyes and used his magic to find out the cause of his disturbance. It was Gazar. The king frowned again as he recalled their last meeting. He had better have a good reason for disturbing me. He walked away from the window he had been gazing out of and went to the door to let in his uninvited guest.

  "Gazar, what is it this time? I hope you have not forgotten the displeasure you caused me the last time we spoke."

  Gazar shivered inwardly. He would never forget it. "No my Liege, I have not."

  "Very well." He stepped away from the door and gestured him in. He walked towards his chair and sat."What do you want?"

  Gazar stood some steps away from him and Delterzard eyed him shrewdly. He was healing nicely. He smiled. Satisfied to know that Gazar would be able to take another of his punishments if he failed him again.


   "Your Majesty. I wish to request your permission to send the Bloodstones in search of the royal family of Polonia."

  "Why?" he asked confused and picked up his goblet of wine.

  "My sources tell me that the next witch of Polonia will be of royal blood."

  That piqued his interest and he turned his full attention on him."Go on."

  "I believe if we find the royal family, we could find both the medallion of magic and the witch."

  "We find her before she becomes a real threat," Delterzard murmured quietly. " You have my permission, Gazar." he said, raising his voice." And this time don't disappoint me," he warned gravely.

  Gazar bowed low in submission and gathered his magic.

"However I killed the king and all his kinsmen so how could this be? How could that blood still exist?"

"It appears the first witch of Polonia bore the former king's child before you separated them forever."

  A devilish grin appeared on the King's face. "So it is peculiar to her bloodline, is it? To think I assumed I'd wiped out the entire royal family." The smile disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. "And the child, is it male or female?"

  Gazar hesitated for a moment, not wanting to displease his master again with his answer. "No one knows, my lord." To his relief and surprise Delterzard only nodded.

  With that settled he dismissed Gazar with a wave of his hand.

*** So sorry for the late post. Yearly finals had me caught up in my studies. But I promise to make it up to you from now on. Please remember to share, comment and vote. Thanks:-). ***




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