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  "Use your wits Amber and raise your defense! Do not let her get the better of you," Ruby encouraged her youngest sister as she sparred with her opponent.

  Amber nodded her head in acknowledgement and kept her focus on the fight. She feinted at Sapphire with her left sword, and before she could recover her balance, swept her off her feet with a low kick.

  Sapphire fell to the ground with a grunt and felt the tip of her opponent's weapon on her throat. She looked into yellow eyes as deep as honey and grinned at the pride in them. Pride goeth before the fall, little sister.

Her body tensed to attack, she spoke,"Good form, Amy." She watched her sheath her blade and offer her hand in help. "But you forgot something..." Before Amber could ask what, Sapphire shifted from her position on the floor, and in one move, swept her younger sister off her feet. "Never let your guard down with an enemy," she said and walked away to clean herself.

  Amber knew the lesson was a sound one, but it was the reason  it was being taught that irked her. "You are not my enemy, Sister!" She argued, getting up from the floor and dusting herself off.

  "I was, when we sparred. I'm not now we're finished." Was the calm reply to her argument.

  Horseshit! Amber thought. She didn't believe a word of it. She was still glaring at Sapphire, when Ruby walked up to them and smiled affectionately at them both.

  "Let it pass, Amber. Malice does not become you. A wise woman must learn from her mistakes, not scorn those who correct her." She turn to Sapphire. "And a true warrior does not prey on her opponent's honor out of spite, while disguising it as teaching a valuable lesson." She said reproachfully. Sapphire lowered her gaze in repentance, and Amber sighed in acceptance. They started to strike up a conversation, when Ruby hushed them softly.

  The tension and power in the room increased until thier magic essences fused to form the Bloodstone triangle. This was what made the sisters so powerful and sought after. When the triangle was formed they became one unit. Able to draw on each other's magic, strength and weaknesses also. They could also communicate telepathically within themselves. The most impressive feature was that as long as the bond held, each bloodstone was impervious to almost every magical attack.

  They began to move away from each other slowly. Years of fighting experience had them ready, weapons drawn fully.

  "What is it, Ruby?" Sapphire asked telepathically.

"Can you not smell it? 'Tis the smell of men and horses." She replied as she picked up a familiar scent that fueled bad memories for her and almost growled. So he was here.

  "I can now," Amber added, after sniffing the air delicately. Her body tensed up, ready to attack.

  "Ruby?" Sapphire inquired, as she too caught the suspicious scent.

  "Sixth form," she stated calmly.

  "But that leaves you alone in the room to meet the strangers," Amber observed. Ruby nodded and she was about to argue when Sapphire stopped her.

  "We will cover her," Sapphire soothed, coming over to her younger sister and holding her shoulder. "You have to trust her. We may not always be able to protect each other, but if one of us should fall, we need to be able to appreciate that the ones who stand will live on and survive."

  She glanced at Ruby, as did Amber, and got a small nod and a sad smile. "We do not deceive ourselves, little sister. The path we walk leads only to death, but our love and unity makes our lives worth living." She sighed. "Go now, Amy, Saph, the riders are almost upon us."

  Sapphire moved, but Amber lingered long enough to give her eldest sister a small kiss on her cheek. Then she ran off, to take her position nearby.

  Her elder sisters were the only family she had - the only family she could remember having, in fact. Even since she had been a child her sisters had trained her, fed her, fought for her and even sometimes stolen for her when they could not afford what she needed. She loved them dearly. They had abandoned thier childhood at an early age, so she could enjoy hers. She adored them and knew, deep down in her heart, that she would not be able to go on without them if she lost them.

  She stopped and crouched at her position. Hopefully she would not have to go through that yet.


  Helen woke up from the dream mid scream and panting. The images in her dream were still glued to her memory and she hurried to the bathroom to relieve her stomach of its contents. She threw up until there was nothing left in her stomach and collected herself for a while near the toilet seat. She rose from her position and dragged herself to the sink so she could rinse her mouth.

After her rinse, she stared at her reflection. If only Ronnie could see me now she thought dryly. She looked like death warmed over. Especially the haunted look in her eyes. She sighed and took a deep breath, covering her face with her hands. It was just a dream. She had to keep telling herself that or she'd have a nervous breakdown, forget going to school.

"Honey! You up yet? Breakfast is almost ready. If you don't hurry up you'll be late for school."

Hearing her mother's voice grounded her a bit more and she splashed some water on her face to wake herself up. "Okay!" She yelled back. She had to get ready for school, she'd think about this properly when she had time to herself.

After getting ready, she met her mother at the dinning table waiting to have breakfast together. She gave her a hug and a kiss and sat down to join her.

"So... Did you have a good night?" Irene asked as she sipped her coffee.

Helen paused as the memories came rushing back, but she cleared her throat and answered. "Yeah. Cool."

"Honey, are you alright?" Her mother asked skeptically. "You looked a bit pale and withdrawn this morning."

"Mom... I'm alright nothing's wrong. Just had a weird dream that's all."

"Dream?" Irene asked suddenly very serious. "What kind of dream?"

"The kind I don't want to talk about first thing in the morning before I go to school," she said finally. She stood up from her seat. "Look Mom, it was only a dream. But if it's that important to you, I'll tell you about it when I come back home. Sound good?"

Irene stood up as well and gave her daughter a hug. "Okay. Be safe, I love you."

Helen hugged her back tightly. "Yeah. I love you too." She grabbed her keys and headed for the garage.

*** Here you go, folks! Happy New year! :-).***

ENCHANTED Book 1: Witch's DawnWhere stories live. Discover now