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  "Didn't think I'd find you here of all places," Tyler commented lightly, appearing suddenly at the bar counter.

  Ryan set down his glass and quirked his eyebrow at his best friend in amused disbelief. "Really? That's the best you can do?"

  He chuckled and ordered himself a drink. "Okay, you got me. Though, as you know, I've never been good at pretence - not like you."

  Ryan turned in his seat to face his childhood friend, a contemplative frown on his face. Like most immortals, Tyler was handsome with his golden hair and his cheerful blue eyes. He raised his drink to his lips, still eyeing him speculatively.

  "Just say it already. You know it freaks me out when you look at me like that," Tyler muttered, exasperated at his friend's wary gaze. Not that he didn't have a reason to be suspicious. In fact knowing how touchy he was on this particular subject, he would be lucky if he didn't explode on him when he heard what he had to say.

  Ryan smiled and sighed in resignation. "Okay shoot me."

  When he put it like that... "Your father wants you to come home."

  "What the hell!" He swore angrily. "Is that why he set up this whole thing? To provoke me to come back? Well it's not happening."

  "Ryan what are you talking about?" He asked confused. He understood Ryan's feelings towards his father - though it hadn't always been like this, but this was something else. "What set-up are you talking about?"

  Ryan paused at the genuine confusion on his friend's face. "He sent out the Orb of Destiny, Ty. Even went as far as giving them a prophecy, when he knows damn well I have no idea where the medallion of magic is or who it's guardian will be." He finished hotly, his ire growing once more.

  Tyler's eyes widened slightly in indication of his surprise. "You don't?"

  He frowned at him." Of course I don't, who does? The medallion has a will of it's own."

  "But aren't you like connected to it or something?" He asked slightly baffled.

  "I am. But I can't control it, only it's guardian can." And control me as well.

  "Oh." Tyler heard the unspoken comment through thier link, and it pained him to see his best friend so weary. Ryan hated not being in control. He sipped his drink and spoke carefully." Well if it's any consolation, you should know your Dad didn't do any of the things you accused him of."

  "What?" He asked in blatant disbelief. There was no way that his father was completely innocent. In his opinion, his father was capable of every trick in the book when it came to the medallion. But Tyler nodded his assurance and he began to feel uneasy. If not my Father then who?

  "In fact, he sent me here to also find out if it was you who sent out the Orb. And if so, he wanted to know your reason."

  "It wasn't me. I haven't seen the medallion in decades."

  Both friends fell silent as they drank for a while, each absorbed in his own thoughts.

  "Can I have a Brandy please?" a female voice said quietly beside them.

  The familiar voice drew Ryan from his brooding. And a glance at his friend as he turned to face her, told him he wasn't the only one dazzled. Ryan grinned when she saw him and gasped.

  "Hi again...."


"He cornered into a cave  and dropped down on the dusty floor. His breath came out in wheezes, as he panted loudly to  try to regain his composure. He knew too much and he sensed Delterzard knew so too, so he had to get away.

  News of the reappearance of the Orb of Destiny and it's prophecy had spread like wild fire among the people of Polonia, renewing thier hopes. That the king had heard of the visit the Orb had payed him did not bode well for him.

  The visit had been concerning the coming of the next demon of the west. The Orb had made known to him the catastrophe that would befall the realms if it fell into the hands of the king. It had also warned him that Delterzard was preparing for this hatchling as well and would defend it heavily.

  A rustle outside the cave caused him to snap up alert. He stood up slowly, careful not to make any sound despite the rush of adrenaline through his veins, and began to move backwards further into the cave.

  "Hello? Is anyone there?" The young woman called out in a frightened voice.

  He sighed in relief and stopped his retreat, but carried on cautiously. "Who are you?"

  "I am Jacinth of the Kalieén family. And my village is not too far away."

  He came out of the shadows and found her tethering near the entrance to the cave. "What are you doing out here then?"

  "I wandered a ways too far and got lost," she said furtively, glancing at the only exit for them both.

  He assessed her shrewdly. She seemed human, though she had a strange aura around her. He went to her and held her shoulder, giving it a small squeeze. Partly to calm her and partly to reassure himself she was human. "Do not worry then. Rest assured I will return you to your kinsmen."

  At the mention of her home, her eyes suddenly turned terrified and then  shuttered again just as quickly. She curtsied slightly. "Thank you, kind Sir. That is most generous of you." But in her mind she began to plot her escape.

  He grunted in response. Knowing that she was hiding something from him and hoping it wasn't something that could endanger his life. He left her side and went in search of fire wood to help keep them warm at the approaching dusk, extending his magic essence to monitor her actions and thoughts. She followed him, however, making that unnecessary.

  "If I may be so bold Sire, as to know the name of my helper?" She asked as they worked together.

  He opened his mouth to answer, but caught himself in time and shook his head instead. It was better if he remained anonymous to her, since she was hiding something from him. After all, a name was a powerful thing when it came to magic.

  She sighed at his response. "I understand. I am a stranger to you."

  He didn't answer, merely took the wood he had found and headed back into the cave. His thoughts flew around in his head as he contemplated what he would do next. He should never have taken up responsibility for the girl. He just hoped he hadn't jeopardized his mission. He dropped the wood on the floor and proceeded to build the fire. She dropped her wood beside his and went to kneel beside the cave wall.

  She watched him silently for a while, then spoke." You are not a man of many words, are you my lord? "

  He smiled as he subtly used a spell to start the fire. "It is not a fault of yours my dear. It's just that my day has been tiring."

  She smiled back, and the radiance in it caused him to catch his breath. "Very well, it looks like we agree on this. I am equally exhausted if not more so." She yawned and lay down on the cave floor. "Good night, my lord."

  And before he could respond, he sensed she had fallen asleep. Lightning flashed outside the cave and thunder rumbled close behind it. Soon after the pitter-patter of rain drops droned heavily around them. But still he watched her. And when the small sigh that escaped her lips tugged at his heartstrings, he knew he had to be careful with her.

  He sighed tiredly and poked the flames before him. The monotone of falling rain lulled his exhausted body to sleep, and he decided to give in after casting a protective spell round the cave. He lay down on the floor, the hardness of the rocks beneath him lost to him as they felt like the softest of feathers to his aching body.

***Here you go peeps. A promise is a promise. I hope you enjoy this chapter as well. Remember to vote and comment. I would also like it if you share my book with your friends, so they can comment as well. It would really be a great help to know what you think.♥♥♥***


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