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"You didn't strike me as someone who drinks." Ryan drawled and gestured at the glass in her hand.

  "I'm not." She took a sip and grimaced. Then she cleared her throat and continued, " but certain things can push a person to drink."

  He chuckled when she took too much at once and choked. Then grinned widely when she glared at him in reprimand. "Go slowly. It gets better at every sip."

  "Can't say the same for my relationships though," she murmured bitterly and looked towards the couple claiming the dance floor.

  "Friends of yours?" He asked, sizing the couple.

  Helen sighed. As if. "My ex and my worst enemy."

  "Ouch! I'm sorry."

  "I'm sorry too. Sorry I wasted my time with him, while he was looking for the first opportunity to dump me and start shagging the person who hates me most in the world."

  Ryan was quiet for a while. Confused at the degree of protectiveness he felt towards her. "Well it's his loss."

  She smiled warmly at him and Ryan found himself completely spellbound. The soft thud of a glass meeting the counter, however, pulled him back to reality and reminded him of his best friend's presence.

  As if on cue, she glanced behind him and asked, "Who's your friend?"

  "Tyler Stevenson," Tyler responded before he could do so. He stretched his hand for a handshake. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

  "Likewise," Helen responded in kind and shook his offered hand. "Sorry you had to see me like this. As I was telling your friend here, I'm not in my best of moods."

  Ryan frowned when she didn't refer to him by his name, and was about to interrupt them to remedy this, when Tyler spoke again.

  "Yeah, I'm sorry about that," he consoled and flashed her his adorable smile. Ryan wanted to punch him. "Didn't catch your name though."

  She flashed him a dimpled grin in return, that made both men stare. "I'm Helen. Helen Summers." A movement in the corner caught her eye, and she suddenly grew distracted by it. "Sorry but I have to go now." She smiled again absently, her mind engaged somewhere else. "Thanks for the company guys. Bye." She cast one last lingering look at Ryan, and walked away with both thier eyes following her- each for different reasons.

  "Damn, she's gorgeous," Tyler breathed out. But when he was met with silence, he turned to face Ryan. "What is it?" He asked when he saw the pensive frown on his friend's face.

Ryan shook his head absently. Was it possible that she and Christi's grand daughter shared the same name and surname. He was drawn from his musings, by the sight of his best friend's hand in front of his face. "Yes?"

  "Finally. You know it's really weird when you zone out like that," he complained and took the seat beside him. "So, what were you so disturbed about?"

  Ryan was silent. He contemplated telling his friend what had caught his attention, but that would be like giving Tyler fodder for his merciless teasing.

  Tyler looked at him knowingly. "It wouldn't have anything to do with that hottie we were talking with just now, would it?"

  He gritted his teeth in annoyance. Leave it to his best friend to read him like a book." She's Christi's grand daughter, Ty," he warned him.

  "Sure she is," he said with a mock seriousness that made Ryan want to punch him.

  "I'm serious, Ty." He said grimly.

  "Okay, okay. I'm sure this has nothing to do with the way you were ogling her just now," He said in a humoring tone.

  Ryan glared at him and drained his glass. He got up to leave: he'd just lost his party mood. "I'm moving out. You coming?"

  Tyler relented on his teasing and drained his glass as well. "Yeah, I shouldn't have stayed this long anyway." He moved to stand beside him and they started walking out.


  "I've got an important business meeting tomorrow."

  "Oh." Ryan grinned." I thought after several lifetimes you'd get bored with those kind of things."

  Tyler chuckled. "I am. It's just to show my face. Not all of us have your superior IQ and devastating charm."

  Ryan laughed as they exited the club. And the deep rumble reached Helen where she stood with her best friend. She glanced at the doorway and sighed.

  Veronica caught the sigh and quirked her eyebrows in question. "What is it?"

  "Hottie's gone," she replied wistfully.

  Veronica chuckled. "Which one?" The surprised look on her friend's face gave her her answer. "You didn't ask him his name, did you?" And when she shook her head remorsefully, Ronnie gave an exaggerated sigh of disappointment. "What a pity."

  Helen smiled and hugged her friend affectionately. "Oh Ronnie! What would I do without you?"

  "Let's hope you never have to find out."

  I wonder who he is though... She thought as her mind went back to their conversation.

***Hi peeps! :-). Double in one week! I hope you're enjoying yourself so far. Shout out to gindiva. Thanks so much for following me. I appreciate the support. I know this chapter is shorter than usual, but I got bored with the regular routine and decided on this for this chapter. Vote, share and comment. Lots of Love♥♥♥.;-)****



ENCHANTED Book 1: Witch's DawnWhere stories live. Discover now