Seven (Sicknesses and Quirk Mishaps)

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Aizawa's 19 Adopted Kids + Shinso

Aoyama: fbi
Ashido: acid cum
Asui: keroppi
Bakugou: team rocket blast off
Hagakure: john cena
Iida: fast as fck
Jirou: emo
Kaminari: pika on cocaine
Kirishima: hard 24/7
Kouda: sweetness
Midoriya: small might
Ojiro: japanese karate kid
Sato: sugar crash
Sero: that's a lot of damage
Shinso: i fcked your mind lol
Shoji: octo punch man
Todoroki: katy perry
Tokoyami: the little birdie
Uraraka: fck issac newton
Yaomomo: mother

< Sicknesses and Quirk Mishaps >

john cena: whoever went to the mall this weekend can suck cock

pika on cocaine: it's what i do best

fast as fck: Hagakure, please be mindful that it's not their fault and they're also sick as well. They didn't know a sickness quirk user was there and I'm sure they feel bad

john cena: eh yeah you right :( mb, all love gang

emo: no worries toru

octo punch man: How does everyone have a cold but Shinso?

i fcked your mind lol: i'm just better

that's a lot of damage: bro i think bakugou's fucking dying

team rocket blast off: I'm trying my best, thanks

pika on cocaine: the weakest variant of a common cold K.O.ed your ass that easy?

small might: Kacchan's immune system is strong, but anything that gets past it leaves him immobile for up to a week and sends his quirk running rampant

small might: We caught strep throat a week after his quirk manifested and he blasted himself into the ceiling


acid cum: LMAO FAT L

hard 24/7: All jokes aside, I really hope you guys get better soon. My mom's dropping off soup and McDonald's right now :)

keroppi: I fucking love you and your mom

fck issac newton: RT

sweetness: You deserve some good head for this

emo: did i just witness that?

i fcked your mind lol: kams, come back to my room, mashi's complaining

pika on cocaine: what's wrong with mashi?

japanese karate kid: Mashi is freezing his dick off and would feel much better if his other boyfriend was present

pika on cocaine: okok don't get shit up your ass crack, i'm coming with a heating blanket

fck issac newton: was that a fucking earthquake

small might: No, Kacchan just sneezed

the little birdie: And I thought Dark Shadow was bad when she got sick

sugar crash: Dark Shadow can get sick?

acid cum: Dark Shadow's a she?

the little birdie: It's a long story, but she's basically my conjoined twin sister. And yes, she can get sick. The same way she absorbs damage in battle, she absorbs any sicknesses I contract.

keroppi: And she doesn't take it well, I assume

the little birdie: I'm afraid not. But she heals pretty quickly with proper rest.

john cena: what a trooper

mother: As interesting as that is, I just have to ask-Tokoyami, does Dark Shadow have the same symptoms as us?

the little birdie: Yes, she does

mother: By any chance does she feel the hot flashes as well?

the little birdie: I don't believe so

that's a lot of damage: i'm for sure feeling them

keroppi: yeah, me too

katy perry: Sorry, that's me

that's a lot of damage: do you want me to come over?

katy perry: Yes please

fck issac newton: awww :(

fck issac newton: what the hell happened to the lights

pika on cocaine: mb

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