Twenty Four (Quirk Mishaps 2.0)

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Aizawa's 19 Adopted Kids + Shinso

Aoyama: fbi
Ashido: acid cum
Asui: keroppi
Bakugou: team rocket blast off
Hagakure: john cena
Iida: fast as fck
Jirou: emo
Kaminari: pika on cocaine
Kirishima: hard 24/7
Kouda: sweetness
Midoriya: small might
Ojiro: japanese karate kid
Sato: sugar crash
Sero: that's a lot of damage
Shinso: i fcked your mind lol
Shoji: octo punch man
Todoroki: katy perry
Tokoyami: the little birdie
Uraraka: fck issac newton
Yaomomo: mother

< Quirk Quirks >

hard 24/7: Just making sure that I don't need to go to some type of quirk sleep therapy-do any of your quirks go off at night?

katy perry: Mine doesn't

that's a lot of damage: boy oh boy do i have some news for you

mother: Our floor is freezing at night compared to the rest of the dorm

katy perry: You guys have to be exaggerating

keroppi: Sero had to give me his heater (thanks btw) because I kept going into hibernation

sugar crash: I've been sleeping in sweatpants, long sleeves, hoodies, and fuzzy socks

john cena: you know it's bad when you're wearing socks to bed

i fcked your mind lol: i wear socks to bed >:(

team rocket blast off: Of course you do, you fucking psycho

small might: Isn't Shoto's room right above Kacchan's? Because that would explain why his room is always cold

japanese karate kid: @hard 24/7 If it makes you feel any better, Kami and Toshi both sleep talk so you can imagine how that goes

hard 24/7: No need to imagine. I had to drag Kaminari from McDonald's once

mother: Kyoka's earjacks sway at certain speeds depending on her dreams

emo: so you tell the whole class before you tell me?

fck issac newton: i float myself to the ceiling a lot and the thump scares mina enough to check on me and help me back into bed

fbi: I love that??

acid cum: speaking of me, i've melted through like, 4 mattresses this year

john cena: don't forget that you also melted through the fucking floor and landed on top of me

acid cum: love you too queen xx

fast as fck: Can we continue this discussion? It's quite fascinating hearing how your quirks work on your subconscious!

fast as fck: Also, my exhaust pipes tend to smoke sometimes while I'm asleep.

the little birdie: If we're continuing, I guess now would be a good time to apologize for any disturbances Dark Shadow has made

the little birdie: She gets quite restless at night and ventures outside of my room. Thankfully, she's been taking her flashlight with her so she doesn't go berserk

fck issac newton: such a cutie

octo punch man: I've woken up to extra limbs before

fck issac newton: not so cute

octo punch man: I hate this household

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