Eleven (Hide n' Seek)

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Aizawa's 19 Adopted Kids + Shinso

Aoyama: fbi
Ashido: acid cum
Asui: keroppi
Bakugou: team rocket blast off
Hagakure: john cena
Iida: fast as fck
Jirou: emo
Kaminari: pika on cocaine
Kirishima: hard 24/7
Kouda: sweetness
Midoriya: small might
Ojiro: japanese karate kid
Sato: sugar crash
Sero: that's a lot of damage
Shinso: i fcked your mind lol
Shoji: octo punch man
Todoroki: katy perry
Tokoyami: the little birdie
Uraraka: fck issac newton
Yaomomo: mother

< Hide n' Seek >

i fcked your mind lol: @katy perry where is my boyfriend

katy perry: That is a great question that I will get back to you on

octo punch man: I feel a great level of concern as to why Todoroki is the first person you asked regarding Kaminari's disappearance

japanese karate kid: Remember how we said that Denki bounces between us like a child of divorced parents? Todoroki is basically the mutual babysitter

octo punch man:...Oh

john cena: how does one loose their boyfriend?

i fcked your mind lol: we thought he was with todoroki and sero but i guess not

emo: i literally saw them leave together

fbi: Aren't they at the airport?

keroppi: An ounce of context...just one?

fbi: My sources tell me they're boarding a flight in like, 5 minutes

japanese karate kid: Todoroki I know you're seeing this so please tell me you did not give in to Denki's puppy eyes and agreed to take him to Cuba

katy perry: This is harassment and I plead the fifth

japanese karate kid: Oh my God

mother: Not even Todoroki is immune to Kaminari, I fear

fck issac newton: the only people immune to it are Shinso, Ojiro, and Bakugou

pika on cocaine: kats grew up with the creator of puppy dog eyes, i can't get past him

small might: Word

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