Twenty One (Sound the alarms; new couple alert?)

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Aizawa's 19 Adopted Kids + Shinso

Aoyama: fbi
Ashido: acid cum
Asui: keroppi
Bakugou: team rocket blast off
Hagakure: john cena
Iida: fast as fck
Jirou: emo
Kaminari: pika on cocaine
Kirishima: hard 24/7
Kouda: sweetness
Midoriya: small might
Ojiro: japanese karate kid
Sato: sugar crash
Sero: that's a lot of damage
Shinso: i fcked your mind lol
Shoji: octo punch man
Todoroki: katy perry
Tokoyami: the little birdie
Uraraka: fck issac newton
Yaomomo: mother

< The tea has stained the carpet >

fck issac newton: @the little birdie @octo punch man EXPLAIN YOURSELVES

the little birdie: I plead the fifth

keroppi: Objection - wrong country

mother: Sustained

mother: And what's going on

octo punch man: I don't owe you guys shit


octo punch man: Oh yeah? I'm father

hard 24/7: I thought Yaomomo was mother?

fbi: We have a parental council. That's for another episode

hard 24/7:...Your pardon, I beg?

fck issac newton: @acid cum @fast as fck @emo @sweetness @sugar crash @mother PERMISSION TO FORCE TOKOYAMI AND SHOJI TO EXPLAIN THEMSELVES

sweetness: Usually I'd say respect their boundaries but Shoji's been awful stingy with his hair care routine so I'll allow it


emo: ok he can tell us but squid game is disrespectful af

john cena: what in all might's ass crack is going on

the little birdie: Okay, at least wait for everyone to be online


pika on cocaine: literally every form of respect has been thrown out the window

the little birdie: For context purposes, Uraraka and Tsuyu did see Shoji and myself at the mall together and are quite curious as to why we were there-specifically alone and without telling anyone we were going

octo punch man: Oh my God Fumi, by the time you get to the "We're dating" part I'll be too old and frail to propose

small might: I KNEW IT

that's a lot of damage: OKAY WOAH WHAT

the little birdie: I was trying to ease it in, Mezo

octo punch man: Ease what in? You've been walking around in my sweater for weeks and people already assumed we were dating in the first place

the little birdie: You're lucky I love you <3

the little birdie: That was Dark Shadow

octo punch man: I'm sure it was

hard 24/7: K thanks I'm sleeping in the highway tonight

team rocket blast off: Gay

acid cum: says he who threw the first brick at Stonewall

mother: Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys!

emo: @octo punch man hurt tokoyami and watch what my ears can do

octo punch man: He's in many good hands

john cena: awww!! that was so cute that i'm throwing myself down a cliff <3

pika on cocaine: so are we all gonna ignore why uraraka and tsu were also at the mall without telling anyone?

keroppi: Koda, I love you, but stop typing

fbi: A little birdie told me they may or may not have been holding hands...

keroppi: Fumikage Tokoyami

the little birdie: Alas, I am just a little birdie

fck issac newton: this is so racially motivated

that's a lot of damage: shoto's looking at his phone with so much confusion

katy perry: I really want to get an explanation on our whole "Parental Council"

fbi: Coming right up

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