Nineteen (Arrangements)

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Aizawa's 19 Adopted Kids + Shinso

Aoyama: fbi
Ashido: acid cum
Asui: keroppi
Bakugou: team rocket blast off
Hagakure: john cena
Iida: fast as fck
Jirou: emo
Kaminari: pika on cocaine
Kirishima: hard 24/7
Kouda: sweetness
Midoriya: small might
Ojiro: japanese karate kid
Sato: sugar crash
Sero: that's a lot of damage
Shinso: i fcked your mind lol
Shoji: octo punch man
Todoroki: katy perry
Tokoyami: the little birdie
Uraraka: fck issac newton
Yaomomo: mother

< We hate the seating chart over here >

pika on cocaine: you guys in the back of the class are so lucky

pika on cocaine: toshi was literally asleep the entire day and not one of the teachers said ANYTHING

fck issac newton: speak for yourself, i hate it back here

fast as fck: I do agree with Uraraka. It's very hard to hear the teachers besides Present Mic.

john cena: you guys are just FEASTING back there 24/7. i can't even look under my desk without cementoss calling me out to pay attention

japanese karate kid: At least you and Aoyama are right beside the AC and the heater

hard 24/7: Facts. Sitting in the middle rows suck

i fcked your mind lol: y'know who has the best seats??

i fcked your mind lol: midoriya and tsu

fbi: Great air circulation, directly beside the outlets, not too far back but not too close, and out of the teachers direct field of vision

emo: and their outlets work faster than all the other outlets for some reason and yes i tested it

keroppi: Anyone who sits directly beside Kaminari has no place to talk about outlets

that's a lot of damage: facts like he IS the outlet

acid cum: and he's the one of the few people
who acc understand the english/literature/english literature lessons

team rocket blast off: Which I still don't understand since I've never seen him pick up a book

pika on cocaine: ok just because i'm a little dyslexic doesn't mean i can't cite shakespeare

japanese karate kid:...But you can't

i fcked your mind lol: you woke me up at 5 in the morning to help you finish your essay

pika on cocaine: which i got a 95 on tyvm

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