What are best friends for? ~ 6

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"Are you fucking for real?! What a bitch." Ari steams as I finish telling her everything that's happened with Nao lately.

"I just don't know what to do. Hoseok tells me there's nothing to worry about and I trust him but I don't trust her. I can tell she's being two faced and Hoseok is too sweet to see it." I sigh.

I knew right away Ari would give me good advice on what to do and I need her more then ever right now.

"If I was there I would have knocked that fake smile right off of her face. No one messes with my best friend and her man." Ari says, making a fist at the screen.

"If only you were. I know you'd have her running in the other direction scared. I miss you. This sucks, I need you here with me." I frown.

"I'll come visit you soon I promise! When I do I'll also have a little talk with this Nao chick. She'll get the hint after that for sure." Ari says and I can tell she's getting rilled up.

I loved that no matter what, Ari always had my back. Ever since we were kids she's always been right there when I needed her and now was definitely one of those times.

It sucks that she's not here with me. I've never been this far from her before and to say I was missing her like crazy would be an understatement.

"Thank you, I love you." I sigh and Ari smiles. "Hey, what are friends for? I love you! Let me know if she keeps playing games and when I come visit I'll have fun." Ari grins, already plotting.

"Will do." I laugh, going along with her ideas.

When we ended the call I got to work on my homework, trying to get it out of the way so I didn't have to worry about it.

I already had too much to worry about as is and I didn't want the extra stress.

At the moment Hoseok was at his classes so I was alone until he got home which was still some time from now.

That's why when I heard the front door I got a little freaked out. I shot my head in the direction of it as there was a second knock.

I cautiously walked over to it and peeped through the hole. To my surprise, there was Yoongi.

"Hey." I say as I open the door, a little confused on why he was here right now.

"Is Hoseok here?" Yoongi asks, looking around past me.

"Nope he's still in class. Did you come to hang with him or?" I ask, feeling bad he made the trip for nothing.

"Yeah but I guess I mixed up the times. I can come back later." Yoongi says but I stop him.

"You can hangout here until you gets back. I'm here too ya know." I say jokingly but he shakes his hands rapidly.

"Of course, I know! I just wasn't sure you wanted to hang out with me." He laughs.

"Don't be silly of course I do. Come on, I was just doing some homework." I say and right away Yoongi tilts his head to the side.

"For our class? I already finished it if you want me to help." He says and right away, I was grateful because it was in deed for the class we had together.

We sit down where I had been seated and he shows me, rather tells me, what to do.

We finished the work quickly and so I decided to pick his brain for some advice on the Nao situation.

"I know you told me I shouldn't worry but I can't help it. I have a bad feeling about this and I feel like she's trying to get under my skin." I sigh after filling Yoongi in on what happened the other day before we left school.

Yoongi looked stumped and that worried me. When he finally spoke, I didn't like what he had to say.

"I think she is. I know it sucks to hear but I think she's trying to act all innocent in front of him and do what she use to do to others before."

His words made my insides turn. "But don't worry, Hoseok has always been oblivious to it so I'm sure it'll be the same this time around. Plus he has you, he won't ruin that." Yoongi says in attempts to make me feel better.

"We won't let him ruin things. We like you too much." Yoongi says, flashing a gummy smile.

"Well good because I like you guys too and I love Hoseok of course so I hope nothing happens and I'm just overthinking things." I sigh and Yoongi nods.

"I'm sure everything will be alright. You can always come to me if you need to talk about it. I'll try my best to help." Yoongi says and I nod.

"Thank you, that really means a lot." I say as I lean forward and throw my arms around him in a tight hug.

I was glad at least through this I knew the guys wouldn't let Nao do anything without there being serious consequences.

I had them all on my side at least. I just hoped it never came to that point where we needed to worry.

Yoongi didn't say anything as he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me back.

I found comfort in the hug, knowing he meant well and was there for me made me happy. I was glad that when meeting Hoseok, I had also made some amazing friends in the process.

The sound of a throat clearing caught both of our attentions as we pulled away to see Hoseok standing in front of us, looking more then confused.

"You're back." I smile, moving away from Yoongi.

"What's going on?" Hoseok asks, seeming more focused on what he had walked in on which by the way, I hadn't even heard the front door open.

"Just a friendly hug don't get the wrong idea. I got the times mixed up and came too early so we've just been hanging out while I waited for you." Yoongi says as he stands up, walking to Hoseok's side.

Hoseok nods slowly as he turns in my direction.

"We're gonna go chill in the room for a bit if you don't mind. We can make dinner in a bit, okay?" Hoseok smiles, not giving me time to respond as he leans forward and pecks my lips.

When he pulls back he drags Yoongi into our room and shuts the door.

I stand there, confused, but don't question it.

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