Chapter 11

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The next morning I woke up my eyes hurt from crying and they were swollen up, my body was stiff, head pounding, my pillow and the side of my face was covered in suliva.
I sit up slowly my eyes adjusting to the light coming in throw my window my bed room door was wide open and just like that my father was standing there he looked tired , his hands in his pocket.

"Good morning"

I said small as I put my feet to the grown he walked in and sat next to me his eyes looking out my window.

"Me and your mother think it's best if I leave for a little bit"


"Kelly-im not ready for any of this and I wasn't ready for a daughter"

"How could you even say that!"

"Kelly it's just best"

I looked at him in disbelief he stood up and walked out I ran after him.

"Dad you can't go!"

He didn't answer he walked out the front door I ran out after him my mother on right behind me calling after me my father was pulling out but I ran in front of his car making him stop .

"Dad you can't leave!"

"Kelly dear-"

"I'll change I'll be a boy!"

He looked away from me. I banged my fist on his hood.

"I'll be your son! Please don't leave!"

I scream out some other the neighbors came out of their houses.

"Kelly let him go"

"No! Please I'll change please don't leave!"

He didn't even look sad about this the fact he was ripping my heart out I can't believe him! I start to kick his bumper screaming out.

"You God Damn Asshole!"

"Kelly! Stop!"

My mom yelled getting closer to me I look around me and find a rock I pick in up and get onto of his hood.

"You don't fucking care about us! I'm sorry I'm not a fucking boy!"

I then slammed the rock onto his windshield repeatedly he yelled for me to stop but I couldn't I wanted him to pay for the pain he was giving me and my poor mother.


My mom yelled ripping the rock from my hand she flung it away but that didn't stop me I started slamming my fist into the windshield now cracking it even more I see blood but I didn't care I wanted to fucking ruin his life like he's doing mine.
But before I could break the glass fully I was yanked off the car and landed onto someone's lap and my father pulls away.
Frustration came out and I yelled cussing my father's name with everything in me I get away from who ever pulled me off.
My body shaking my hands bleeding.

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