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"A girl that small needs security? Seems like a big shot" Yoongi commented thoughtfully. " How well do you know her Kookie?" Jimin asked. "We just share memes and stuff. We're both pretty less-talking-over the phone type of people" Jungkook shrugged helplessly. "Hand it over" Yoongi commanded. "Hand what?" Jungkook asked confused. "Her ID" Jimin said catching on to what the elder was saying.

"What for?" Jungkook asked again. "You're still young" Yoongi sighed. "Give it" Jimin repeated. "Nope. That's a breach of privacy" Jungkook defied. Jimin and Yoongi came upon a very suspicious silent agreement with an eye contact. "Okay" Jimin said breaking into a smile as he pulled the elder away with him.

"That was weird" Jungkook mumbled to himself. "What is weird?" Jessie asked coming out of nowhere. "Nothing" he answered flustered on being overheard. "You okay?" she asked as he nodded. "Who was that girl though?" Jessie asked. "A friend of ours. I don't know how Bang PD hyung knows her though. But, they're friends as well. " Jungkook answered. "And how do you know her?" Jessie asked. "We met at the Harry Styles concert"He answered. 

"What was the song she danced on?" Jessie further questioned. "I have no idea either. As far as I know she was sort of forced into it" Jungkook asked equally unsure. "Can you introduce me to her?" she asked nervously. "I don't mind but why?" he asked. "I want to talk to her but I don't know how to. So help me out here" she said frustrated-ly. "Sure" he answered cheekily as they rushed to find her.

"Hey" Jungkook interrupted the ongoing conversation between Bang PD and J-Hope as Alesha and Dhruv were bickering on the side in a language that nobody seemed to understand as very amused looking Yoongi, Jimin and Taehyung looked on. 

"Hello" Jessie added as all of them turned to look at Jessie and Jungkook. Alesha was frozen on the sighting of the new addition. A small-talk took place between the present people and Jessie in Korean. "Hello" Jessie said turning to look at Alesha. "H-Hey" she fumbled. "What's your name?" Jessie asked. "Alesha."

"Hello Alesha, I'm Jessie" she said fondly looking at the flustered younger. "I.. I know. I'm a big fan" she answered still fumbling with her words. "Is that why you are stuttering? Am I making you nervous?" Jessie asked being her concerned self as she put a comforting hand over the younger's shoulder.

"Alesha.exe has stopped functioning" Taehyung teased. "And she couldn't have had that reaction around us" Yoongi groaned. " I got this" Bang PD said as he whispered something in the younger's ear making her scowl at him. 

"Back to normal" He commented casually. " Could I talk to you if you don't mind?" Jessie asked gently. "Of course I would love to. " Alesha answered in an excited tone. "I mean, yeah sure" she said in a more formal way.

"Ga-ja?" Jessie asked stretching her hand out in the younger's direction which she gratefully latched onto as they walked away.

"Why did I have a feeling, the third-wheeling types?" Jimin said blinking his eyes rapidly in disbelief. "You lost to a girl" Taehyung said being brutally honest. " Shut it" Yoongi said looking bored now that his source of entertainment was gone. 

"But, hyung why are you and Jimin flirting with the same girl?" Taehyung asked. "They were what?" Jungkook and Bang PD exclaimed together. "Don't even think of it. She is a very important asset" Bang PD warned. "In my defense she is very attractive" Yoongi said throwing his hands in the air. "Then get yourself a girlfriend. Not her" Bang PD said sternly.

"And Taehyung stop exposing us" Jimin said sounding frustrated. "I'm just being honest" Taehyung shrugged. "And you two better not flirt with my friend" Jungkook added seeming pissed. "I didn't raise this kid right" Yoongi sighed. "Neither did I. He just doesn't get the point" Jimin said rolling his eyes. 

"And there you two go again" Dhruv commented casually. "Aren't you the one that likes her too?" Jungkook pointed out. "Now this is getting complicated" Dhruv said with a sigh. "You guys do realise that this is my pre-launch party and not a flirting with a girl who is way younger than us?"Hoseok said with a huff.

"What did we miss?" Jin said coming out of nowhere along with a panting Namjoon on trail. "Hyung, Jimin and Yoongi hyung are flirting with my friend" Jungkook said as he ratted the two out. "A girl? Who?" Namjoon asked. "My friend" Jungkook and Bang PD said coincidentally again. "And this is..?" Jin asked looking at Dhruv. "Dj" "Spy!" "Bodyguard" Dhruv, Taehyung and Jungkook said simultaneously. "One of you explain what just went down here?" Jin asked seemingly confused.

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