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When you fell in love with him knowing that he will never love you back: him as your best friend's boyfriend- BONUS

Four years later:

Unlocking the door of an apartment making it flung open. Switching on the lights, one could only see old furniture covered with sheet covers while the sheets were themselves covered with the dust of time.

There you should with a small smile on your lips, as you scanned the whole room and closed the behind, coming inside completely. Each and every moment which you had spend in his apartment, four years back and before played infront of your eyes.

The day when you purchased it for yourself from your hard owned money,  the day you shifted here, when you became friends with Luna at the very first day, those night parties with Luna, your tiring nights, lazy weekends, then your parent's first visit to your house, when Yoongi dropped you at your home at your first meet, whenever you use have an amazing time with Luna and Yoongi at your home, and the day you confessed him about your feelings, your last meet with them and finally your last few minutes in the apartment.

Your happiness, sadness, breakdowns and cries each and everything was witnessed by this apartment of yours. As if it was your secret keeper and the best friend which will be always there to listen to you. A tear drop fell down from your eyes, while you quickly wipped it off.

"I missed you alot." You said in low voice as you looked at the walls with a sadness in eyes. "I know that I wasn't suppose to come back here, but I have to come because I have to finish each and every reason of coming back here. I had put you for sale and I have a buyer for you and soon he'll come and will be your new owner." Tears finally fell down your eyes as you talked to the non-living apartment.

Your plans were clear from the beginning that you will never return back to Korea, but you own this property over here and it was getting really important for you sell this off. So though online modes you had puts this for sale for years back only and finally it was the day when you got a buyer but to complete the formalities you were asked to come back. And that's how you ended up here after spending 4 years of your life in United states.

Your thoughts were interupted with a sudden ring of bell making you surprised. "Who could it be like so suddenly?" Confusingly you went to open the door and the moment you opened the door your eyes wide open out of shock. Your brain stopped processing, while your heart started beating rapidly inside your chest, while your stupid eyes reacted to your heart in a way that you felt salty water non-stop flowing down your cheeks.

Never you ever expected to see such a sight infront of your eyes, as there he stood infront of you, that man the love of your life. Min Yoongi, the man you had always admired the most, loved the most, always thought about the most even in your dreams. Stood right infront of you.

He was looking even more pale, the brightness of his face was missing still he was standing there with a smile on his lips and tears in his eyes, with a sense of sudden fullness inside. You noticed a slit changes his appearance his slitly long hairs which were making him look even more handsome. But soon you noticed he wasn't standing alone over there, a little boy around 24 months was in his arms.

"Y/n!" He said and snapped you out of your thoughts as you quickly wipped off your tears and plastered a smile over your face. "Come in." You offered him and he entered inside while nodding.

"He's your son?" You asked, while Yoongi looked at him then smiled and nodded his head, while you smiled back. "He's cute." You patted his head and looked down. "You told us that you will not returned then how?" He said out of curiosity while his voice broked in between, while you looked up and sadly smiled while looking at the spider wepped walls of your apartment.

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