Chapter 1- The basement I called home.

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Hey so here's a quick explanation, yes you are eight in this first chapter so, basically in grade like 2, but don't worry you'll meet Finn when ur 12-13 same age lol, you were trapped for six years... oop. ok don't go yet plz... I worked hard on this..


The sky thundered with an ominous roar as the rain poured down in sheets, pelting the earth with a merciless fury. 

"NO! NONONO, GO AWAY!" A voice screeched with raw fear, your own voice echoing through the room. "I SAW THE DEAD BODY IN THE BASEMENT!" The words escaped your trembling lips as you desperately tried to convey the horror you had witnessed. Your father, his face etched with concern, reached out to steady you, his hands gently grasping your shoulders. "Y/n, please, calm down," he pleaded, his voice filled with a mix of worry and compassion. "Look at me and take a deep breath. We can talk this through."

But you couldn't hear his words amidst the turmoil raging inside you. Pushing him away, you stumbled backward, your back against the worn wooden door. The intensity of your emotions surged, transforming your face into a fiery crimson mask. Tears streamed down your face, mingling with the sweat that coated your trembling palms. Desperation and fury consumed you as you rattled the handle of the locked door, each scream tearing at the very core of your being.

"You're not my dad!" your voice cracked, the accusation laced with a chilling desperation. "You're a murderer! A terrible, wicked murderer!" Your words reverberated, trapped within the confines of your own torment. Hyperventilating, you spiraled into a chaotic frenzy, your mind unraveling as you darted around the room like a tormented soul. Finally, your energy spent, you collapsed dramatically onto the floor, abandoning any semblance of escape, pleading silently for mercy to touch the depths of your tortured soul.

With a firm grip on your wrists, he yanked you upward, forcing you to meet his chilling gaze. His voice dropped to a menacing growl, resonating deep within, as if it emerged from the depths of darkness itself. "How dare you, how dare you shout at your own father," he seethed, his eyes piercing into yours, filled with a mixture of anger and something inexplicably sinister.

Your heart sank, and time seemed to freeze as your tears halted, suspended in the air. A shiver ran down your spine as his hand produced a gun, its cold, metallic presence pressing against your temple. "It's disrespectful to raise your voice against your own father, Y/n!" His voice trembled, teetering on the edge of tears, revealing a conflicting struggle within him. It was as if he understood the wrongness of his actions, yet couldn't resist the sinister compulsion that consumed him. "What happens within my personal affairs is none of your damn business!" A twisted satisfaction flickered across his reddened, contorted face, but before you could comprehend his intentions, darkness enveloped you as the gun struck the side of your head, sending you crashing to the floor.

As consciousness slipped away, the last image burned into your fading sight was the sight of his filthy, stained white mask, a symbol of the malevolence that governed his soul.


In the frigid depths of an unfamiliar, foreboding underground basement, your body trembled as consciousness slowly returned. Disoriented and fearful, you struggled to comprehend your surroundings.

A voice echoed through the air, sending chills down your spine. It emerged from behind a creaking door, the figure gripping a gun with chilling intent, its barrel ominously aimed at your vulnerable head. The metallic touch of the weapon grazed against your hair, intensifying the haze that clouded your thoughts.

Avoiding the deadly gaze of the gun, you reluctantly lowered your gaze, nodding in submission. "I want you to say 'ok,' Y/n," he grumbled, his demand pressing down upon you with an oppressive weight. The words barely escaped your trembling lips, threatening to unleash a torrent of tears. They teetered on the edge of your vulnerability, pushing you further into the abyss of despair.

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