Chapter 11- Remember?

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(A/N- Omg its been two months I'm so sorry! like I said, I was dealing with some things and still its a bit rough but I've realized writing is a good way to cope with it all. Obviously I still have school so I'll only upload on weekends, or sometimes Friday. But other then that, thank you for all the love and comments, u guys deserve the world!- L)


Finn POV:

Her gaze met mine, her breath lingering on my face. The softness of her skin and the captivating color of her eyes made her strikingly beautiful in an unusual way. As she began to walk away, I couldn't let her go just yet. I reached out and grabbed her shoulder, my eyes fixed on her as she turned around. "I was there," I said, my words dissipating into the breeze. Perplexed, she asked, "What? That doesn't make any sense. What do you mean...?" Her eyes searched mine for answers.

"I mean, I was there with you. Come on, give me one reason why I would lie to you," I pleaded, my grip on her shoulder tightening slightly. She looked at me with a mix of confusion and skepticism. "Look, just because I don't watch the news doesn't mean you can lie to my face," she retorted. I stared at her intently, my voice filled with sincerity. "No, listen. Ask anyone, I swear I wouldn't lie. He took you somewhere, and I don't know what..." Her reaction caught me off guard as she stepped back, her expression guarded. "Just please, go away. I don't know how you know me, but if you're another person who knows me from TV, just go away," she pleaded, her voice filled with vulnerability. And with that, she sprinted off, leaving me behind.

"I'm not lying!" I shouted after her, the desperation in my voice echoing in the air.


Y/n POV:

You stormed back home, fueled by anger, and swung open the door with a force that made it collide against the trailer wall. "Yo, shaggy!" Jimmy called out, frozen in place, sensing the tension in the air. Tears welled up in your eyes, and you burst into uncontrollable sobs. "Whoa, what's wrong, kid?" Jimmy crouched down beside you, but you pushed him away gently, standing up from the floor. "N-news... newspapers, Jim. The ones from before I was at the hospital. I-I need them!" Jimmy's eyes softened. "Why? I thought you never cared about what happened. Why do you want to know now, girl?" You grabbed hold of your hair, frustration consuming you. "For God's sake, Jim, I don't know my family, my life. I didn't even know my name! MY NAME IS..." Your voice trailed off as you wiped your nose. "What if there's people, a family looking for me Jim!" The tears overflowed as you rushed out of the door. You had feared the truth, avoided facing it, but now you had no choice.

Jimmy didn't bother chasing after you; instead, he stood there, watching as you dashed across the street, silently praying for your safety. "Where are you even going girl!" His voice fell on deaf ears as he placed his hands on his head in a mix of panic and pity, retreating back into the trailer, desperately searching for any information about you.


(547 Words)

plz don't be mad at how short this chapter is, I'm rlly busy and like i said, they're gonna be a lil short from now on

sorrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyy xx


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