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Hello! I'm back! And my exams are still not over...

So here's a little question and answer session for you guys!

About the author:

Dream occupation:

Manga artist- I love drawing even if I'm bad at it. I've been drawing comics since I was 10, and I've slowly improved. I don't really draw those anymore, since I realized I should write a script first and I don't have many ideas. You can tell me some stuff you want me to draw though! I can make a book where I put drawings readers request.

Back up occupation:

A writer or a scientist or a doctor I guess. I really did not think this through, I'm just hoping my first choice will work.

Favorite color:


Favorite food:

RAMEN, CHIPS, INSTANT NOODLES, JUNK FOOD!!! I somehow never get sick even though I eat these daily. Yay.

Why did I decide to write this book?

I saw so many fanfics with similar topics and got my own idea. Also, most of the grammar pissed me off because English is my first language, so even though I don't blame the writer, I felt uncomfortable reading incorrect grammar.

Why am I on Wattpad?

I was reading fanfics on the website, but my sister told me the app is way better, so I downloaded it when I was finally not too lazy. Also, I kept forgetting to do that.

Am I smart?

No, I'm a massive idiot. My results are okay, mostly As and Bs, but I don't actually understand what I'm writing when I take the exams. I just write what I know I have to write. But now that I'm in Secondary school, things are easier than primary school somehow. I have less homework, I'm in an art elective, I'm a loner... I somehow pass my exams with okay marks... I'm living the dream.

Where am I from?

I live in Asia, yay. Equator is trying to kill me. EVERYDAY IS HOT, IT RAINS SOMETIMES I GUESS. I love it when it rains... it's so cool.

What do I look like?

................................................................................................................................................ Normal, I guess? I'm about 160cm tall, I have long hair, which is brownish black. I don't really wanna take a pic of myself because I'm lazy... but if you want a face reveal, then I guess I can do that? I don't really mind.

Can I actually do normal art, like painting and stuff that's not anime?

Sort of...? I mean, I'm not good at anime and manga anyway, and when I first started out drawing and painting as a kid, I was horrible. Right now, I still have troubles with anatomy, but I'm even worse at painting. It might be because I'm using cheap and old paints, but I guess we'll never know.

How old am I?

I'm thirteen at the moment, and I'm secondary one. Honestly, I can't wait till I'm fourteen, since it's my favorite number.

My favorite subject?

Art. It's not cool that I need to know art history now, but my teacher is fun and keeps giving us expired food. Once he gave us food that was going to expire in two hours and told us to eat in class. BEST TEACHER EVER.

If it's not art, then I guess my favorite subject is math. I actually hate it, but it's the one thing I keep getting A1 for, so I guess it's okay. The rest I'm just getting A2 or B4. I've only gotten one B3 for some reason. I'm just stupid I guess.

Btw, A1 is 75-100, A2 is 70-75, B3 is 65-70, B4 is 60-65. I think. I actually forgot hehe.

How was Primary school?

It was fine, I guess. I had good friends who I still keep in contact with, and my best friends at church who are CRAZY. I'm not even kidding. But it's fine, we're all crazy together (:

The Primary School Leaving Examination sucked though. We were like the Guinea pigs of the new scoring system, which did not feel great. Also, my oral sucks. Oral is basically just looking at this picture or watching some video, then describing it then doing analysis or something on it. Well, my language and speaking skills are extremely bad, so I did horribly in the Chinese one. Thank goodness I didn't take third language, I would have died...

But yay, I did well for all the other papers, so I got a pretty high score and got into my current secondary school, which I will let you guess. (:

Well, it's time to bring this to a close! Happy reading!

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