The losing baseball game

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I sat in the bleachers next to Gwen as we watched her older brother pitch.

"GO FINNEY" I yelled with a big smile plastered on my face.

Finney was just about to strike out Bruce but sadly Bruce was able to hit the last pitch Finney made.

As Bruce ran around each of the plates happily as everyone cheered for him, Finney slowly walked to the dugout clearly dissapointed in himself.  

He looked at  Donna to see if she was looking at him and she wasn't. Of course this made him more upset. As the teams finish up with there high fives and good game remarks I run onto the field knowing I'm not supposed to.

Finney looks at me confused.

"Eve what are you doing?!" He whispers.

Before I say anything I pull him into a hug.

"You did amazing today." I say pulling away with a huge smile on my face.
"Thank you I just hope Donna thought the same thing." My smile fades.

Donna this Donna that why can't he just forget about Donna for once?

I look at the ground trying to hold back tears. Sometimes I wished I was Donna. I've know Finney Blake since I was 5. I knew everything about him and he knew everything about me. And for some odd reason last summer, after that night he stayed at my house, I felt something shift.

Finney looked at me.

"Eve?" He asks his voice sweet and sincere.

I look up slowly a tear slipping down my cheek. Finney sees this and pulls me into a hug.

"I'm sorry" he says.

Sorry for what? Carrying more about what Donna thinks? I'm your best friend Finney...why can't you care about me the way you care about her?

"You have nothing to be sorry for" I say as I pull away from the hug.
"But I do" he says.
"No you don't" I say.
"Look I know you like me" he says.

My jaw drops as I look at him before running off not wanting to face this.

A thousand thoughts ran through my head at the moment and it sucked because I couldn't sort through them like normal. Why did I just do that? I left Finney there all alone... He's gonna hate me...why can't he love me? Why? Why? Why?

Finney's pov

She ran away with out a word. Why? Was it because I looked at Donna? Was it because I told her I knew? If only she knew.

I sigh now even more upset than before. Not only did I lose the baseball game, I probably just lost my best friend and most importantly the love of my life.

Shhh, I've Got You *Finney Blake × Fem OC*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora