Fight or flight

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I sat in the room as the grabber came downstairs to toss me food. I was tired due to my lack of sleep. He looked familiar but I couldn't quite place him.

Maybe I was losing my mind even more than I already had. I look up and notice he's walking closer to me and it scares me.

I look over to see Finney hiding in the corner. When I look back up I see the grabber who's now face to face with me. I jump back but he grabs me and throws me against the wall.

I let out a sob as he walks away and Finney walks up to me.

"Hey I've got you" he says.

His voice was for and calm like normal and it broke my heart. I was so madly in love with him yet I hated his guts.

I look up again to see the grabber staring at us. I was scared but i had to fight. He walked up to me and it sent me into fight or flight mode. Robin had always taught me to fight so I did. When he got close enough i kicked him hard causing him to hit the ground.

I turn and look at Finney as I look at the open door. I run towards the door but the grabber grabs me. In this moment I couldn't fight. I tried so hard to fight but now I resorted to flight mode. I was never gonna get out

Shhh, I've Got You *Finney Blake × Fem OC*Where stories live. Discover now