Bloody knuckles and a lost friend (long)

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We eventually pulled away after we heard yelling coming from the school. "Fight! Fight! Fight!" Is all I could hear. I look at Finney confused as he grabs my hand before taking off and running. When we got there we saw a big crowd.

I pushed my way through the crowd to see Robin Arellano and one of me and Finney's bullies who's name was Moose.

"You think your so tough huh?" Moose says.
"Let's find out" Robin says back.

Robin Arellano was one of me and Finney's best friends. It was always us three against the world. I knew him like I knew Finney. And I new he wasn't giving up without a fight because if I'm being honest he didn't care he wasn't afraid. And that's what made me like Robin.

"I will pound you like a nail" Moose said looking Robin up and down.
"Then do it! Unless youre scared." Robin copped back.

Moose then took one look at Robin before swinging. Welp that's the end of Moose as we know it I thought. Robin ducked before coming back up and punching Moose in the side.

All of a sudden Robin kicked Moose causing him to spin and go face first into the pole behind him. But Moose didn't give up. He turned around quickly punching at Robin again. Robin caught the punch and wrapped his arm around Moose's neck before flipping him on his back.

Once Moose was on his back Robin got on top of him and started swinging. I couldn't take it anymore so I ran into the circle and pulled Robin off. "Robin calm down" I whisper in his ear. Now what I didn't realize was that Moose was getting up and was about to swing at Robin.

Instead of hitting Robin though he missed and hit me instead. Now I was pissed. My face turned bright red as I moved Robin out my way. Moose looked at me and then at Robin with a look of fear plastered on his face.

"You done fucked up" I say.
"Shit" Moose mumbles.

This isn't my first time fighting Moose. But this is the first time I fight back and actually kick his ass. I look at Moose before kicking my foot up causing it to make contact with his face.

I look at Robin who is staring at me in disbelief. I spit out blood as I hold my nose. Now you would think that one punch wouldn't do alot of damage. But it did. He hit me so hard it made me bleed a lot. Not just from my nose but my mouth too.

"He shouldn't have touched me whether it was an accident or not." I say.

Finney looks at me fully concerned as he grabs my face noticing the black eye. "Eve he did a lot of damage to your pretty face." Finney says but I just shrug it off and walk away with out a word.

Time skip to the bathroom scene

As I'm going to walk to my next class I see Finney run into the boys bathroom. At first I was confused but then I saw three boys follow him in. I sigh recognizing these three boys as another three of our bullies. I'm gonna regret this I think as I slowly walk into the boys bathroom hoping nobody notices.

Now once I was in I slowly creep up behind the boys. As I look up I see Finney looking at me. I put my finger up to my mouth causing him to look away. As I walk behind the middle boy I go to kick him in the back of the knee but someone grabs me.

I turn around to see Robin. I move away as he grabs my hand whilst walking towards Finney.

As I look at him he walks away with an upset look on his face. This makes my stomach hurt. I let go of Robin's hand quickly as I run out of the bathroom chasing Finney.

"Finney wait" I yell.
"It's not what it looks like" I say as he turns around.
"Then what is it?" He says sadness laced in his voice.
"Robin only grabbed my hand to help me get through the boys because they were in the way" I say.
"Ok" he says walking away.

That kinda stung but I mean I did get jealous when he was looking at Donna but that still didn't make it hurt any less.

Time skip to the end of the day

As I walked home I noticed Finney Gwen and Robin so I decided to walk up to them. As I start walking up to them I notice Donna walking up to Finney this makes my heart sink. I start walking faster because I was worried that he was gonna replace me quickly.

As I'm walking I get stopped. I look up to see the beaten up face of Moose. Of course I think. I decide that I don't want to deal with him so I go to walk around him but he grabs my arm roughly and tightly causing me to yell in pain.

"Your gonna pay for what you did" he says in a harsh tone.
"Let me go" I say as I try to get my arm free.
"Not until your face looks like mine" he says.
"What?! All I did was made you look better. I just saved you the money!" I say coping an attitude.

As soon as I say this he lets go of my arm pushing me to the ground. As I hit the ground people start surrounding us yelling. "Fight fight fight" is all I could hear as i sweep Moose's leg from underneath him.

Once he's on the ground I get on top of him as I start punching. He ends up moving his head slightly causing me to punch the hard concrete underneath him. I leap back in pain. I grab my bag and decide that I was done as I start walking home.

As I'm walking I look down at my hand. Bloody knuckles was all that I could see.

Time skip to getting home

I get home and throw my bag to the side as I run upstairs. My parents weren't home so I was all by myself and I hated it so I decided to go to Finney's place.

at Finney's house

As I walk up to the door I sigh. I knock on the door and Gwen opens it letting me in as soon as she sees me. Once I'm in she points down the hall telling me that Finney's in his room.

I run to Finney's room opening the door quickly. Once I open the door Finney looks at me. I notice a sad look on his face so I walk over. I barely even noticed Donna sitting next to him as I pulled him in to my chest letting him cry.

"He's gone he was taken" Finney says his voice muffled.
"Who?" I ask.
"Robin" he says.

That's when my world stopped for the first time. My best friend was gone and I didn't know if I he was coming home or if he was gone forever.

Shhh, I've Got You *Finney Blake × Fem OC*Where stories live. Discover now