Never getting out

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I had lost all hope. Being in here made me go insane. I was losing my mind I was losing everything.

Being I'm here made me think about all of the idiotic things I did. Like forgiving Finney so often and so easily. I wanted to say something to him even though it would cause an argument.

I guess you can say i wanted an argument. I don't know why but I did. Maybe it was because I wanted to here his voice.

I knew if I would just try and start an actual conversation with him he would just push me away. But if it was an argument he would argue right back.

"You know Finney. I'm so so fucking stupid for ever giving you a second chance after you broke our promise." I say.

Finney looks up at me confused, angry, and upset.

"You really can't watch yourself can you? And i was the one who gave you the second chance!" He says.
"How though? You cheated on me with Donna don't forget that! I gave you the second chance because I can't love without you Finney Shaw Blake!" I say a tear slipping down my cheek.

Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe it was a good idea. Either way it gave me the opportunity to say what I had to say.

"You love me? Pathetic little liar!" He says.
"Finney I would fucking die for you but you wouldn't do the same would you?! You know the day we lost Robin was the day I realized I needed you more than ever. That you needed me more that ever. That we needed each other more than ever. Finney we promised that no slip up no matter how big or how small it was would tear us apart. And look at us now." I say.

He looks at me taken back by my words. He looked as if he understood what I was trying to say. But he still looked angry and upset.

"We're locked in some old dudes basement and all we can do is argue! I know I started it but I knew it was the only way to hear your voice. I knew you hated me with all your heart and I knew if I tried to start a normal conversation you'd just push me away. Finney your all I have your the only person keeping my life together. And I know I've been lonely all my life but the past few days I've never felt lonelier." I say as I start crying.

Finney walks up to me placing a soft kiss on my lips. I was taken aback by it but at the same time I was relieved. He pulled my close. I layed my head on his chest as I listened to his heart beat. Yes i was losing hope and yes I knew that there was a possibility of us never getting out but this moment gave me more hope.

It made me feel as if I was wrong about all the assumptions I made about Finney and him not loving me and not dieing for me like I would die for him.

"By the way youre wrong Eve. I would die for you. I'd do it once, twice, and maybe even three times if it meant you were safe my love" Finney says, his heart racing.

Shhh, I've Got You *Finney Blake × Fem OC*Where stories live. Discover now