The second call

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It was the second day being there or so I think it's the second day. I had forgot everything that happened yesterday and I was starting to forget more.

I didn't know what was happening anymore. Maybe I just didn't care. If I was gonna die so be it. I couldn't do nothing to stop it and neither could Finney.

"Eve" I hear someone say.

I look up to see that it's Finney walking towards me. I look at the ground upset because I don't want to talk to him.

"Eve I'm sorry" he says.
"No" is all I could muster up.
"No?" He says.
"No!" I yell.

I start crying hysterically. I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I was losing my mind. Everything I knew about myself was slipping away.

I couldn't remember my address because if I'm being honest I new I wasn't going home. I never was. Next thing I knew the phone rang.

I got up and sprinted to the phone.

"Hello" I say as I yank the phone off the receiver.
"Hello" a boy says on the other end.
"Who is this??" I ask wiping tears from my eyes.
"I can't remember" the boy says.
"What how?" I ask forgetting what Bruce had said.
"Nobody remembers their names. It's the first thing to go" he says.
"Shit" I say as I look at Finney.
"We've met before" the boy says.
"I delivered news papers" he says.
"Billy! Billy Showalter!" I yell a smile appearing on my face.


"Billy quit" I say with a laugh.
"Why should I?" Billy says.
"Because it's weird" I say.

Billy sat there making weird faces at me trying to get me to laugh.

"I'll stop if you tell me what's wrong." He says.
"Moose was being an asshole again." I say my smile fading.

Billy pulls me into a hug and at that moment my problems flooded away.

End of flashback

Back to Evelyn's pov

I was having a fairly bad day and I decided to hang out with Billy. At the time I didn't know Finney so we weren't best friends.

Billy was my best friend he knew everything about me and he knew everything about me. But we grew apart and when I found out he was taken it broke me. Alot.

"I missed you" I say.
"I missed you too." He says.
"I'm so sorry I let this happen to you" I say as I cry.
"It's not your fault." He pauses.
"I've got to go" he says.
"Don't!" I say quickly but I was to late.

The second call. It was the most painful one yet so far. It was like my past came back to haunt me and torture me. It was my fault we drifted apart. It was my fault he was gone.

Shhh, I've Got You *Finney Blake × Fem OC*Where stories live. Discover now