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I never meant to butt in with his personal life. It's just... I can't help but think. He's smile... is the best smile I've ever seen. But it's strange. What was shown in his lips is different from what his eyes have. It's dark. I might not have the right to ask, but I wanted to know. Badly.

"You're right. I live alone" he said.

"..." I stayed silent as I listen.

"My father... is away. He's out of town doing his business."

"Is that it?" I replied.

"Yeah. And honestly... I'm not in good terms with my father... but it's nothing serious."


"Don't worry about it!" he said.


"Actually, I lied." Huh? What? "I'm not in contact with my father since ages ago. So he might really be out of town... or maybe not. I don't know. Either way, I'm not planning to know"

That's terrible. He said it's nothing serious... but to cut ties with his family is...

"But living alone does not mean you're lonely! Right?" he muttered.

"W-well. I guess you have a point" I replied.

"Yeah, right. It's not... since you're here."

"Huh!? What?" it felt like my face's turning red.

"Ahahahaha!" he laughed. And it's a genuine one.

"YAH!" I exclaimed. He stopped laughing. We both looked to each other. And then start laughing again. I can't believe this. In the middle of a serious conversation, we managed to laugh and chuckle like kids. Then I started to realize I'd be able to become myself again. I can talk to him normally. I can smile and laugh like I was before. When did I became so laid back I forgot to enjoy life like this? I don't know. But right now, I'm happy. I'm glad to have met this guy.

"So you're really alone... I mean, what about maids. Or butler? Don't you have any? To accompany you? This house I too big for you alone." I said.

"Well, most of the simple things like cleaning and cooking... I can manage it myself. I'm the hands-on type of person... so it's not a big deal" he responded.

"You do the cleaning of this chateau? All by yourself?" that might be hard for him, I thought.

"Haha. I only clean the part's that is necessary." He chuckles. "Only the rooms I am using, of course"

"Oh." He's really something. Not only he's living independently, he can even do housework alone. "How about your mother?"

Tsk. My goddamn mouth slipped again.

"Ah. My mum." He paused for a second. "She... already passed away."

"Oh no, I'm sorry." I apologized. Again.

"It's alright." He said, "She died in an accident."

"I-I'm really sorry. I ruined the mood again."

"No. I said it's alright" he smiled back at me.

I paused for a second.

"Well. A-Actually, I think we're both the same. My mother... passed away when I was born." I said

In Front of His Throne | taekookWhere stories live. Discover now