Kookie Heart pt.1

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I drove back to Jungkook's place. It took me less than 2 hours to reach the island. Then another several minutes until I got into the front gate. I've been here before, but it still gives me the creep. When I finally reached the front yard, I parked my car and walked towards the manor.

Every step seems to take forever. It feels like the world is spinning slowly. I walked past through hedges, statues, fountains... but just before I could reach the staircase of the façade, I stopped. My eyes widen with what I deem to see. It was a man. A man running towards my direction. Things suddenly went fast. He stumbled upon me we almost fell on the ground. Good thing we didn't. But then I realized, we both stood still because this man is hugging me tightly, like it was the last. I didn't know what was happening until he spoke. And then I came to my senses.

"I—I thought you won't be back..." he mumbled with his head buried on my chest.

"J-J-Jungkook..." I replied.

"I'm glad... really. I'm so glad... that you came. Hyung."

He's near from crying. I embraced him and pat his back. Jungkook is shaking. I don't know why, but I just moved on my own. I didn't even question myself, or him... with what situation we're in. I did not speak, but continued to pat him like a child. We stayed that way for a moment, until he let go from the hug.

"Jungkook... are you... alright?" I finally asked.

"Yes... I guess." He answered.

"Huh? Why?"

"I'm just happy... so happy I overreacted. Sorry. He-he" he chuckled.

"No. I'm sorry. It took me so long."

"It's okay." He said. "This time... I won't let go of you."

"Huh? Did you say something?" I asked.

"Ah no. it's nothing." He chuckled again. "Let's go."

And then he grabbed my hand and dragged me inside his house.

"W-Wait... where are we going?" I cooed.

"I'm in the mood today...so..."

"W-What!? M-Mood??" I fussed even more. Why is this happening? It's so fast—

"Ha-ha. What are you thinking?" he answered.


"I promised you, right? That I'll be doing a portrait of you. So we better do it now cuz I'm in the mood" he explained.

"Ahh!" I'm so embarrassed. I can feel my face heating up and I know, right now, it's filling with red tint cuz of what I am thinking just a while back. What the heck, Taehyung. 

"Heh..." he looked back at me with a teasing grin on his face, like its saying straight to me, 'how pervert'.

Argh! I couldn't get any embarrassed as this.

Inside his gallery lies a studio where Jungkook, most likely, do his artworks. I'm quite amazed as usual, cuz' I didn't get to see this room back when I was here. There's a set of couches of different designs, backdrops and blank canvases leaning aside. But something is weird the first time I look at it.  Don't know if it's just me... but, everything... seems to be a set up. Oh well, I might be thinking things too much.

"Hyung, you can do whatever pose you like." he said.

"Ah... b-but, I'm not used to doing things like this... so I don't know what to do."

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